Prologue : The Birth an Enigma

Edward Nigma was born, rather unremarkably, in the south end of Gotham City. His parents showed their love for him through abuse and neglect, and Edward's parents apparently loved him very much. As a boy, his academic performance was exemplary, although Edward's tendency towards anti-social behavior left him alone, although he did not mind. Riddles, puzzles and other conundrums were all Edward needed in terms of company. They offered Edward a challenge, one he could conquer and gain a feeling of confidence and control. According to Edward, all other humans were below him, and his schoolwork would always back this claim. However, school was not a priority for Edward's parents. Rather, they were more concerned with how they would pay for another bottle of their sorrow or a few hours of numbness with help from a needle and a silent conscience. Edward's father, when he was not seeing to his own inner demons, handled disciplining young Edward. He always tried to be on his best behavior, but it was never deemed "good enough". If you had asked Edward's father, he would tell you that they occasional "love tap" was the cornerstone to behavior enhancement. If you asked the same question to young Edward, he would not be able to respond, on account of his fractured jaw and missing teeth.

Edward's father hated few things more than lies. Edward constantly would swear to his word, but years of paranoia would cloud his father's judgment. Edward's legs were often left broken, and would never properly heal, leaving Edward with a permanent limp on his right side. In the four years until he held his high school diploma, the limp would be subject of ridicule and petty violence towards Edward at the hands of his classmates.

Edward, despite the abuse from his father and peers, managed to not only graduate from South Gotham High School, but also received a full academic scholarship to Gotham University. In some sort of twisted version of reality, perhaps it was fortunate that Edward suffered through the first part of his life. If he had not, then Edward never would have made that promise to himself on first day of university; that the world would one day know the name Edward Nigma. Edward studied criminology; he hoped to be a forensic scientist. He could not think of a better profession that would challenge him to be his best on a daily basis. After achieving his bachelor degree, Edward returned to school hoping for his doctorate in forensic science. The first to years of his studies went as normal; Edward would be at the top of his class and everyone else was left struggling to keep up.

Few years into the future, Edward would look back to his third year and see when an emotionally unstable boy became one of the most notorious in the history of Gotham. At the time, one Professor Strange, one of the most decorated forensic scientists in the world, taught Edward's forensics course. When he graded Edward's final paper, he was not thinking about how his life would be taken from him, long before it was due to expire. As Edward stared at the B+ on his paper, the repressed anger inside of him boiled out of his self-imposed container. After several days of a steady rage, Edward decided to let Professor Strange explain his reasoning behind the grade. Edward marched over to Professor Strange's office.

"What is the meaning of this," Edward shouted, just after he barged into the cramped office. He should Professor Strange the paper in question. "How could you give me this grade? I wrote the best paper in my class and you know it."

"Indeed it was Edward," Strange replied, "and the best paper in the class deserved a B plus."

The snow globe on Professor Strange's desk was in Edward's hands before he had complete control of himself. He felt as if he was a third person, watching, as the glass of the globe shattered over the Professor's head. Edward felt as if he was in a dream as he pulled one of larger pieces of glass from Strange's head wound, and repeatedly jabbed into the Professor's torso. Blood poured from Professor Strange's body like a leaking faucet. Edward became aware of himself as he stood over the fresh kill. He willed himself to move, but could not. Edward's head filled with the teachings of honesty form his father; he had to confess. How could do that Edward without going to jail? He smiled as the most elegant solution came to him. He took a piece of the Professor's personal stationary and a pen. He remembered his favorite from his childhood, and quickly but elegantly scribbled it onto the paper.

What do we see once in a year, twice in a week, but never in a day?

Edward quietly chuckled as he sauntered out of his teacher's office. He thought about the promise he made to himself years ago. Indeed, the world will one day know the name Edward Nigma.