The life as a Winchester.
At first they thought it was nothing, after all she always had that trouble. Though when John got called in to meet with her teacher they found out that this wasn't the case.
" , we have some concerns for your, daughter?" The teacher said, though to John it had sounded more like a question.
"Niece." John corrected. The teacher looked down at the file she had in front of her She then nervously chuckled before she looked back at John.
"Niece, right. Um, has Gwen always had a trouble with reading?" She asked. John glared slightly at her and the teacher took it as a no.
"Well, you see, Gwen has an issue reading the books we give them to practice reading. She can hardly read the things on the board." The teacher said. John nodded and the teacher continued.
"We have reasons to believe that Gwen will need to go to the eye doctor." The teacher finished.
"I will take her to get checked out." He said. James wore glasses so maybe it's hereditary. The teacher gave him a satisfied and she excused him.
John headed back to the apartment he was renting deep in thought. How would he pay for this? It wasn't like he had allot of jobs or insurance to do this. Maybe Bobby knew someone. John thought as he walked the cold streets. The second question on his mind was how come hasn't he been called in to a meeting before, she has been in school for a few months. John sighed as he opened the front door and walked into the small apartment. The first thing John saw was Dean heating up a bowl of spaghetti O's. The second was his youngest son working on flash cards with Gwen. Though he was standing a few feet away.
"Alright Gwen, now sound it out." Sam said patiently.
"Th-a-t. Th-a-t. That." Gwen said. Sam smiled at her and she clapped.
"Okay now try this one." Sam said as he flipped the cards. This time she squinted a little before she shook her head.
"Can't, too blurry." She said said miserably. Sam nodded as he put her cards away. John then walked into the kitchen with Dean.
"Hey dad." Dean said when he saw him. John smiled and ruffled his hair. Dean swatted his hand away before he served the bowls.
"Sorry there isn't much. Its all we had." Dean said.
"It's fine, we need to go shopping anyhow." John said. Dean smiled and he put the bowls on the small table.
"I'll call 'em in." John said. He then walked into the living room.
"Hey guys." John said. Gwen gave him a big grin and Sam laughed.
"Hey dad." Sam said.
"Hey Sammy, hey munchkin." John said. Gwen quickly got up and ran over to him, but she ended up bumping into his legs.
"Careful." John said. Gwen smiled as she walked to the table with help from Sam. Once they all sat down Dean cleared his throat.
"So, what did the teacher want?" Dean asked. John glanced at Dean and sighed.
"Gwen needs glasses." John said.
"I think we all knew that one." Sam mumered under his breath. Dean nodded in agreement and Gwen gave John a curious look.
"What glasses?" She asked. John then went on to explaine what glasses are. Sam and Dean gave each other a look as John talked to Gwen, this was going to be interesting.
~4 years later~
Gwen glared as Dean pulled her out of the car. She didn't like this at all, after the first time there she knew that this trip wouldn't be as plesant as she thought.
"Come on, you know the drill." Dean said. Gwen nodded as she got out of the car. She then let Dean drag her towards the familiar building.
"You know Dr. Vic, you liked him remember." Dean said. This calmed Gwen down slightly, he was her original eye doctor before Jihn found a hunter who did it, well he was the brother of a hunter. Though she still wasn't all that happy about this trip.
"Obviosly I don't." Gwen mumbled to herself. Dean gave her a look and she looked away. She hung out with Sam way to much, she was starting to sound like him.
"Oh well, if you want to help out on hunts..." Dean started. He has given this search a thousand times ever sense she found out about hunting.
"I know, I know. If I want to help on hunts then I should make sure nothing gets in the way." She said. Dean nodded as he began to pull her up the stairs to the office. Doctor Vic had a small eye place, though this was good because he helped out with vet hunters more than anyone else. Gwen was the first kid he worked with in years, which is why she always liked coming there instead of the other one.
"Welcome back Gwen." A cheerful voice called. Gwen nodded as she was guided to the backroom. She knew the preserver by heart at this point. First she gets her eyes scanned, then they get a reading on her persription. Then she would get sent back to Dean then she would be called in to read the letters and they would do the glasses thing. Though this time she assumed that she would also be doing something diffrent since they were back with Vic.
Pas predicted they went through the normal preserver though this time she was pulled to a table set up with a big bowl and a few more things. She then found herself having a woman putting contacts in her eyes.
"Alright now go back to your brother, we will call you back in a few minutes." She told her. Gwen nodded and she sat back with Dean.
"See, not so bad." Dean told her.
"You're right." She mumbled.
So I wrote two short stories and put them together to create this. Just to let you guys know this is set before the previous two chapters.