"I can't believe you, Enzo. I didn't know the in-flight service was exclusive to fat Italians." Bayonetta jeered at the man.

She was forced to ride on top of the sad little plane.

"Rentin' a plane ain't free, ya know? That reminds me, you owe Alex the Kid for the charter!" She stomped on the plane in response. "Oh…Shit! Th-there is is! That's 'Fimbulventr'. Not such a bad place when you look at it. But you'd gotta have a death wish to get close to that damn place if you ask me. Gives me the here jeebies."

Right when the witch thought Enzo might finally stop yapping, he didn't.

"Wh-what the hell? Where did these clouds come from?"

Suddenly the plane was pushed off course by a flying angel.


"Sorry, Enzo, this is where I get off. Say hi to the wife and kids for me!" Bayonetta jumped off the plane and blew a kiss to him.

"Wh-wh…Wait, what!? You're joking' right? I can't fly this piece of shit!" Enzo frantically tried to fly the plane but only succeeded in pulling off the handle. "I told you I can't have nice things…"

As Bayonetta descended from the sky, she fell through a portal, almost stepping on a cute little squirrel with gold chains but she avoided squishing it by landing in a split. The animal screeched, running from the larger predator.

The witch stood up, facing the looming mountain. "Jeanne…I'm on my way. Just behave yourself for a bit longer."

Walking up the stairs, she encountered a familiar face.

"Took you long enough to get here, sister dear." Cerezo leaned casually on a pillar, silver overcoat floating in the wind.

The fur on the collar prevented Bayonetta from seeing his face as he looked over his shoulder.

"So glad you could come, baby brother. I see you got dressed for the occasion too." She walked past him, intent on completing her mission. "But how did you get here?"

Cerezo pushed himself off the pillar, joining his sister to walk towards the mountain.

"I'm rich Cereza, obviously I can afford a private jet. And well, Sola insisted I dress warmly for this. Now let's hurry and get this done." He sighed bitterly. "I'm not looking forward to going into hell with you. I never imagined I'd be doing something like this and especially not for Jeanne."

"I know you two have your differences but I am pleased you decided to help me, Cerezo."

"Yes, the things we do for love."

Bayonetta laughed. "Yes baby brother, the things we do for love."

As the twins made their way into the city-like structure they saw the beginnings of a portal.

"Santa don't get paid enough for this shit. When Ed and Edna found out their daddy wasn't comin' back, they made me stay all the way through dinner." Rumbled a disgruntled Rodin, newly emerged from the gate.

The witch smirked at the grumbling giant.

"Don't pretend you weren't delighted. I hear Enzo's wife makes a lovely casserole. Besides you still have another party to get to later."

"It was damn good, I give you that. A good pre-meal before tonight's party." Rodin pulled out a cigarette, smoking away his cares. "Anyway. Tell me how my babies are doing."

"They're behaving quite well. They've found plenty of playmates here."

"Figured they would. Noatun had some deep connections with Fimbulventr and the Gates of Hell back in its day. Wouldn't be surprised to find a few of those playmates that like it rougher than the typical bunch." He puffed a lengthy drag. "Anyway, you need any supplies, just make sure you keep bringing me these halos. And remember I ain't here to get up in your business. My business is makin' things that do business. And you've got your brother here so don't come crying to me when—"

Cerezo rolled his eyes at Bayonetta shooting her supplier.

"…You, you think you gotta do everything alone." Rodin dodged the bullets, retreating back to his bar in a laughing fit. "I'm here to help. Just make sure you don't 'bust a cap in my ass'."

"You have such odd, contradictory friends, Cereza."

"Tell me about it."

They received another weird encounter.

"These punters don't know when to quit? What'd I ever do to them?" A boy in an yellow hoodie and red baggy pants fought a group of angels alongside a girl in a simple white dress. "Shite. we're never gonna reach Fimbulventr at this rate. Well, at least it won't be a boring trip, right love?"

"Oh, just shut up and fight." The girl shouted back in her thick Italian accent.

The boy jumped around, throwing cards while the girl shot beams of light out of her hands. He turned around at the sound of Bayonetta's clapping.

"Huh? You can see us?" The goggles came off.

Recognition was still impossible with both hoods up, obscuring their faces.

"You're putting on quite a show, little magician."

"Oh, you liked that, huh?" The boy walked around in a circle. "Wait till you see the climax!"

He pulled out one of his cards but Bayonetta shot it out of his hand. The shock was played off.

"Silly girl…" The hooded fellow teased.

"Look behind you, boy." Cerezo twirled his hand in a 'turn around motion'.

He did so, witnessing an angel fading to dust.

"You'll have to do better than that to earn a tip, my dear." Bayonetta walked up behind the boy, but the girl pulled him away from the strange woman.

"Who the hell are you two!?" He let her hold onto his hand.

"I'm just an innocent girl lost in wonderland, suffering at the hands of the queen's trumped-up troops! And my dear rabbit is just leading me through a maze." Bayonetta's cheeried voice spun its tale.

"I swear, it's like dealing with my son, Odin. My sister is so terrible." Cerezo mumbled to himself while said sibling shook his shoulder to get him to play along.

"A cute one, huh? I already have one of those right here, I don't need another." The girl bristled at her companion's comment. "Enough riddles. How can you see us?"

"Because we're both in Purgatorio, you see." The witch answered dryly, dripping with severe condescension.

"Pur…ga..torio?" The boy palmed his forehead.

The girl glared at Bayonetta, mildly growling at being circled by the older woman.

"So, are we heading to Fimbulventr on a shopping spree for Mummy, little ones? Or are you two on a secret date?" Leaning too close to the boy caused him to jump, pulling his friend behind him.

"Maybe or maybe we are on a date. She told me never to talk to strangers anyway." He retrieved another card. "Stay out of our way, or I'll make sure you never get in it again."

"If this is a date, it's a lousy one." The girl sarcastically stated, stomping her foot a little.

"A date? Are you joking, Cereza? These two are far too young for those kinds of things." Cerezo reprimanded his sister.

She could be a deviant but there was no need to corrupt innocent youths.

"Oh please, Cerezo! Not everyone is as ancient and prude as you." In return for the chiding, Bayonetta slapped her brother on the back.

The boy balked at their teasing, pushing a some magic into the card to get their attention.

"Oh…Scary… Off with their heads eh?" The witch mockingly adopted an expression of fear while being gazed at through the hole in the card.

Suddenly, the boy dropped his hostility.

"Dammit. They must have heard me! Let's go, love!" He threw the card, dragging the girl with him in a sprint.

The twins blandly watched flying horsemen come at them.

"Honestly, having to fight angels all the time is really beginning to wear on my mind. I'm basically killing my own kind!" Cerezo pushed his glasses back up, the saber Odin forced him to take with him, out for blood. "But...it's for Cereza."

The sage swiftly cut the horseman down while Bayonetta took out another by riding its weapon and then twisting its neck. She was such a dirty fighter, both literally and figuratively.

The lackeys were disposed of. The twins proceeded on, only to be stopped by a big angel with no head and even bigger sword.

"Maybe he's compensating for something else."

"Shut up!" Cerezo snapped.

While they had a mini argument, the angel searched for the boy.

"I feel the power of the Remembrance of Time… Where did the boy flee!?"

Bayonetta pushed her glasses up. "If you're looking for the kid, he went that away. I wouldn't disturb the little Casanova though, he's on a hot date."

"Why are you like this?" He wanted to douse his sister in holy water.

The angel turned its attention onto the speaker.

"Hmph. The famed witch and the potential sage. The greatest of blessings to have you two here as well. Thus the Eyes of the World will together be…"

"Make him stop." Cerezo gripped his arms and tapped his foot, agitation given a new focus.

He didn't want to hear about the Eyes.

Bayonetta shot the angel in the face to make him stop talking.

She too was annoyed, reminded of a time in her life the witch wanted to forget. With her memories returned, Bayonetta couldn't bear what she did to her father.

Daddy loved her...she was his dear, sweet child...and she...

Not the time.

More importantly, being the older sibling meant she had to look out for the baby. Nobody needed Cerezo to go into another depression.

"Alas, I digress. You all shall not escape our grasp." The angel swung its sword behind its back.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to dance too long. A friend is waiting for me." Bayonetta pointed both guns at the enemy, rushing forward.

"I'm back to killing angels again. If my soul weren't bound for Paradiso, I'd be worried of going to hell for this." Cerezo summoned his saber, right behind his sister.

Madame Butterfly made quick work of the angel by repeatedly slamming the blade into its body after the twins chopped off its arms. When she finished, the summon slammed the foe into a cathedral building.

Bayonetta slipped through broken mosaic glass, twirling on a chandelier before dropping to the floor. Using a less flashy entrance, Cerezo flew in on peacock wings.

And here were the kids.

"Ah, I can't get out!" The boy struggling under the wreckage of body parts left by the angel.

"Stop moving around! You're just making it worse, you clown!" The girl for her part attempted to remove the limbs but they were much too big for her to be of any help.

Bayonetta strolled up to the two, unmindful of the other female's hostile stance.

"So they're after you too, then?" She smirked. "Have you been naughty? Keeping secrets from Mummy?"

"Nope. Nothing comes to mind, love. Sorry." The more he struggled, the more his body radiated blue light. "But since this is your bloody mess, do you mind hurrying the fuck up and getting rid of this thing!?"

"What terrible language. He's worse than Odin." Cerezo lamented this generation's degradation. "My Thor and Freya must protected from this."

"Now, that's no way to talk to a lady… No wonder your guardian angels are trying to give you a good spanking." Bayonetta wagged her finger at the boy.

"Whatever, love. You've already been following us, so let's make a deal. You save me. I'll show you around this joint." He tapped his fingers on the floor. "Heading to Fimbulventr, aren't we? That makes four of us. And it'll take four of us, won't it, love?"

"Traitor! The moment you see another pretty girl you turn your back on me, huh!?" The girl quit pulling at the rocks, instead kicking at the one closet to the boy's body.

He cried out in pain from the impact digging into his body.

"I think someone's jealous of you, sister dear. And she has every reason to be, when you act like this."

Bayonetta swung at her brother but he nimbly dodged.

"You seem to have skipped school the day they taught basic negotiation skills. You're supposed to negotiate from a position of strength, little one. Not just be a one trick pony." The witch procured one of the boy's cards in her hand, tossing it at the owner. "You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend."

She then held the boy at gun point.

"Um, about that trick… See.. You need my power to…" The boy fumbled at talking Bayonetta out of shooting at him.

Tongue-tied, he looked to the girl for help.

"Hmph!" She rudely turned away.

"Wait sister, let me handle this." Cerezo pushed the gun down and waved his hand.

The battered angel's remain were levitated off the boy.

"Oi! That works too, I suppose. Thanks mate!" He gratefully nodded to the sage, dusting himself off.

"I don't have time to give a shit about who you are or why you're going to the mountain." Bayonetta leered at the boy now that her leverage was gone. "Take me there and make it quick. You stay with me, and I promise you'll end up in one piece. Got it?"

"Wait, stop! Before I show you the way, love, you gotta agree to a little condition."

The gun got jammed in the boy's face again.

"Do we need to go over my lesson again? First, learn to talk to a lady. We don't react very well to being insulted, little one."

He swiped the gun out of the way.

"Well, then…I don't react to being called 'little one'! The name's 'Loki'." The boy yanked the girl into his side. "And this is my girl, Sigyn."

"I can't believe you just said that." The girl behaved the exact opposite from earlier, rather than being frosty with him, she was now coy.

Both Bayonetta and Cerezo were shocked at this bit of news.

"How could they be courting?! They're only kids." Cerezo had a mental breakdown from this and not the actual important bit. "I didn't have my first courting until I was twenty! A grown man!"

"And what should I call you. lo…I mean, ma'am?" Loki ignored the old man's outburst.

Before Bayonetta could comment about Sigyn, she registered the words of address issued to her, completely overtaking her thoughts.

"Do I look like a ma'am to you!? 'Bayonetta' or 'Cereza'. Take your pick." She retorted heatedly to the trembling boy pointing to the other sibling. "And that's my baby brother, Cerezo."

"I'm not your baby brother! I'm your twin!" The sage had enough of that tease. "And how many times do I need to remind you that you're only seven minutes older?!"

"Cereza!? You don't look like a 'Cereza' to me. My girl Sigyn is more of a 'Cereza' than you and that's saying something." Loki heartily laughed at that while Sigyn harshly jabbed him in the stomach. "Now, your brother on the other hand, looks like a 'Cerezo'."

"Don't insult me." She hit him again to punctuate her displeasure.

"Agh! Why do you have to be so hot and cold with me, love?" He fell to the floor in pain.

The witch sighed at their antics, giving zero fucks to any of this anymore, heels clicking in her departure. "Well then, Bayonetta it is. Let's move, little one."

"H-hey! I just told you my name is-"

She cut him off. "You'll earn your name when you become a a man."

That door was ready to be walked into.

"Man mate, your sister is a real frigid bit-" Loki stopped at the ferocious glare of Cerezo. "I mean...a real cherry."

"Looks like you can't catch a break. Can you, clown?" Sigyn stuck her tongue out at him, skipping ahead.

"Wait! Not you too, love." Loki chased after her. "You're supposed to be my girl!"

"What the hell is this nonsense? First, my father brings younger versions of Cereza and I to the present and now I run into a younger version of my aunt." The sage ran a hand through his hair, pit in his stomach from acknowledging the relation between them. "All these distortions in time are going to have negative effects on the Trinities. Who is behind this?"

There was no one answer.

"Father, I wish you were here to answer my questions. You always had the answers."

A call from his sister, jolted Cerezo out of the depressive rut. While they walked behind the kids, the twins carried on in private.

"What is that version of Sigyn doing here? I haven't seen or heard from our aunt in months and now this little girl shows up."

"I don't know, Cereza. I haven't been keeping tabs on her." He snipped out. "What she does now is of no concern to me, nor is this little girl."

Bayonetta stopped her brother for a moment.

"I know you two had your little spat but this anger needs to stop. You're directing all your hate towards her, when it's really me you should be angry with."

Her gray eyes stared straight into Cerezo's blue eyes.

"We have never had this conversation before and we're not going to start now." The sage yanked his arm away, storming past everyone.

"I suppose we won't if you shut me out like this…" Bayonetta pushed her glasses up. "Having a younger sibling is such a hassle. Makes me care too much."

"Sovereign one. You must flee no more." The flying menace of an angel leaned between a row of buildings, aiming its jaws at Loki. "Accompany me. The Prophetic one is waiting."

The creature was Glamour.

The group had made it outside the cathedral and into a city. The city, however was now in ruins from the Paradiso resident.

"Why do all the angels have to destroy everything they come into contact with? I'm tired of having to bloody well fix everything!" Cerezo raved to himself again.

"Sure. Just because you asked, tall, dark, and ugly. That makes total sense." Loki's chain necklace jingled as he sauntered around. "Whoa!"

He almost got eaten by the angel but a save from Bayonetta had the cocky kid barrel into Sigyn. Cerezo tilted his head at the rolling children, chuckling at how he recalled doing such a silly thing with his sister in their youth.

"Why do you interfere, Umbra Witch? And you, being of light, why do you stand with the witch? This is not your battle, but it may well be your end." The flying serpent let go of the buildings to munch at the twins.

"I just love how all these angels immediately try to eat me. It must mean I'm a delectable creature, right, baby brother?"

"Stop calling me baby brother."

"Ah!" Loki and Sigyn ran all over the place, a game of "avoid being crushed to death by falling rubble".

Those twins really knew how to tear up the place. One big, particular piece of rubble headed for the two and there was no way for them to dodge.


Expecting to be crushed, he grabbed his friend, squishing her to his chest. At least death would smell nice.

Sigyn smelled like cherries.

Seconds passed and Loki didn't feel anything so he opened his eyes. They were hanging in the air. Looking over his shoulder, he spied Bayonetta holding him.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing!? Let go of me!"

He was a man, not a sack of potatoes!

"So little one, what's all this 'Sovereign' business about?" She wriggled her prey.

"Not a clue, love."

Disappointed, Bayonetta unceremoniously dropped the kids.


"Owww! Get off, you're too heavy!"

Loki and Sigyn were curled up together, scrambling to untangle themselves.

"Really, Cereza?! They're children for goodness sake." Cerezo helped the two to their feet. "Don't be so rough with them."

"What's this? You're changing your tune?" The witch flicked her hand in the direction of Sigyn. "Just moments ago, I could have sworn you said you couldn't be concerned."

What a softie.

"Yes, well... I'd hate to see my kids treated like this, that's all." Cerezo scoffed, refusing to look at the girl peeking up at him from her hood.

"Well, whatever. If your 'Sovereigness' is going to get in my way, our deal is over." Bayonetta pointedly stared down Loki. "If we're going to have to meet any more of your friends, you better learn to take care of yourself and your girlfriend."

"I'm quite alright on my own. Got it?" A card was out and aimed at the witch. "And of course I'm going to take care of my girl!"

"Yeah, sure. I'm your girl as long as there's no other woman around to catch your attention." Sigyn rolled her eyes. "Clown."

"Your tricks aren't going to work forever, little one. And girls get tired of boring guys, right?" Bayonetta winked at the girl, catching her off guard.

"Ri-right. I like men who are extraordinary." She was surprised to be acknowledged by her love rival.

"Hmph! I just can't win with these two." Loki pouted, bending low to the ground.

In a split second, his body morphed into a flying squirrel.

Flying off proved a failure as Bayonetta transformed into a panther to catch him in her jaws. She switched back to human form with the squirrel in hand.

"More tricks, little magician? Maybe you've got more to offer than I expected." The witch dropped the animal in the smaller hands of Sigyn. "For the time being though, stay there and don't get frisky with her. Or I'll turn you into a coat."

The squirrel squeaked madly.

"Oh! I didn't know you could do something like this." Sigyn raised the squirrel to her face and his squeaking stopped. "You're so cute like this, Loki."

Mollified, the squirrel snuggled its way into Sigyn's hood, right next to her neck. She giggled from the ticklish feeling of fur brushing her neck.

"Cereza, you'd make a horrible mother." Cerezo drawled. "I'm never leaving my kids alone with you."

"What!? I just think a firm touch is needed."

"No, just no."

"Oh, stop it, you marshmallow."

"There. That is the one, is it not?"

Together, the masked Lumen Sage and the blue cloaked man observed the twins and children through a projection.

"Yes… I will never forget that face!" The masked man gripped his glaive tightly.

He would have his revenge.