Chapter Three: Happy at Last

(By the way, the little numbers are just to separate thoughts that don't really flow right next to each other without them. Just in case you were wondering.)


Unikitty let out a long sigh as she walked on the sidewalk. It was nearly completely dark out and she still had no place to stay. She tried to think of who else she could stay with but the only people she could think of were Benny and Metalbeard. Those two weren't even given two thoughts before they were crossed off her mental list. If there was one think Unikitty couldn't stand, it was ships. Ships made her sick and made her want to barf; two feelings she never wanted to feel again and both Benny and Metalbeard lived on their spaceship and pirate ship.

Fatigue quickly came over her and Unikitty thought about finding a nice vacant bench. In fact, this idea sounded very nice to her and she was just about to look for one when something else caught her eye. It was a police car. Not just any old police car, though. This one belonged to Bad Cop.

Unikitty could have jumped for joy and that is just what she did. She knew Bad Cop and thought he wouldn't mind if she just spent the night in the back of his car. To her relief and joy, the car was unlocked and made a nice mini house/bed for Unikitty. Just before she fell asleep, she had to say to herself lollipops, bubblegum, and finally cotton candy before she drifted off into a sleep as she dreamt sweet dreams.


Early in the morning, Bad Cop came into his car for his usual morning rounds, and without even noticing Unikitty in the back, began to drive away. He turned in his radio which began to play Everything is Awesome but he quickly turned the station before the song imbedded in his brain and left him humming it the rest of the day.

Bad Cop was able to find a new station and left that one on. The messing of the radio woke Unikitty from her slumber with a quick stretch. Her ears perked up when she heard the song but she couldn't hear it all too well.

"Could you turn up the volume?" She asked Bad Cop.

This greatly startled him. He let out a yell and swerved the car, nearly crashing it.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Unikitty truly was sorry. She didn't know she would startle him that much. "I was just having a little sleepover in your car. I was so lonely and tired last night and didn't think you would care."

Bad Cop growled a little to himself. "Well I do care and I'm afraid you can't stay."

Unikitty's ears went down like she was sad and said quietly, "Oh, ok, I understand."

Glancing back at her, Bad Cop felt his Good Cop coming through. She just looked so pitiful sitting in the back. His head quickly spun over, revealing a poorly drawn on face which was Good Cop.

"If you want, I can drop you off at Emmet's apartment."

Unikitty's ears perked back up and a smile worked its way onto her face; she had forgotten all about Emmet.

"That sounds great!"

It wasn't very long before they reached his house and Unikitty was knocking on Emmet's door. He was still in his blue striped pajamas but looked happy to see her.

"Oh, come in, Unikitty."

Emmet opened up the door wider to let Unikitty prance in.

"Thanks," she said.

Emmet was talking a waffle out of the toaster as he said, "Would you like a waffle to eat?"

"Ooh, I love waffles. Sure."

Within minutes, the two friends were sitting on a double-decker-couch eating delicious waffles.

"I'm sorry but you can't stay long," Emmet said. "Wyldestyle is coming over soon so I can take her bowling."

"That's ok, but could I spend the night and maybe lots more. I don't really have a home any more, remember?"

"Oh, yeah...ummm..."

"It's alright if you say no. Bad Cop, Batman, and President Business all rejected me too."

Emmet took the last bite of his waffle. "Oh, Unikitty, I'm not rejecting you. I would be happy for you to stay with me but Wyldestyle and I are going to be married soon and...well..."

"Yeah, I know. You two want to be left in peace."

Unikitty got up to leave and a lightbulb went off in Emmet's head.

"That's it!" he exclaimed.

"What's it?"

"I know where you can stay!"

"Really? Where?"


Soon, Unikitty was curled up and purring on the lap of Emmet's neighbour, Mrs. Scratchen-Post. Unikitty no longer felt lonely at all with her new family even though she couldn't name them all. Unikitty knew there was Jasmine, Fluffy, Fluffy Jr., Fluffy Senior, and then there was Jeff. There was also, of course, her new caretaker Mrs. Scratchen-Post.

When Emmet told her about Unikitty, she was thrilled about the idea and, even though there were rules like bedtime, Unikitty was still very happy and content to have a caring home with lots of brothers and sisters.

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed reading it and, if you want more stories from me, tell me if you did enjoy it or not by simply clicking on that little review button on the bottom. So simple, right? Thank you, thank you, thank you BlueJay026 for reviewing. They really made me smile and made me write this early. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day (or night) and God bless you all!