Chapter 1- Prologue

'Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending.'- C. JoyBell C.

This saying that I once heard said that God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled. My interpretation of the adage may be slightly different from what it actually means. My interpretation is in fact quite literal and I'm not even sure that God had anything to do with it.

I had been a normal 17 year old girl and when I say normal- I mean average: Moderately tall brown hair, dark brown eyes and 120 lbs within a 5'6 frame- completely ordinary. The get average grades, babysit your neighbour's pet every now and then, blend into the crowd ordinary.

So when I died and found out that I didn't actually stay dead but was rather reborn into another world where I was for all sense and purposes- immortal and added to the fact that in order to be immortal in that world I would either have had to have died only to be chosen by some interstellar force or just be chosen by the interstellar force- I was a bit floored.

But then again, maybe 'reborn' is too strong a word. 'Transferred' would be more appropriate. Rebirth consists of a new body. The only thing that had happened to my body upon crossing over had been that my hair and the irises of my eyes were now completely black. Oh and my skin was also pretty pale and that's despite the fact that I literally seemed to glow.

I don't even know how I had gone from snacking on chips while watching bootleg movies in my room to waking up in a burnt down building. The only thing I do remember was orange and even that in itself was weird. I mean who remembers a colour of all things.

Well colours actually. First it was the orange, intense and feral and rapid- all around me, everything- it burned, like a searing and never ending torrent but then it did end.

The next colour I remember was white- dazzling and unremitting, steady and it was just there! It was everywhere! It was as if I had been completely enveloped by an unwavering protective force. I remember feeling both relaxed and apprehensive at the same time. Then before I knew it a faraway, spherical mass seemed to be directing its rays solely on me, all the way from where it floated in the sky.

"The moon," my dazed mind whispered.

My eyes fluttered, trying to keep them open suddenly became taxing.

'You are not alone.'

I groaned quietly and it barely registered that a stream of light was communicating with me.

'You are the Spirit of Halloween.'

"What does that mean?"

'You are…'

I was really tired. It seemed as if my energy had been drained from whatever transaction had occurred. None of my body parts seemed to want to listen to me. Everything was numb- my body and especially my mind.

'…Haley Hallows.'

That was the last thing I registered as I all too willingly surrendered to the void that called to me, where I at least found what I expected- darkness.

Word Count: 517

A/N: I've had this saved on my computer for quite some time now. I'm not sure of where I'm going with this story, but I wanted it to be out there. Constructive criticism/comment are welcomed and appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

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