The Life Of Neah Walker

Disclaimer;; I do not own -Man, nor will I ever. All credit for the story goes to Katsura Hoshino.

Chapter One

Neah looked down at the picture in front of him, trying desperately to draw his family, but sadly not doing a very good job of it. Tears started to fall down the five year old's face as he threw down the crayon in frustration," I can't do anything right!" he huffed as he crossed his arms and sat back. The little boy's mother looked up from the scarf she was knitting, and looked at her youngest son.

However before she was able to reply, her eldest son, Mana had already gotten up from where he was sitting and and had ran over to Neah, and hugged his little brother while stroking his hair," It's okay Neah...not everyone's good at coloring...I can't even draw a stick person right," Mana then held Neah out at arms length," So don't worry yourself about it." The older boy then smiled," Besides your great at the piano...even teacher says that your showing great progress for someone of your age."

Neah looked up Mana, tears and snot running down his face," Y-you..r-really think so?" The little boy then hiccuped, and used his sleeve to wipe his face off and continued,'' But all I'm good at doing is messing-"

Neah was cut off when Mana hugged his brother again. Once Mana pulled away again his lips were pouting," Aww come on Neah...don't be thinking like that..." A smile then spread across Mana's face," Your birthday is in a few days. We can't have ya being a stick in the mud the entire week. You should be excited..." Mana poked Neah in the belly, not hard, but enough to make his younger brother laugh,'' You should always be wearing that goofy grin of your. It reduces your chances of getting forehead wrinkles like an old man." Mana then scrunched his face up, trying to put false wrinkles on his face, but failing at it. Though Neah did laugh at his brother's attempt so Mana called that a win. After he was finished laughing at his brothers silliness Neah hugged him," Thank you Mana..." Neah quickly pulled away from the hug as he looked at Mana with a frown. Neah then put his hand to Mana's forehead confirming his suspicions, Mana had a fever. Neah looked at their Mother, who was still knitting away and asked," Mama...Mana has a fever again..can you go get his medicine for him?''

Their mother nodded and, putting her knitting and half-done scarf aside, walked up to the two boys, and crouched down so that she could kiss both of their foreheads. As she stood back up, she smiled adoringly at her two sons," You two make me so proud with how well you get's a mother's greatest hope that her children get along, and both of you are my dreams come true. I'll be right back with the medicine." She turned away and left the room, where her two boys where still sitting side by side, without a single care in the world.

A.N ;; So That was the first chapter, hope you guys liked it. This is the first fanfiction I've ever wrote, so yippy to that. If people would like this continued then I will update within a reasonable time length. Well ta ta for now!