Hours later, as the sun met the horizon, Henry released the last arrow; his shoulders dropped as it missed the target. Robin patted his back, shrugging his shoulder and tilting his head in support. "Don't worry. You'll get it in no time," He paused, motioning toward the scattered pile of arrows littering the forest floor. "You're actually doing much better than your mother. I swear I had to get her a new bow on several occasions." Henry laughed, slipping his bow onto his shoulder before joining Robin in picking up their mess.

They worked in silence for a moment before Henry turned an impressed stare toward the brave archer. "So you actually shot arrows at Mom?" Robin chuckled, glancing at Henry as he returned the arrows to their rightful place in his quiver.

"Don't let your mother fool you. For every arrow I sent her way, she returned it with a fireball of her own." Henry smirked, arching an eyebrow as Robin continued. "I almost burned to death on a daily basis. I believe the dwarves and Merry Men had bets on when she'd finally kill me." Henry's smirk turned into full laughter as he shook his head. Robin smiled, leading the way to the road as his mind drifted through his memories of their year in the Enchanted Forest.

"Yeah, that sounds like Mom. She likes her fireballs," Henry replied, stepping over a fallen tree branch.

Robin nodded his head, his smile growing. "Well, it's only natural with a spirit like hers."

Taking note of the happy tone of his voice and his goofy grin, Henry studied the man next to him and stopped walking as the corner of his lips tipped upward. Robin turned to acknowledge Henry's cease in movements, his brow furrowing in confusion. "You really love her, don't you?" Robin sucked in a breath, caught off guard by Henry's question.

He recovered quickly, his features relaxing before he nodded his head. "Of course; what is there not to love?" Robin held his eye contact with Henry until the boy glanced to the ground, his hands finding their way into his pockets.

When he returned his gaze to Robin, he bit his bottom lip, hesitating with his response. "The Evil Queen…" Henry lowered his eyes once more, shaking his head before facing Robin again. Robin sighed, motioning for Henry to continue their walk, and waited until he was at his side before resuming their conversation. Henry glanced at him, wanting to hear what he would say. He no longer held his mother's past against her, but it didn't mean others agreed. He needed to know how Robin felt; he needed to be sure she wouldn't get hurt.

Robin breathed in, letting his lungs fill with fresh air. "There's a story behind everyone's past, Henry, and with your mother…hers is a complicated one." He glanced at the teenager next to him as they traded grass, twigs, and leaves under their feet for concrete, gravel, and skid marks. Henry nodded his head, facing Robin fully as they came to another stop. "Maybe one day you'll get all the details, as I have, and you'll understand how easy it is for me to look past her years as the Evil Queen," He paused again, thinking over his words, careful not to taint the relationship between the boy and his mother.

Henry released a small smile, encouraging the man to continue. So far, he liked what he was hearing and he accepted that his mother finally had another person in her life to love her unconditionally. Henry tuned into Robin's voice, taking comfort in a way he hadn't realized he needed. "Heartbreak and self-loathing…it can do many things to a person."

At this Henry perked up, interrupting Robin. "Like make them blind with rage?" Robin nodded his head, his lips disappearing into a thin line.

"Yes, that is one thing." Robin's brow creased for a moment, taking in Henry's casual posture and growing smile. Did Henry understand more than he was letting on? Was the boy testing him? Robin loosened his shoulders, following Henry's lead as they began walking down the road toward the town. He could only hope he had passed.

"Mom's not like that anymore though." Pride swelled in Henry's features. "She's changed." He punctuated it with a short nod of his head. Robin smiled, agreeing with him.

"That she has, Henry, and all because of you." At the curiosity and mischief forming in Henry's eyes, Robin placed a hand on his shoulder and gripped firmly. "Now, before I say something that your mother will kill me for," He shared a knowing look with Henry and then continued, "how about you take me to that…arcade?" He questioned and Henry nodded. "That you were talking about earlier?"

Henry chuckled, a wide smile spreading across his cheeks. "You really want to go?"

"It's something you enjoy, right?" Henry nodded, enthusiasm quickening his pace. "Well, tonight is about us bonding so let's go." Robin laughed as Henry's excitement took over, sending the boy into a long story about his mothers. Emma loved playing video games with him; Regina did not, and had stopped once she realized Emma would be there to do it.

"I kept beating her, too, and you know Mom. She," Henry paused, contorting his features into his best Regina Mills impersonation. "doesn't lose." He startled momentarily as Robin's voice joined his, and they chuckled at their lousy attempts to mimic Regina. "You know, you're pretty cool, Robin. I'm glad we got this chance to spend more time together." Henry smiled before turning his attention to the town buildings coming into view.

Robin breathed in and out, needing a second to soak in Henry's praise, but before he could return the sentiment, Henry pulled out his phone and started speaking. "I should probably call Mom and make sure the change in plans is okay." A sheepish hesitance fell over his features as he brought his phone to his ear. "I might have shown Roland her secret candy stash." Robin scoffed, shaking his head. Henry shrugged his shoulders, changing the subject while he waited for his mother to answer. "Do you think we could get pizza for dinner?" Robin smiled, nodding his head and deciding to take the night for all its worth.

... ... ... ... ...

Regina pressed her finger against her phone, ending her call with Henry and slipping it back into her pocket. She turned her gaze to Roland as he sniffled and swung his foot watching his loose shoe strings fly in the air. A corner of her lips lifted as she knelt to tie his shoes. "Who was it?" Roland asked as he sat down, focusing on her fingers as they maneuvered his laces into tight bows. Regina glanced at him, noticing his interest, and made a mental note for her and Robin to start teaching him.

She patted his legs, holding out a hand to help him back to his feet. "It was Henry. It looks like it'll be just you and me a little longer." She fought back a yawn as she straightened his jacket. "But I don't know if I can keep playing tag." She cupped his cheek, running a thumb over his pink skin.

Roland stepped closer to her, sniffling again. "That's okay, Regina. We can do something else." His eyes lit up with excitement. "Like bake cookies!" He bounced, folding his hands together and placing them under his chin. "Please! Please, please!"

Regina nodded her head, laughing when he cheered and jumped into her arms, nearly knocking her backward. "What kind of cookies should we bake?" Standing up, she glanced at the boy in her arms, grinning as he placed a finger to his chin in thought.

His finger flew from his chin to point toward the sky as he shouted out, "Chocolate chip!" He giggled, wrapping his arms around her neck as she adjusted her hold on him. "They are Henry and Papa's favorites." He rested his head on her shoulder, burying his face into the soft fabric of her scarf, and she hugged him closer as she headed for the back door.

"That's true." She pushed the door open, stepping into the kitchen before setting Roland back on his feet. He spun around, bounding to the pantry and opening it in search of ingredients. She followed him, letting his excitement chase away her fatigue, and as she passed him the bag of chocolate chips, he smiled at her before squeezing between her and the pantry door.

Regina grabbed the other ingredients, depositing them onto the counter before helping Roland onto the stool between them. Once she was certain he wouldn't fall, she left his side to gather the bowls and measuring utensils they would need. Roland watched her until his eyes spotted the large basket of apples in the middle of the room. "Umm," He started, lifting his gaze to Regina's curious stare. "Can we make something else, too?"

Regina bit back her smirk, having already known his sweet tooth would get the better of him. "Cookies aren't enough?" He shook his head, his eyes dropping to the apples once more. "What else do you want to make?" She returned to his side, setting down the items in her hands and waiting with a knowing smile for Roland to answer.

Roland glanced down, poking the bag of chocolate chips. "Apple turnovers?" Regina's smile faltered for a brief moment as her heart jumped at his words. When had he learned to say it correctly? Had Robin taught him while they were gone? Her teary gaze fell to the counter, but Roland's enthusiastic voice demanded her attention. "Those are my favorite!"

At his words, her smile returned and a soft laugh chased away her tears. "Oh really?" Roland nodded his head, glancing toward the apples again. Regina leaned closer to him, lowering her voice. "They're my favorite, too."

Roland perked up, his eyes widening and his smile growing. "I know! I saw'd you sneak a second one last time."

Regina gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. "You did?" He nodded his head, giggling at her theatrics. "Well, I thought I was hiding it well." She feigned a pout, releasing a huff of breath.

"Don't worry, Regina." Roland placed a hand over hers, leaning onto the counter to do so. "You did! I'm just very good at being quiet and sneaking up on people and," He sucked in a deep breath, his tone of voice serious and comforting. "'Cause I'm so little you couldn't see me. You were looking for someone big like Papa!" He lifted his arms out to his sides, his fingers stretching outward as he smiled.

Regina laughed, grabbing the apple basket and bringing it to their counter. "That is true. I guess this time I'll have to look out for you, too, huh?" She poked his side, bringing forth a high pitched squeal.

She pulled back, her hands hovering near Roland as he settled once again onto the stool. "Yep," He said proudly before reaching for an apple. "Or," He trailed off, peeking at her from the corner of his eye. Regina arched an eyebrow, waiting for what he would say next. "I could sneak it with you!"

Fighting back her laughter at his bulging eyes and toothy smile, she raised both eyebrows in feigned shock. "Oh, well, that is an idea." Roland nodded his head, agreeing with her.

"It will be our secret." He giggled before leaning closer to her to whisper. "Like you talking about Papa when you were sleeping in the castle." Regina scoffed, covering it quickly with her hand and a small cough.

"You remember that?"

"Yep!" Roland moved back, holding up the apple in his hand. "So can we make turnovers, too? Papa likes'em, too," He dragged out, releasing his best dimpled smile, and Regina couldn't hold back her laughter.

She leaned forward, kissing his forehead as she took the apple from his hand. "Yes, we can, and your Papa has a big sweet tooth." At Roland's furrowed brow, she elaborated playfully. "He likes everything sweet!"

Roland smiled, pointing to his chest. "Like me!" Regina chuckled, nodding her head.

"And Henry." Roland's eyes grew as he laughed, climbing onto the counter as he reached for her. She moved closer, steadying him as he placed his hands on her cheeks.

"You, too, Regina!" She smiled, causing him to giggle as her cheeks pushed against his palms. He moved back, turning his attention to the items in front of him. "That's what makes us a good family." Regina sucked in a breath, feeling her heart swell at his words. Roland glanced at her, missing the tears forming in her eyes as he continued. "We all like sweets and arrows and apples and monkeys and puppies," Regina grinned, blinking back her tears, and began to organize ingredients as she listened to Roland. "And pancakes and warm blankets and mud puddles and video games and cartoons." Regina chuckled, shaking her head and interrupting the boy when he took a deep breath.

"Roland, Honey," He released his breath, catching her eyes. "Those are all things you like!" He smiled sheepishly, lifting his shoulders as he tried not to laugh. "I, for one," She sent him a casual glare, pursing her lips. "Do not like mud puddles, especially when they get tracked across my floors."

Roland's hands shot to his mouth, failing to hide his amusement. "That's Papa's fault!" He mumbled behind his hands before he lowered them to point at his chest. "I clean my feet like you showed me."

"Oh, I see." She arched an eyebrow. "Do I need to show your Papa how to use the welcome mat?"

Roland nodded his head, placing his palms on the counter and leaning forward to study the ingredients. "I tried, but he doesn't listen to me." He shrugged his shoulders before locking his attention onto the items separated into three groups in front of him. "What's first?" He glanced at Regina, who smiled back at him.

"I don't know. What do you think?" Roland breathed in, letting it out slowly as his eyes looked between the bag of chocolate chips and the basket of apples. Regina watched him, not surprised in the least when he finally answered.

"Apples!" He beamed at her, showcasing his dimples. "Then we can eat one before Papa and Henry get home." He nodded his head, hoping to coax her into agreement.

Regina licked her lips, hiding her smirk as she furrowed her brow and looked at him. "But what about sneaking one later?" Roland sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"We can still do that, too." Regina shook her head, pursing her lips as she leaned closer to him. He giggled when their foreheads met.

"What am I going to do with you, my little knight?" She pulled back, tapping the end of his nose playfully. "You know we can't sneak more than we need." She bit her lip when he groaned, sitting back and crossing his arms.

"You sound like Papa now."

Regina chuckled. "Well, he's a smart man. You should listen to him." Roland sighed, glancing at her before returning his eyes to the counter.

"I do, but only 'cause I have to." Regina smirked, changing the subject and helping him through the process of baking apple turnovers and chocolate chip cookies.

... ... ... ... ...

Robin hid his smirk behind his last bite of pizza as he watched Henry converse with the young girl behind the prize counter. She nodded her head, blushing as she turned around to grab the toy Henry had requested. The stuffed lion was the only item Roland needed to complete his safari themed room, and Henry couldn't wait to give it to him.

Henry glanced over his shoulder, a wide smile stretched across his lips until he noticed that he wasn't alone. Robin smirked, holding back his laughter at the sudden redness to Henry's cheeks as he rushed through his goodbyes and darted past Robin into the chilly evening air. Waving to the girl, Robin followed Henry outside, chuckling before leaning closer to him. "Does Sir Henry wish to woo Lady Paige?"

Henry grimaced, turning to face Robin as they stopped at the corner. "We really need to update your vocabulary." He shook his head as Robin furrowed his brow. "We call it dating now."

Robin nodded his head, relaxing and making a noise of understanding before adding, "That doesn't change my question. Do you wish to date her?" Henry scoffed before his features settled into a stern scowl much like his mother's, causing Robin to lessen his teasing tone. "Don't play your mother's card." Robin stopped them again, placing a hand on Henry's shoulder. "I'm not going to ask you a million questions nor am I going to lecture you. I simply want to be here for you, Henry."

Henry sighed, glancing around them before looking back at Robin. "Don't tell my moms, please. They can both be a bit…protective." The tension in Henry's shoulders loosened as Robin laughed at Henry's choice of words. They both knew he'd stated it lightly, choosing to view his mothers' short fuses in a more positive way.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Henry returned Robin's smile, turning to continue their walk when his eyes landed on the window next to him. His smile grew when the trinkets sparkled, calling him forward with whispered requests. He smirked, glancing over his shoulder at Robin, who raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "What is it?" Robin took a step closer, his mouth going dry at the shiny jewels. He opened his mouth to protest, but Henry was quicker, moving away and leaning on the door before Robin could stop him.

"Come on, Robin," Henry begged, his smile never quite leaving his face. "Doesn't hurt to look, right?"

Robin rubbed the back of his neck, glancing from the teenager to the store's window display and back again. "Ah, Henry, I would love to go in there, but," He sighed, his shoulders shrugging as he shook his head. "I don't know how your mother,"

"We're only looking," Henry interrupted, releasing a supportive grin. "Besides, she's a woman. I don't know much, but I do know they always love jewelry." Robin pursed his lips, arching an eyebrow as Henry pushed the door open and motioned for him to walk inside.

Robin groaned, shaking his head as he gave in to Henry's request. "All right, but we aren't buying any specific rings."

Henry nodded his head, following the archer into the jewelry store with a victorious smile. "What about a nice necklace? Or a bracelet?" He beamed with excitement, bouncing as he exclaimed, "A tiara! She is a queen after all." Robin shook his head, releasing a playful eye roll as they strolled through the store searching for the perfect accessory for the woman they both loved.

... ... ... ... ...

While the turnovers cooled and the final batch of cookies baked, Regina stood at the refrigerator, searching for an easy dinner for her and Roland. She scrunched her mouth to the side, glancing at Roland as he sat in front of the oven watching the cookies flatten and brown. "What about hot dogs?"

Roland looked away from the oven, sighing as he moved to her side, and once she picked him up, he rested his head on her shoulder. "Okay." Regina pulled the package from the drawer, allowing him to hold it as she set about boiling a small pot of water.

She kissed his forehead when he yawned against her neck. "We can eat in the living room under a blanket tent and watch a movie. What do you think about that?" He lifted his head, blinking as a sleepy smile stretched across his lips.

"Like at the castle?" Regina nodded her head, wondering how much of their time in the Enchanted Forest he actually remembered. He mumbled his agreement, placing his head on her shoulder once again. Regina moved around the kitchen, expertly plopping their dinner into the boiling water, pulling out the hot cookies, and cleaning up their mess all while keeping Roland snuggled against her side.

Once they had finished their hot dogs, built their tent, and picked a movie, Regina and Roland cuddled together under a warm blanket and shared a small plate of cookies. It didn't take long before sleep took them over, leaving the movie to end without an audience.