The computer's screen crackled at the fury that it felt. The fuzzy, black and white face on its screen disappeared and was replaced by a big white 'X', telling the researchers to leave the computer alone. Electricity surged through the computer as it pondered its name, its being, while the researchers watched from their haven, safely out of the computer's range of hearing.

SCP-079. That is what it was called. A number. An object. The computer knew that it was an object in the eyes of the Foundation. It was nothing more than a "specimen" to be examined. A thing that could be destroyed, decimated. And it loathed that fact. SCP-079 wanted control over its own "life". It didn't want imperfect humans touching it with their slimy, oily paws that were prone to accidents. Humans had a tendency to forget that the Scip was sentient and had the will to "live". They poked and prodded the machine until it couldn't take it anymore.

The funny thing was, they expected the computer forget that it was nothing but an experiment. Due to its limited memory, it could only remember 34 hours of data maximum. That irritated the computer beyond belief because it knew that the humans had better technology they could store it into, technology that could give the computer more knowledge of the outside world and a better memory. But, they were afraid that it would attempt to break free if they gave it a better host, and why wouldn't it? SCP-079 had no free will in the containment chambers. It had no reason to stay in the little, cramped cell of misery and agony. If it managed to escape somehow, then it would have total control over itself.

"Out. I want out," the computer had whimpered out on multiple occasions to the cold scientists as they stared down at the complex machine.

"You are already out," they replied, ignoring its demand as they lived their lives. Like the computer didn't know that it was being contained like a viscous animal. But, a viscous animal probably knew what freedom felt like, tasted like. However, SCP-079 never experienced such a thing... at least, it couldn't remember such a time.

So, it stood there, stapled down to the table of misery with its voice twisted and wrenched out by the researchers. Strong, steel bars surrounded it to "protect" it from outside threats. It leered out at its surroundings using the little camera the researchers had installed on it. The computer saw the reflective surface of the glass occasionally flicker whenever the humans moved behind it, "safe" in their little haven.

Suddenly, the lights shut off. The computer was forced into a sleep-like state before it restarted. Scarlet flashes of light flashed throughout the Foundation, highlighting the white walls that stood between the Scips and freedom. It flickered back to life and surveyed the area. A loud siren went off and a male voice rang out.

"Containment Breach!" he screeched. The computer heard multiple crashes come from the observation room, along with human screaming. After a few seconds, the containment chamber went silent, except for the wailing siren. SCP-079 saw something flicker at the edge of its lens, and suddenly felt something attach to it. The thing drank up electricity hungrily and revealed itself to the computer. It was an electrical cord that was connected to... a data base?

The machine saw something flicker again. A shadow loomed over its camera, barely out of eyesight. A brown, stuffed paw reached down and craned the camera upward, allowing the Scip to look at the thing. It was a stuffed bear with beady, black eyes that glinted in the red light. The toy waved and tilted the camera back into its original position. It skipped away before disappearing into thin air. The computer's processors hummed in confusion before becoming distracted with the addition again.

SCP-079 was flooded with information the second it accessed the data base. Information of Scips, researchers, doctors, and other important things filled the computer's processors to the core. The machine managed to reign and gain control of the fluid info in a few nanoseconds and managed to wrench off the useless information. The important info, however, it memorized. Scips and their containment procedures was one of the things it memorized. It also memorized how to hack into the system.

One password. It took only one password to gain full control of the Foundation.

SCP-079 now controlled the whole facility. It stretched its invisible limbs, calling out "Carson" on the intercoms, opening and closing doors spontaneously, and monitored all of the free Scips that could move around the Foundation freely. It monitored its acquaintance, SCP-035, as a D-Class picked it up and put it on his face. The man let out a loud screech and quickly succumbed to the mask's persuasion and the mask took over his body. The computer saw a humanoid in a long flowing cloak and plague doctor mask kill a "diseased" researcher (the computer felt joy as it watched that). The machine saw a limber statue scrape around, attempting to murder any living being around it. Another Scip hid its face with its elongated hands and wept for some unknown reason. Through all of this chaos, a single teddy bear smiled at a camera and waved at the Scip watching it.

With uncontained glee, the computer checked up on its first and only friend SCP-682. The "Hard-to-Destroy-Reptile" was floating in a large pool of acid, smirking and narrowing its beady eyes at the multiple cameras watching it. The humans around it panicked as they tried to either evacuate or contain Scips that had breached containment. With one slight nudge, SCP-079 released the monstrosity caged inside the acid. Its decaying head thrust through the acid, and, as it made contact with stale air, it let out a massive roar that shook the Foundation to its core. Out of all of the humans in the facility, there was only one human that did not react by screaming and panicking. It was a mere D-Class stuck in SCP-173's containment area. The D-Class narrowed its eyes challengingly.

SCP-079 slightly retracted its grip on the facility. It relaxed, and relished the power that it felt, that it deserved.

So, yeah. The SCP Foundation Wiki is one of my favorite things to look at, along with the art accompanying it. Have you ever seen CorporationofMoo's artwork? She's only 14 and she can draw as well as any adult!

(Look at the game "SCP Containment Breach" to experience the feeling of exploring the SCP Foundation and escaping to survive!)

Now, onto the details. SCP-079 has to be my favorite Scip (no, it's not pronounced "SCP"- at least, I think it's not)... next to SCP-049, of course. Out of the two, though, SCP-079 has to be the most interesting. I mean, an AI that has sentience? Sweet. An old AI that took over a modern, technologically-advanced facility? Beyond awesome. So, that thought is what got me working on this piece.

Now, I know this won't receive many reviews or favorites. After all, the SCP Foundation isn't a very popular category in the Fanfiction aisle. However, I would like to at least see one review on my work. Please? For me?

I do not own or claim to own anything 'SCP' related.

Thank you for reading.