"I don't think that bolt of lightning struck you Barry i think it choose you" ...

"I just don't think I'm like you Oliver, i don't know if i can be some vigilante" Barry said bowing his head almost in shame like he didn't deserve these powers.

"You can be better, because you can inspire people, in a way that i never could. Watching over your city like a guardian angel , making a difference, saving people...the flash" Oliver said drawing his bow, as the look on his face morphed from caring friend to blood thirsty enemy.

"Oliver what are you doing-" Barry said noticing the deadly look in Oliver's eye, he took a step back.

"This is why it hurts me to say this Barry, the truth is your just not ready to protect this city.. I'm sorry" Oliver said firing an arrow into Barry's chest.

"Ugh my head" Barry said awakening from his dream with a small yelp, he was covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"What time is it" he said to himself grabbing his phone. "dam it! Captain sing is gonna freak, i can't be late again" Barry said to himself once more.

Barry ran into the shower, got changed and then down stairs to grab some food. He picked up his phone once more and scrolled down to his messages there was one from Joe and one from Iris. He decided to reply to iris first her message read

IRIS: Morning babe, hope you get to work on time today, see you later LOVE YOU -I

Barry replied with,

BARRY: Hey sorry babe, woke up late..again ill call you later let me know when your on break and ill come get some coffee at lunch, love you -B

Barry contemplated messaging Joe back but just decided to run to work before he made himself later than he already was. Barry sped towards CCPD taking the back entrance to get to his lab and if he was lucky missing out on bumping into anyone all togther. Barry rushed to hi desk and sat down exhausted, he took a sigh of relief. Nobody had seen him come in. At least thats what Barry had thought, Joe had been waiting for Barry to arrive.

Joe cleared his throat to make himself known. "I had to cover for you, the dreams again?" Joe asked spinning around on a chair opposite to where Barry was sitting.

"Jesus Joe you scared the life out of me! yeah my head is killing! ...but it's like there more than dreams it's like there changed versions of my memories" Barry said swallowing an aspirin and taking a seat.

Joe shook his head in concern "doesn't look like theres much life left in you to begin with , are those pills even helping..I mean won't your metabolism just burn right through it?" Joe said curious.

"Yeah I have Cisco working on something stronger if you know what I mean" Barry said with an sarcastic laugh, he gingerly shuffled through some papers on his desk preparing himself for a days work.

"Okay well either way are you sure you should be at work?" Joe said with concern.

"Joe I'm fine really it will pass" Barry said getting up a little to quick, he grabbed the nearest thing to him in a attempt to stableize himself, but fell straight to the ground hitting his head on the corner of his desk.

"BARRY!" Joe said scrambling to the floor to cradle his sons head. He was out cold. "Come on bare please, open your eyes!" Joe grabbed his phone from his pocket and speed dialled star labs.

"Hey joe what's up-

"CISCO it's Barry! He's hit his head and I don't know if he's breathing!" Joe said in a panic.

"Joe he's not wearing his suit I can't help you need to get him to your car and-

"Oh my god Cisco please help!" Joe said his breathing quickening as he started to panic.

"Joe listen to me! Take Barry to your car and I'll meet you there as soon as I can" Cisco said trying to keep his cool.

"Okay okay" Joe said frantically putting the phone in his pocket! Joe cradled Barry in his arms and headed for the stairwell towards the car park when he heard foot steps.

"What's going on here?" A voice came from behind. Just what Joe needed

"Uhg.. Captin it's Barry he passed out I'm taking him home, I figured going through the department would only embarrass him" Joe said desperately willing captin sing to believe him.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear tell him get some rest and don't worry about work just get better" captin sing said with a smile.

"Well that was weird" Joe muttered rushing down the stair well twisting his ankle in the process. A sharp pain shot up Joe's leg and made him loose grip on his son. "ahh dam it" Joe said painfully gritting his teeth, momentarily dropping Barry.

He heard a loud crack and felt Barry's leg buckle from underneath him, he knew the damage was bad but he also knew that something more serious was wrong with Barry and he needed to focus on getting him outside to the car park.

Joe too afraid to look a Barry's leg continued to the car park with a small limp walking it off as he went. He saw Cisco and Caitlin speeding towards the back entrance. Joe waved his hands in the air to get there attention whilst setting Barry down gently on the concrete.

"Joe" Cisco said running towards them. "What happened to Barry's leg?!" Caitlin said in a worried tone.

"Never mind that help me put him in the van" Joe said still limping slightly.

Caitlin always came prepared there was a hospital bed and machines set up in the back of the van Caitlin helped lay Barry down on the bed hooking him up to a glucose Iv and fluids, she then attached some pads to his chest and connected up a vitals Machine.

"He's got a pulse it's just really weak, and I don't understand because Barry's heart beats 10x as fast a normal heart rate" Caitlin said a worried expression plastered on her face.

Joe climbed into the back and held Barry's hand. "Not again" he muttered to himself. Joe held his head in hands and ruffed his hair, he stayed there for a minute before the beeping of the machines snapped him out of his trance.

"What's happening" Joe exclaimed watching Barry convulse and his vitals plummet.

"He's having a seizure!" Caitlin said drawing fluid from a syringe and injecting it into Barry. "Cisco step on it, something is seriously wrong!"