A/N: In honor of Spider Man joining the MCU, I wanted to see how my personal favorite Spidey would be in the first Avengers movie. For now, this is just a one shot of how he might be approached by Fury, but I will be adding more to it in the future.

The Wall Crawling Avenger

Prolog: (1st person POV)

Location: Manhattan, NY

Time: 11:14 PM

Year: 2010

Spider-Man/ Parker

I was sitting on the edge of unfinished building. I had been coming here every night since Harry's funeral. The blood stains had long since been cleaned off the floor, but I felt the need to clear any construction supplies off of the spot that he died. I felt that I owed it to him, since he died to save me. I sat there with my feet dangling over the edge for about an hour. Just as I was standing up though, my spider-sense alerted me to someone hiding behind one of the pillars. Not an imminent threat or anything, just a presence.

Against my better judgment, I called out to them, "I know your there, you can come out now." Thank God I hadn't taken my mask off when I had gotten to the construction sight. A tall African American man in a black trench coat and an eye patch stepped out of the shadows, "Who are you?"

"My name is Nick Fury. I'm the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, I think the better question is; who are you? Spider-Man, or freelance photographer? Mr. Parker, I've only got one eye, but it's clear to me that you are nothing less than the savior of New York."

He said my real name. How did he know my real name? This guy was nothing less than scary.

"You have become part of a world much bigger than you realize." The way he said that, made it sound like I was suppose to know what he was talking about.

"What do you want from me?"

There was a long pause, but finally he looked at me with a sly smile, "I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."

I stood there for a moment trying to process what he was talking about, "The what?"

A/N: Hey Marvel fandom fam! So so sorry that I haven't been posting to my other two stories resonantly, but I haven't had much time due to school and finals. Not to mention my last computer broke and I had to get a new one. Anyway, I promise I'll try to make up for it this summer.