8th Month of 298 A.C. King's Landing
Prince Jon Targaryen
"You wished to see me Your Grace?" Jon asks, looking at his brother, who looks rather tired.
His brother nods and responds. "I did. Sit down Jon." Jon takes a seat opposite his brother and waits for him to begin speaking. "The war is over, we have won. Word has come from the west of the Westerlords submission, your uncle did well there. The Reach is settling down now, I have granted Daeron Rowan Highgarden as a reward for his services. The Lannisters will pay their reparations to the crown and to others as well, there will be no more Lannister dominance."
"A good thing that Your Grace. We both know that they were growing far too powerful. And yet the Greyjoys remain a threat do they not? Balon Greyjoy has not stopped his daughter from raiding the coasts despite the defeat of the Iron Fleet by the Redwyne Fleet." Jon responds.
"Greyjoy will be dealt with, Varys tells me that there is rebellion brewing on the islands against Balon. Soon enough he will be gone and his son shall sit in his place." Aegon replies.
Jon merely nods at this. "A wise decision, Theon Greyjoy shall be a good puppet to control the islands with."
"I know that. But there is another issue that I wished to discuss with you. I have my Kingsguard, and my small council is relatively sorted, but there is one position that needs filling." The king says.
Whilst Jon has his own thoughts about who the king has named to the Kingsguard as well as to some of the positions of small council, he merely says. "My uncle, or Prince Doran might be good choices Your Grace."
"Indeed they might be, but they are not kin. The lords of the realm will never accept Rhaenys as hand, despite the fact that she would do a far better job than most of these fools. But no, I need someone who has fought for me and who I trust. Jon I wish for you to be my hand." his brother says.
Jon is surprised momentarily but then merely responds. "I… I accept Your Grace. I am honoured."
His brother merely smiles. "Good. Now there is one other issue I wished to speak to you about. Our aunt, what would you make of her?"
Jon grimaces slightly at the thought of the woman and merely says. "She is a pain in the arse, an entitled brat who I think is more of a danger than any true woman should be. But she is family at the same time."
His brother merely nods and says. "In that instance I think you are best placed to deal with her Jon. There are those who would see you married to her, or me to her. But there is only one person I wish to marry and with her husband's death during the taking of King's Landing I mean to make her my wife."
Jon can honestly say that he is not surprised, instead he merely says. "I shall take charge over Daenaerys Your Grace."
King Aegon VI Targaryen
Aegon looks at his sister, his heart thumping in his chest. He has missed her, gods has he missed her. As they embrace he whispers. "I love you." He pulls back and kisses her, her face, her nose, her mouth, all of it he kisses and drinks her in, never does he wish to be parted from her ever again.
His sister smiles and replies. "I love you, Your Grace."
Aegon looks at the bundle in her arms and asks. "Is that our daughter?"
His wife nods and as she allows him to see their daughter for the first time, Aegon feels his heart melt a little. "I named her Daenys after the Dreamer. I thought it fitting."
Aegon smiles then. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. She shall have anything she could ever wish for." he pauses for a moment and then asks. "Will you marry me Rhae?"
His sister merely looks at him and then she smiles. "Need you even ask, of course I will."
Their betrothal is announced soon after that and though there are some weak hearted protests, none truly object, they are Targaryens after all. They are wed in the Great Sept of Baelor some two days later, to great fanfare, and Aegon could not be happier. Of course a week later they are crowned King and Queen of Westeros together, just as they always should have been.
When the trials come, Rhaenys is by his side, as he passes judgement on all those who have done wrong to their family. Tywin Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Cersei Lannister and her ill-gotten get are all killed hung up to dry. As to the Baratheons of Dragonstone, Selyse Florent is sent to the Silent Sisters and her daughter Shireen is given to the faith, no Baratheons shall trouble them ever again. The Greyjoys are dealt with by the Redwynes and all seems well with the world for now. Aegon thinks as he looks at his wife, he smiles, winning this throne would not have been half as nice as it is, without his love by his side. His brother helped as well, the three heads of the dragon roared together and Westeros was theirs once more.