Wallonia 7 years before the start of the Series. First meeting.

The wind blew right in the prison. Two women, a black haired one and a pink haired one were struggling. "Let us go immediately. I'm a Japanese citizen." One of the guards hitted her right in her face. "Tais toi, sallle truit (shut up, dirty bitch). You have no rights. Give her the electric teasers." Two man immediately followed his order. Volts flew in her. She started shaking and lost consciousness. "For now, you can be place here." They threw the two women in a flighty cell. First the black haired one and then the pink haired one. "Let us go immediately. Don't you know who we are? I'm Tabane Shinonono and that's Chifuyu Orimura."

Indeed they were Chifuyu Orimura and Tabane Shinonono. The very first pilot and the brilliant inventor of the Infinite Stratos. They were in a fine mess.

From a visit in Great Britain, they flew to Belgium. Rumours were spreading of a threat to the Infinite Stratos. Nanite hackers. From a small underground organisation 20 years before the IS, they were the replacements for the pilots, mostly found on the smaller countries in Europe. The pilots didn't knew a lot of them. Hackers were scattered around the globe. In Europe, they called themselves legals.

There were also hackers in the Middle East. They were a complete mystery for the IS. They wanted to find information regarding the Middle East faction from the legal faction.

That's why Chifuyu was tagged on this mission. Tabane insisted to go along. Before they got even close to Flanders, they were shut down. Before they could even use their units, they were already taken prison. Their units were taken from them and after hours of pointless questioning they were thrown in this cell. One they shared with someone else.

"Hey, mind shutting up. I don't give a fuck who you are, but you better shut up. I wanna sleep." Tabane looked up. From under a dirty blanket, a boy appeared, mere two years younger than themselves. "Who are you?". The boy stood up and walked to them. "That's none of your concerns. What happed to your friend."

"Hmph, I don't have to tell you that". He sighed. "Well, you better do. She needs help. Electric shocks aren't that nice." He bowed to Chifuyu and laid her on her back. For some reason he blushed when he saw her face. "Maybe I can help." The boy covered his face whit his arms. He touched her and energy flew in her. "That should do it." Chifuyu crawled up and she saw the boy sitting. "Yo" In a sec she stood up on her two feet and pushed the boy to the end of the cell. "Ow, what's the big idea?"

"What have you done to my body?" She asked at a strong tone, but with a bit of fear.
"I've healed it. Is this the way you treat someone who helped you, but yeah, pilot's aren't known for their friendlies." She let the boy go. " I take you're one of this so called nanite hackers."

"Correct." He replied calm, while catching his breath from the pushing. "Why are you here? We thought that the hackers were the ones who captured us."
"Yeah, that's the reason why they've killed so many of my friends. Of course, these guys aren't hackers. They are something else." Chifuyu bowed to him. "Here I'll help you up." While offering a hand. He took it and got back on his feet.

"Thanks, Chifuyu." Her mood changed. "How do you now my name?"
"Eh, your friend shouted it for the whole prison."
"Tabane." She hitted the rabbit eared woman on the head. "That's cruel, Chi-chan." She replied childishly.

The boy putted his hands in his pockets. He was wearing the orange prisoners uniform. Despite the fact he was two years younger than Chifuyu or Tabane, he was a bit taller. His face is what you could call unique. He had green-grey eyes and dark-blond hair. It was covered in scarfs that for some reason fitted him. On his fore head, he had a small one and two on his chin, one a bit smaller than the other.

The biggest one was on his right cheek. It was a turned T. the vertical one was a piece of a circle and ended at the smaller one who was horizontal in the middle of the first one. "So, what are Chifuyu Orimura and Tabane Shinonono doing so far from home? Oh, wait you don't have to tell me. You wanted to investigate the hackers, but you were shut out the air and brought here." Chifuyu was perplexed. "How do you know that?"

"Girl, that's my work. And because you are here, I have figured out why they brought you here and why I unlike so many of my friends are still kicking." Chifuyu paused him. "How do you know we can trust you." The boy was annoyed. "I've healed you. Isn't that enough proof?"
"Sharing this information with me and saving me is enough for now. Who are you, boy."
"I'm not a boy, I'm fucking fifteen years."
"I asked for you name, not your age."

"If you insist, girl" Chifuyu became irritated on the last word "I'm Kerlongsj Orlejov."
"Nicknamed the strongest Gaul." Tabane finished the sentence. "How do even … Never mind, genius. I understand."
"What is this place?" Chifuyu asked. "A special prison, run by a private organisation. The high-ups knew off it, because hackers kept on disappearing around this place. I got here a few weeks ago and I saw a lot of guys passing, but for some reason, I was spared. Now I know why." Chifuyu looked at him whit a puzzled look. "What do you mean?" He took a breath and went on with his explanation. "They took your units from you, right? They want to use them for mass production, but unlike the normal ones, they wanted to make something different that can match personal units using nanites. Imagine, the strength and speed of an Infinite Stratos and the flexibility and the innovation of the hacker weapons."

Chifuyu raised an eyebrow. "I thought that the hackers weren't that strong." Kerlongsj walked to her and they were face to face. "In the beginning, yes, but now somebody threw the world upside down" while glaring to Tabane. "everything went a lot faster. I was recruited a year and nine months ago. I was saved by a demon from an angel. That's how you feminists call you, right?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Ain't none of your business, but back to the topic. Yes, hackers are somehow pilots equivalents."

It would have caused the two to laugh if the situation wasn't so bitter. "What are we going to do now?" He looked at the two. "Well, what do you think? Break out of course." Chifuyu smiled sarcastically. "Oh, so you think we can walk out like that?" He opened the door like it was nothing. "Of course, we can. Are you coming?" The mouths of the two hitted the ground. "So, you could escape."

"Yeah, like three weeks ago."
"So why haven't you done that?"
"Well, that has an easy explanation. In the tower is a very dear friend of me. Escaping without him would kill me literally. Let's make a deal?"
"What do you propose?"

"I help you getting your units back and you help me getting mine friend back. Don't even think of betraying me. If you do, I'll blow you up and my mentor will start an all-out war in which we are very good prepared. You have all reasons to stay loyal to me." Chifuyu and Tabane looked at each other and they nodded. "We accept it. Truce?" Chifuyu offered a hand. "Truce." Kerlongsj took the hand. They left the place.

Kerlongsj showed the way. They found the guards disturbing and the prisoners even more.

"This is one freak show" Chifuyu said. "You don't have to tell me." while the two killed one guard each. Chifuyu gave hers a karate chop on the neck while Kerlongsj took his man out by breaking the man's neck in a lock. "Heeeh, this place is so big and interesting." Chifuyu turned around. "Tabane," she said annoyed.

"We are not at a school trip." At the cell where they were standing a huge monster appeared. You could say it was a monster mutant cat. It didn't look anything closer to anything else normal He made an awful noise, that gave Chifuyu another reason to hit Tabane again. "Don't worry about him." The monster calmed down immediately after it saw Kerlongsj. '"I've become friends with him."

He petted the animal and it closed it's two light yellow eyes. It seemed like he enjoyed it. "How did you became friends with him?" Chifuyu asked. Kerlongsj smirked when he stopped. "Easy enough. When humans are monsters, monster become friends." The cat growled. "I'm breaking out, amigo. In five seconds, you can escape. Just give me the time." Chifuyu and Tabane were shocked. The hacker became friends with monsters and he could communicate with them. The cat seemed understand.

"See you another time." The group moved forward. "In this room, your units are." He opened the door and the three moved in. The girls took their units who we lying in the middle of a small, but highly equipped lab. "Thanks." Chifuyu said while taking the unit. "I detect nothing of bad influence. Now it's your turn for the bargain." She nodded. "Yes, let hurry." They both deployed their IS. "What are you planning?" He asked disturbed.

"We're taking the easy route." Chifuyu took him up and they flew through the ceiling. Immediately the alarms went off. "Man, you're stupid." They were standing in at the top of the building. "Jack." They saw something in an electric ball of glass. "What's that?" Chifuyu asked in disbelief. "That's Jack, my keeper. He's a jackdaw. He helps me controlling mine nanites." The bird was obviously suffering. Kerlongsj walked to the panel, but as soon he started, he got through his knees. Chifuyu bowed to him. "What's wrong, Kerlongsj?"

For some reason, being around him, make her feel what she calls unstable. "I can't, I've overestimated myself. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't want it to end here, just before succeeding." He rammed his fist on the floor.

"Well, it's a good thing that I, super genius Tabane Shinonono is here to save the day. I can get it done without a problem." She gave the pc one look. "This is not worth mine time."
"If you can do it, than get it done. I need that guy."
"Hai, hai, don't get worked up." She sat down and in a flash she was done.

"Jack." Kerlongsj wanted to get up, but his knees couldn't carry him. "Let me help you." Chifuyu took the boy up. He took the bird and in a flashing light, the boy gained his power back as the bird settled down on his shoulder. Jack was flapping his wings. "Yeah, I'm glad to see you as well, little one. Thank you, the two of you." He said while he petted the bird.
"It was our pleasure. How do we get out?"
"Wait, before you do." Kerlongsj touched the monitor. The energy lightened up the whole floor, than the whole tower and after that the whole building. By the cameras they could see that the prisoners broke out and that months or years of prison ship were finally relieved. It was one huge bloodbath.

"I suggest it is better to get out of here." Tabane said. "Yeah, where is the door?"
"Doors are for sissies." Kerlongsj made a hole in the wall. "I take you can fly." They got out. The two women thanks to their suits and Kerlongsj used a floating skateboard. They flew far enough from the prison. "What are we going to do now?" Kerlongsj said while turning to the two.

They were different in any way you could think of, but they saved each other's life just now." "I don't want to kill you, Kerlongsj."
"Me, neither, Chifuyu." An awkward silence began after that. Kerlongsj broke it when he pointed out the direction where the pilots were standing. "If you fly in that direction, you'll fly southwards, you'll get in France. I'm going North. I'm glad to have met you, Chifuyu. I hope we can meet in better conditions."
"I hope for that as well. Sayonara and good luck Kerlongsj Orlejov.(Japanese for farewell.)"
"Saluut, Chifuyu Orimura and Tabane Shinonono (familiar way in Flemish to say farewell)". He flew off to the North. "Well, I consider this mission a success." Chifuyu said. " I don't, because you Chi-chan, you got a crush on him, right" Tabane said while making a foul face. "What?"

And the first chapter of my second story. I didn't knew it would be this large. I've written the most on my school trip a few weeks ago. It will take a lot more to update everything.

One side note, before I'll start each chapter I write the place and time down where the event took place. Don't suspect to find someone of the original cast back till the seventh chapter. This story will tell a bit more of the history of Chifuyu and Kerlongsj. Much of reading pleasure.