Zuko and Ty Lee recline in the living quarters of the Fire Nation Royal Palace. They talked about everything and nothing and mostly just delaying sleep to obsess over nostalgia. There were more bad times than good times but they managed to avoid discussing the former.
Until Azula came up. It was hard to avoid some doom and gloom when she was involved.
"She only has two emotions; cold anger and hot anger," bluntly complains Princess Ty Lee.
"That's two more emotions than my wife has," replies Fire Lord Zuko, laughing at his own retort as he says it.
Ty Lee giggles. "I guess we both chose emotionally challenged brides."
An eavesdropper coolly snarls from the shadowy doorway, "Maybe if you made me feel emotions other than anger I would be able to fulfill your unrealistic standards for a dream girl."
Ty Lee flinches. The last thing she wanted was for Azula to ovverhear t his conversation. The princess has a tendency to… overreact.
And so does Zuko, apparently.
"Ty Lee, I propose a challenge. Whoever makes his or her wife show a strong emotion first - with proof - wins!"
"What do I win?"
"What do you want?"
"Your special Pai Sho set."
"Why would you want that?"
Ty Lee flashes an evil smile. "So you won't have it."
Azula laughs. Zuko scowls.
"Fine. I want your expensive Earth Kingdom perfume."
"Just win the contest and you can keep it."
Azula makes a sound like an angry cat. Ty Lee shakes Zuko's hand, scared as she may be.
"Sorry, my goddess," says Ty Lee.
"Oh, don't be sorry. I will prevent you from winning this contest if I die trying."
Ty Lee gulps. Zuko cannot hide his triumphant smirk.
Azula slams the door as she leaves, briefly terrifying them both.
Who will make their wife show strong emotion first? Tune in next time. I'm already working on the chapter so expect it very soon.
If you'd like, place your bet in the comments!