So this is my first Forever fanfic, but I figured I'd give it a shot since the show may be done I needed something to comfort my pain. This takes place after the season finale. I don't own anything, because if I did it wouldn't have gotten canceled. However please enjoy anyway.

It had been a long time since Henry had told anyone and now all he could do was wait. Wait for Jo to say something, react in some way. He wasn't ready to leave New York but if she didn't believe him he wasn't ready to go back to an asylum. He also wasn't ready to leave Jo; he had come to rely on her presence in his life. He sat in the kitchen starring into his now cold cup of tea.

Meanwhile Jo stood on the roof of Henry and Abe's home with an empty glass of wine in her hand. She was sifting through everything that she had just heard. Henry was immortal, he couldn't die. It wasn't possible, but it made so much sense. His lack of self-preservation his knowledge of history, and his over all eccentricities. But it just wasn't possible, immortality was something you read about in books and saw in science fiction shows. Not something you experienced in real life. This was just too much information to digest in one night on only one glass of wine.

Abe paced the living room not knowing who needed his attention more. Jo was upstairs dealing with life changing news, but his father was in the other room debating which country would be nicest to hide in for a couple decades. Abe grabbed a bottle of wine and chose his destination.