A/N: I don't own Supernatural. Only the plot of this story came from my mind. Any similarity with other stories is purely coincidental. I hope you enjoy it. There will be incest. You have been warned. Don't like it, don't read it.
Thunder crashed and lightning lit the sky as Sam flew back and crashed into a large tree trunk. "Sammy!" Dean cried out, "You okay?" he asked as he dodged another spell aimed at him. When Sam didn't answer Dean shot at the witch and ran over to him. Dean lightly slapped Sam's cheek and shot at the witch. Sam groaned as he started to come to, distracting Dean as a spell was flung at him. It hit him square in the back. He cried out and slumped forward over his brother, who gained consciousness and shot the witch in the heart. She fell to the ground dead, and Sam struggled to get up, he cried out in pain as he lifted dean off of him, and sat up, pain coursed through him. He shook it off and got up. He picked up Dean and trekked back to the Impala and gently lay him in the back seat. He got in the drivers seat and tore back to their hotel room.
He rushed into their room and quickly packed their stuff. "Weapons, research, Dad's journal, and my computer. Check, check, check, and check." he said. He moved it all out into the car, and washed his face, before going to the check out of the hotel. That finished, he got back into Baby and started off down the road.
He drove all night before pulling into a crummy motel named "Velvet Lodging." He parked and looked back at Dean in the back seat, he was still out of it. He didn't try to wake him up after checking in, instead he just picked him up and carried him inside. He frowned, was it just him or was Dean lighter than he remembered. Sam carefully set him down on the bed farthest from the door and went back to turn the lights on. It didn't help much, the bare bulbs were dim, and did little more than cast shadows about the room. Sam cursed and pulled out his flash light shining it around the room. The walls were a disturbing shade of fuchsia, and the floor was a dirty, stained red violet shag. He didn't even want t look at the beds, so instead he went to the car and brought their duffels in, and began to search through them for the first aid kit.
While he completed his quest Dean groaned, and sat up. Sammy looked up, but could only make out shadows. "Dean? Are you okay?" Sam asked, worry coloring his voice. He moved closer to the bed that held his brother. Dean shifted, and looked around for Sam, before locating him. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
He leaned forward, and felt his hair fall over his shoulders, and down in front of him, hanging in shadowed ropes. His green eyes widened and he grabbed at the long hair and yanked at it. He cried out in pain. He could hear Sammy asking if he was okay, but he ignored it. He closed his eyes and felt his eyelashes brush against his cheeks, before opening his eyes and once again locating his brother. "Dude something is wrong." he said, then his eyes widened. His voice was all fucked up. It was high pitched and feminine. He ran his hands down his front, and felt the soft lumps beneath his palms. He felt panic starting to well up as his hands continued their journey down. He squeaked at the hourglass figure that met him. The last straw was when he felt lower, and couldn't find his dick, "SONOFABITCH!" she screamed. "Sammy, I'm a fucking chick!" he said.
Sam finally got over the shock of the melodious FEMALE voice coming from his rough brother, and shone the flash light on him. He blinked, and found his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. The woman sitting before him, was gorgeous. Long burnished gold hair fell in waves past her perfect b-cup breasts, and her pure emerald eyes were fringed in long dark lashes. A look of pure panic was glaring at him from her gaze. "Dean." he said as he moved closer, "Dean calm down. What's the last thing you remember?" he asked, hoping that it would help Dean calm down some.
Dean looked at him, and closed her eyes thinking hard, willing herself to calm down. "You were sent flying by the witch, I shot at her and tried to wake you up. You had groaned, and started to sit up when something hit me in the back, and lights out." she said. She scooted over to the edge of the bed, and eased her legs down so that her feet touched the carpet. Her small feet slid around in the large boots. She grimaced and stood up. Sam automatically stood up too, and looked down at his brother in surprise.
"Dude you're like-"
"Don't even say it Sammy. I will kick your ass!" she hissed, the venom in her voice causing Sam to involuntarily step back. Dean felt herself smirk at that. So what if he was now 5' nothing, and Sam was like twice her size and had a good hundred or so pounds on her.
"So, back to what you remember, I bet what hit you in the back was a spell. However the witch is dead so..." he trailed off. He looked at Dean, "There is nothing we can do tonight, so let's get some sleep, I've been driving all night. When we wake up we will figure it out." he said. Dean looked at him and finally nodded. Sam sighed silently in relief and shrugged out of his shirt as he kicked off his shoes. He shoved down his pants, and went into the bathroom. He flipped on the light and was blinded. The bathroom light was intense, especially when compared to the bedroom lights.
He showered quickly letting the hot water wash away the hunt. He tried to hurry so that Dean had hot water left. He wrapped a towel around his hips and exited the bathroom, "S'all yours Dean." he said. Dean nodded in thanks and limped into the well lit room.
She looked at herself in the mirror, and was surprised at what she saw, "Damn I'm hot." she whistled softly. The heart shaped face in the mirror seemed so foreign even though she knew it was her. The smooth porcelain skin, void of any hair gleamed softly in the florescent lighting. Dean sighed and turned away from the mirror. Her body seemed so foreign, and yet she could see her original self in this body. She pulled off her over shirt, and t-shirt, before pulling down her pants and boxers. She had left her boots in the room by her bed. She looked down at herself, softly rounded breasts with perky nipples seemed to stare her in the face, and a clean shaven pussy just below them did the same.
Her legs were so smooth and hairless, it was weird, her armpits too had no hair. She felt so naked without the extra hair. She grimaced, and quickly got into the shower. She cursed as the water in her hair made it extremely heavy on her head, and when she had to work so hard to clean the damn stuff. By the time she got to body washing herself she was frazzled, she was so happy to get out of the shower. She quickly wrapped a towel around her waist and stepped out of the bathroom.
Sammy sat on his bed clad only in boxers when Dean stepped out. Sam looked over and felt his heart stop. He felt his body react and slammed down on it. 'It's Dean, it's Dean.' repeated in his head over and over. Dean looked at him strangely, wondering why he was staring. Dean looked down and blushed, "Sorry Sammy. I didn't think..." she grimaced. She started to pull the towel up and was faced with another dilemma. "Dude... The towel isn't big enough to cover both parts..." she said.
Sam looked into Dean's eyes and noticed that her hair was soaking wet. "Dean, sit on my bed and face away from me. You'll catch a cold leaving your hair wet like that." he said. Dean quickly complied, and waited as Sam grabbed a new towel from the bathroom and started to rub her hair dry. Dean was silent as he finished and started combing the long strands out, careful of the knots. Dean relaxed into the feeling. It felt wonderful. She felt the bed shift as Sammy got up, and she turned to look at him. Sammy was rummaging in a bag. She watched until he stood up triumphantly holding a rubber band.
Dean cocked her head to the side. Sammy just grinned at her, and settled back in behind her. He turned her head back away from him, and swiftly started French braiding her hair. He tied it off and moved back. Dean looked at him, "Why'd you braid my hair Sammy, better yet, how do you know how to braid?" she asked.
Sam blushed, "I learned for Jess, and I did it so that you wont have to bother with it in the morning." he said. Dean hummed in agreement, and stood up.
She walked over to her duffle and pulled out a pair of boxers. She slipped them on and dropped the towel before pulling on a clean t-shirt. The damn thing drowned her. "First thing when we wake up, we are buying me some new clothes. I can't wear these tents..." she grumbled. Sam made a noise in agreement. Satisfied she moved around turning the lights off before slipping into her bed and falling asleep immediately.
Sam lay in his bed staring into the darkness at where he'd last seen Dean. He was worried about what he was feeling... He shook his head and ignored it, soon falling into a deep sleep.