a/n= This story is inspired by a Korean Drama titled under the same name of my fic. It is very good, even a non kpoper like me find it enjoyable ^^

Please R&R! Reviews are appreciated!

Background Dissociative Identity Disorder: DID is a multiple personality disorder. In other words, a person is characterized as two separate identities, and its alternate identity may take over a person's behavior. Often times, it's accompanied by memory impairment, which can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

Human minds worked in mysterious ways.

People in the society struggled to fit in, so they put on a mask to get accepted. As time went on, they realized they were unhappy by their circumstances, but instead of withdrawing their mask, they painted them with many colors to hide themselves— to the point they didn't even know their true colors anymore.

For instance, someone might question himself—Am I the colorless introvert or the colorful extrovert? Am I really an outgoing person, or did I just love to be outgoing so I can maintain my social life? What if I'm just a sulky person in general?

When we mixed too much color in our palette, we forgot which initials colors we wanted to use. In the end, we would mix everything randomly until the least desired colors showed up, destroying the painting.

After letting those thoughts lingering in his mind, Kuroko finally closed the book before him.

Exhaling a defeated sigh, the teal haired male peered at his wristwatch. It was already late. Promptly, he got to his feet and undo his white coat before draping it across his chair. Kuroko didn't really see the point of folding his coat neatly if he would use them again tomorrow to attend some mentally ill patients.

He grabbed his satchel, turned the lights off and shut the door behind him.

As he fumbled for his keys in his pocket, his fellow colleagues seemed to be in the middle of a heated debate, not noticing the bluenet's presence.

"But Midorimacchi! I told you many times I will never be able to handle that client!"

"Don't be foolish, Kise. You hear what the director says. If you can't do this, you know what will happen."

Kuroko might not be the nosy type, but he approached them just in case he missed something, especially if it was job-related.

"Evening guys, what are you up to?"

Kise and Midorima froze. They blinked. Panicked, their eyes darted across the room, only to found the source of the voice came from the person who stood before them. They shared a girly shriek.

"Please speak properly next time, Kuroko," Midorima said with a scowl, fixing his glasses.

In contrast to Midorima's irritation, Kise looked relieved by the shorter male's presence. "Ah Kurokocchi!" he shrieked and wrapped his arms around Kuroko's neck, to Kuroko's horror. "You are just in time! Please help me Kurokocchi! Pleeaaaseeee!"

As Kuroko struggled to free from Kise's steel grip, Midorima crossed his arms and chided. "You can't always ask help from your kohai, Kise!"

Kise sent him a bitter glare and snapped. "Why not? Kurokocchi proved to be a better psychologist than I do! He had saved more than twenty clients in the last three months!"

"That's why the boss really thinks you're not capable." Midorima replied calmly, unaffected by Kise's outburst.

Kuroko stole a sideways glance to the blonde, and his eyes widened when he saw hot tears streamed down Kise's cheeks. He parted his lips to speak, but words never escaped his mouth. Deep down, he wanted to pat Kise on the head and tell him everything is going to be all right, but it would do nothing but spoiling his senpai.

Due to economical reasons, countless businessmen and workers were not in luck when it comes to their career, including doctors.

By the declining number of patients, the hospital needed to kick out some specialists to keep up with their running cost and profit reasons.

Unfortunately, Kise happened to be one of them.

Kuroko had known Kise for…three months? Kuroko didn't even like Kise that much, but he couldn't imagine the spoiled blonde walking around aimlessly in the street being jobless.

"Kise-kun, you can assign the job to me." Words spilled from his mouth so quickly that Kuroko began to regret his offer.

Kise slowly turned towards Kuroko with a hopeful expression, looking too stunned to speak. On the other hand, Midorima huffed and put on a skeptical frown.

"Don't be dumb, Kuroko!" Midorima protested. "This job is assigned for Kise! There's no way you can carry his responsibility!"

"Tell the director that Kise will take the job," Kuroko looked at Midorima with a serious expression. "But behind his knowledge, I will do the job in his place."

Midorima stared at Kuroko incredulously. He was familiar with Kuroko's nature to stuck his nose into other people's business, but he never knew that the bluenet was this persistent that he would defy the director's orders just to help his colleague.

Despite the disapproving look on his face, Midorima came to respect Kuroko's adamant attitude.

"All right then, do what you want." Midorima scowled, facing his back towards the duo. "Remember, you have been warned. I am not responsible for your naïve actions."

Kuroko smiled wryly. "I know you will try your best to make sure we don't get caught, Midorima-kun."

Midorima shrugged and fixed his glasses. "Whatever."

With that curt response, Midorima strode back into his room with a tiny smile on his lips. Kuroko, realizing Midorma's actions, smiled back at the retreating figure.

After Midorima shut the door behind him, Kise broke into frantic sobs and showered Kuroko with tearful 'thank you's. He even got to his knees and worshiped Kuroko as if the bluenet was a god.

"It's all right, Kise-kun!" Kuroko said while ushering Kise to get back on his feet before people started looking at them.

Kise wiped the tears from his eyes and sniffed. "Thank you so much, Kurokocchi! How can I repay your so never-ending kindness?"

Something glowed behind Kuroko's eyes as he shoved a thick paperwork to the blonde. "On the other hand, please handle the current client I serving. Then we will be even."

Kise stared at the papers in horror. He accepted them out of obligation towards the shorter male. He flipped through the thick papers quickly and said. "This Aomine guy, he has narcissism disorder?"

"Yeah, he has this kind of problem for loving himself too much, making him look selfish to others," Kuroko said as if he was reciting a passage from a textbook. "That job is pretty simple. I can solve his case in a few minutes."

"Then why is his profile so freaking thick?" Kise inquired indignantly as the dark-skinned man on the profile stared back at him. He doesn't look so bad except the sour expression on his face. Kise found it unnerving how someone would put up such an expression during a photo-shoot; he made sure to give a piece of his mind when he meets Aomine tomorrow.

"I told you that guy is a narcissist," Kuroko said obviously. "He exaggerates. For him, the world revolves around him alone. I'm not surprised if he writes his profile like a biography— narcissists starve for attention. Didn't we learn this in the basics during college?"

"I don't remember. It's four years ago." Kise excused lamely.

"No wonder the boss wants to kick you out." Kuroko deadpanned.

"No Kurokocchi! Don't be mean! Please help me! I will solve this case perfectly, I promise!"

Kuroko heaved a tired sigh and spoke. "All right then. So Kise-kun, how can I start helping you with this 'job'?"

"Ah…this one." Kise thrust his hand into his pocket and resurfaced a neat envelope. "This letter is from my client."

Kuroko took the letter and scrutinized it carefully. He wondered what kind of client it was even Midorima refused to help. He realized the envelope was half opened and slightly wrinkled. So Kise and Midorima had been discussing this for a while huh?

Kise seemed to read Kuroko's mind and gave him a lopsided grin. "Well, just a friendly reminder, Midorima and I never face this kind of client before. The moment we read his profile and biodata, we know it is out of our league."

"I will try my best." Kuroko nodded, already craving for the contents of letter.

After saying goodbye to Kise, Kuroko stalked off towards the elevator and went to the basement to fetch for his silver Mazda. Unlocking the door, he slid inside the driver's seat, started the engine and set off.

Kuroko didn't really see the point of driving home because his apartment was just a few miles away. Ever since he worked in Tokyo Psychologist hospital, he had missed his parents and friends in Seirin. Thinking about his old basketball club curled a nostalgic smile to his lips.

He wondered how everyone was doing. Did Hyuga ask Riko out in college? Was Izumi still throwing his lame puns everywhere? Did one of the Seirin members finally discover how Mitobe sounds like?

Kuroko was still in contact with Kagami though, who went back to America in a basketball college with his childhood friend, Himuro Tatsuya. Kagami just dropped by last week for life consulting, and as a legit psychologist and a friend, Kuroko was willing to listen to him for free.

After all, that's what friends do. Kagami often turned to Kuroko for help during the Seirin days, and he was the one who suggested Kuroko to take the psychologist major because of Kuroko's ability to listen and gives advices.

And here he was today being a part-time psychologist. The payment was decent, but better than most, for he could still spend the money on luxury products such as new clothes or gadgets after paying his rent and other necessities.

Suddenly, his car halted with a screech. Traffic. Kuroko bumped his head against the steering wheel and scowled. Kuroko didn't remember the last time he felt so tired—perhaps his basketball training in Seirin? But really, it was nothing compared his current exhaustion.

As car horns blared around the street, Kuroko dug the envelope from his pocket and decided to take a peek. Maybe it could entertain him for a while as the traffic lasted.

Pulling out the letter from the envelope, he unfolded it with impatience.

His eyes widened when his gaze fell upon a photo scarlet-haired man in the profile. His hair was naturally tousled, and there was a charming aura about him. Kuroko felt his face heating by the sight. He shook his head frantically. He knew being a homosexual wasn't the best course of action.

Shrugging the thought aside, he started reading the neat handwriting. His name was Akashi Seijuuro. Kuroko scanned through the letter to find the word 'syndrome' or any symptom for him to identify Akashi's problem. Usually, reading the full biodata wasn't very useful, especially if he could meet Akashi in person and hear it from the man himself.

Then he saw the writing on the very last line.

Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Suddenly, a nervous smile hooked on his lips. Kuroko wanted to laugh. In the past three months, Kuroko had been dealing with stressed people, listening to their depressing life rants and gives helpful advices in return.

Just when the job looked too easy for him, Akashi Seijuuro came in the right time to make his job less tedious.

Kuroko laughed and laughed, and for the first time, he doubted on his own abilities.