The Super Filled Ending

Continuing on from the Team Chaotix playthrough.

Vector dents the door of Eggman's capsule with his fists and rips it open.

"We're here to save you! Dr. Eggman, I presume?" Vector annouces.

Eggman glares back at them. Espio and Charmy are astounded.

"What's going on?" Espio asks.

"You knew it was me all along, didn't you?" Doctor Eggman tells them.

"It's all part of being a good detective." Vector answers.

"Were we fooled that easily?" Espio rethinks.

"You're ROTTEN!" Charmy shouts.

"Hey, hold on you guys! It's no trick, and besides, I plan on paying you. You'll be rewarded handsomely for helping me! As soon as I conquer the world, I will pay you!" Doctor Eggman explains.

The Chaotix pause in anger, knowing that Eggman won't keep this promise.

"Some nerve promising what you ain't got!" Vector says.

"We've been had!" Espio finds out.

"J-j-just wait a minute, just listen to me!" Doctor Eggman asks.

"Then who was it? Who locked you up here for trying to conquer the world?" Vector inquires.

"It was..." Doctor Eggman starts.

A vast thunderstorm is raging in Eggman's fleet. Team Sonic, Team Dark and Team Rose converge on Neo Metal Sonic, who is standing at the top of a tower.

"All living things kneel before your master!" Neo Metal Sonic annouces.

Neo Metal Sonic creates an electrifying plume of light from his palm which blows up the tower. Team Chaotix join the others just in time to witness him undergo a transformation, and the teams watch on in horror. In a vortex of bright light and smoke, Neo Metal Sonic attaches parts of the destroyed tower to himself and transforms into an immense metallic beast known as Metal Madness. Metal Madness lets out a deafening roar.

"Metal Sonic has finally transformed!" Doctor Eggman says.

An enormous horde of panicked Egg Pawns make a hasty retreat to escape Metal Madness.

"So that's Metal Sonic?!" Sonic asks.

"It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of Chaos and is super strong! We can't defeat it! Aargh... if only we had the seven Chaos Emeralds!" Doctor Eggman explains.

They do indeed have the Emeralds! Cream pulls out the yellow Emerald and shows it to Eggman, and her comrades follow suit: Big has the purple one, Rouge has the white one, Omega has the green one, Sonic has the blue one, Espio has the red one, and Charmy has the cyan one. Eggman is stunned at the sight of them.

"What's this? But how? Even with the Emeralds' power, our chances for victory are slim. It would take a miracle!" Doctor Eggman says.

"Just leave that to me, Doc..." Sonic starts to say.

"Sonic, no!" Amy shouts.

"I'm going with you." Adam tells Sonic.


"You can count me in." Shadow says.


"Okay guys, we'll buy you some time. That way you can use your super powers." Tails says.

Knuckles; Tails and the rest of Team Dark, Team Rose with the Chaotix non-verbally affirm that they'll fight in the upcoming battle. Tails and Knuckles stand by Sonic's side, and he turns in a circle to address all his comrades at once.

"Okay then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the real super power of TEAM WORK!" Sonic annouces to everyone.

Having taken considerable damage, the furious Metal Madness flails about and roars. Suddenly, his fingers burst off and are replaced by long, slender blades which resemble wings, making him airborne. He has transformed into Metal Overlord! With a flap of his wings, the metallic brute shoots off into the skies. Team Sonic are ready for the next stage and nod in agreement - as they place their hands together, the Chaos Emeralds whirl rapidly around their heads and the Sonic Heroes theme plays. Sonic crosses his arms and then, in a blinding flash of golden light, he transforms into Super Sonic! Shadow turns into a flash of gold as he and Adam, both turn to into their Super forms, levitate upwards and join Sonic's side. The team zoom forward to finish Metal Overlord once and for all.

The defeated Neo Metal Sonic is crouched on the ground in hopelessness as Team Sonic rush over to him. His body glows white and he reverts back to ordinary Metal Sonic.

"It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?" Metal Sonic asks.

"Heh. Because... we're Sonic Heroes!" SpongeBob answers.

The other three teams arrive at the scene.

"Sonic!" Amy shouts.

"Anytime you want a rematch, just let me know. I'll be waiting." Sonic tells Metal Sonic.

Sonic zips away with Adam, Tails and Amy running after him.

"Hey Sonic, wait up!" Adam shouts.

"Sorry to leave like this, but I can't let my Sonic get away!" Amy tells the others.

"Good luck, Amy!" Cream asks.

"Bye-bye!" Big says.

"Sonic sure has his hands full." Knuckles comments.

"I guess I'm outta here, too. I think I'll go hunt for someone else's treasure." Rouge suduces Knuckles.

Rouge struts away contentedly.

"She never gives up, does she?" Knuckles says.

Knuckles charges after Rouge as she quickens her pace.

"Oh no, you don't! Wait!"

"Guess that's it for this case." Vector says.

"Guess so." Espio responds.

"But what about our money?" Charmy asks.

"Man, I almost forgot!"

Eggman is surreptitiously sneaking away, but the Chaotix spot him and give chase.

"That SLIME BALL!" Vector shouts.

Omega is holding Metal Sonic in his arms - Shadow and Omega look at each other in confusion. The scene then changes to Team Sonic running through Seaside Hill.

"Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste! Yeah! We're SONIC HEROES!" Sonic shouts.

Sonic and his pals jump and strike an ending pose.

A/N - And that is it for Heroes, It was a bit short to my tastes and I can't wait until the next story. What is that, you say? THREE OF THEM. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure with our big budget bottom feeder, Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric. But that may be coming after I continue both The Female Doctor Chronicles - Series Two and The Caretaker of A Whole New Life.

BattleOfDuty - May 16th, 2015.