Just a quick note that I meant to talk about in the last chapter's author note. The timeline of the Harry Potter events will be a little different just because of outside events that I want to have happen at certain ages and around other events. So here's a basic outline of the timeline:

Summer before Hogwarts - First part of Young Justice

Hogwarts Year 1 - Philosopher's Stone and last half of season one

Hogwarts Year 2 - Chamber of Secrets

Hogwarts Year 3 - Prisoner of Azkaban

Canon Divergence

Hogwarts Year 4 - Unknown events

Hogwarts Year 5 - Unknown events

Hogwarts Year 6 - Events of Goblet of Fire

Hogwarts Year 7 - Events of Order of Phoenix

Following January - Start of events of Young Justice: Invasion (may not be entirely canon)

The events of canon sixth and seventh years will only happen in pieces after 'graduation'. The Horcruxes still exist but will be handled differently. Oh and the dates of events will follow off of Young Justice so Harry Potter dates have been adjusted accordingly. (Took ages why did I do that to myself).

"words" - regular speech

"words" - telepathic speech

words - thoughts

"Time runs short. You must awaken. You must awaken, now!"

Sparrow jerked awake. She looked around to see she, Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash were locked in pods like the one they found Superboy in speaking of the devil, he was standing in front of them, just staring.

"What? What do you want?" Kid Flash demanded. "Quit staring you're creeping me out."

"Uh, KF," Robin interrupted. "How about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look."

"We only sought to help you," Aqualad said. His tone was softer than Kid Flash's.

"Yeah, we free you and you turn on us," Kid Flash said. "How's that for gratitude?"

"Kid, I don't think he was in full control of his actions," Sparrow said. She lipped a lock pick out of her glove.

"Well what if I-" Superboy started to say. "What if I wasn't?"

His voice was hoarse as though he rarely used it. In fact, when Sparrow thought about it, he probably hadn't.

"He can talk?" Kid Flash said, surprised.

"Yes, he can," Superboy snapped.

"Not like I said it."

"The genomorphs taught you, telepathically," Aqualad realized.

Sparrow was saddened when she learned that even though Superboy knew the names of things he'd never even seen the sun or the sky. He'd grown up in a cage with Cadmus making him into a weapon.

"Do you know who you are? What you are?" Aqualad asked.

"I am the Superboy. A genomorph. A clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he perish. To destroy him should he turn from the Light."

Sparrow flinched at his words. Bad enough that he was talking about being made to kill Superman but his words were robotic. They'd clearly been drilled into his head. He wasn't given any opportunity to think for himself.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration," Aqualad said. He didn't let any of his shock enter his tone. "But like Superman you deserve a life of your own. Beyond that solar suit. Beyond your pod. Beyond Cadmus."

Superboy grew angry at that. "I live because of Cadmus. It is my home!"

"Your home is a test tube," Robin said. "We can show you the sun."

"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight," Kid Flash corrected. "But we can show you the moon."

"We can introduce you to Superman," Sparrow said. That piqued Superboy's interest.

"No, they can't," a man said, coming in with Guardian and a woman in a lab coat. "They'll be otherwise occupied. Activate the cloning process." He was clearly the one in charge.

"Pass. The Batcave's crowded enough," Robin said.

"Plus, two of us would be a very bad idea," Sparrow said. She thought about how Jason and Tim were training to join them in the field when they were older. She flinched and wondered if Batman had made it back to the Hall and figured out where they went yet.

"And get the weapon back in its pod," Jackass Director ordered Guardian.

"Hey, how come he gets to call Supey an it?" Kid Flash asked.

"Help us," Aqualad said.

Superboy shrugged Guardian's hand off his shoulder. He stared the older hero down.

"Don't start thinking now." The Director walked by Superboy and the genomorph on his shoulder transferred to Superboy's. its horns glowed and Superboy stiffened. It confirmed Sparrow's theory that the little ones used telepathy to control people. "See, you're not a real boy. You're a weapon. And you belong to me… well, to Cadmus, same thing really. Now, get back to your pod!"

Superboy turned around and walked out. The door closed behind him. The director guy nodded to the scientist/lab tech. she hit a few keys and two four-pronged things come out in front of each of the young heroes.

Sparrow cried out when they connected with her chest. They drew blood and electrocuted her at the same time. She couldn't see it but the blood entered a chamber at the base of the pod.

Black spots danced in her vision. The probes shut down to her relief and she looked up to see Superboy holding the door he'd ripped out of its casing. She grinned as he tossed it aside and walked in. When Cadmus tried to stop him, he simply shoved them across the room.

"You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash wondered.

Superboy's eyes narrowed. "Huh. I don't appear to have heat vision so I suppose helping is my only option."

Sparrow grinned at his response. She and Robin finally finished picking the locks of their cuffs. The pods opened and they jumped down to the ground.

"Ugh, finally," Robin said, rubbing his wrist. "Luckily Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about?" Kid Flash wondered. "The whole League will have out heads after tonight."

Sparrow silently snorted. Batman may have their heads for taking so long to get free but that was minor compared to how he'd react for the whole event. They'd probably be benched until they were thirty. And Robin knew that. She pressed a button on the control panel to put away the probes.

"Free Aqualad," Robin told Superboy. "I'll get Kid Mouth."

"Don't you give me orders either," Superboy growled. He jumped over to Aqualad's pod anyway.

He broke Aqualad's restraints while Robin climbed to the top of Kid Flash's so he could pick his locks.

As the five of them ran out the director called after them, "You'll never get out of here. I'll have you back in pods before morning."

Sparrow bit back her comment about it technically already being morning. She and Robin suddenly remembered their blood in the tanks and turned around.

"That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all," Robin said. He threw explosive birdarangs at the four tanks.

Sparrow threw one of hers at the computer array but it was just a cover. She reached for her magic and, channeling her anger at Cadmus and the cloning process, pushed it at the computer array. She grinned proudly as it blew up.

"What is it with you and this whelmed thing?" Kid Flash asked Robin as they left.

"We're still fifty-two levels below ground," Aqualad said as they ran. "But if we can make the elevator-" He cut himself off as the hall was blocked by the gorilla-type genomorphs.

The sacs on the walls glowed red. Genomorphs pushed their way out much to Sparrow's disgust. They dodged one of the big ones slamming its fists down. Superboy started fighting them.

"Superboy!" Aqualad called from behind the genomorphs. "The goal is escape. Not to bury ourselves here."

"You wanna escape?" Superboy cried, furious. He threw one of the unconscious genomorphs into the other two.

They all entered the elevator shaft and made their way up. Superboy soon realized he couldn't fly as he and Aqualad suddenly started falling. Wide-eyed Robin threw a spike into the wall for Aqualad to grab onto. He and Sparrow breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to relive that memory, especially not here.

"Superman can fly, why can't I fly?" Superboy whispered, confused.

"Don't know," Kid Flash said. "But it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound, though. Still cool." He helped Superboy onto the ledge.

A whirring noise made Robin and Sparrow look up. "Guys this will have to be our exit," Robin said. The elevator was starting to descend.

Aqualad and Superboy broke down the doors and they all leapt out. Just in time too as once Sparrow and Robin cleared the doorway, the elevator sped past. They saw genomorphs coming down the hall and took off down a side one.

"Go left! Left!" Superboy called suddenly. A short way down that hall he said, "Right." They ended up a dead end.

"Great directions, Supey," Kid Flash complained. "Are you trying to get us repodded?"

"No, I – I don't understand."

"Don't apologize. This is perfect," Robin said. He and Sparrow smirked at the sight of the vent.

"Ugh. At this rate we'll never get out," Kid Flash complained as they crawled along.

"Shh. Listen," Superboy said. To those without superhearing it was faint but they could tell they weren't alone in the vents.

Sparrow edged over to the closest vent cover. She slipped a camera between the slats and looked around. She grinned when she saw the area was clear and there was a nearby stairwell. She told Robin in a quick couple signs and he passed the message on while she unscrewed the vent. The five of them dropped to the floor and Robin instantly plugged in his hologlove. A couple seconds later, he looked up grinning.

"I hacked the motion sensors."

"Sweet," Kid Flash said.

"Still plenty of them between us and out," Sparrow reminded him.

"But I've finally got room to move." Kid Flash pulled down his goggles and took off up the stairs. When genomorphs approached him he just ran them over.

"More behind us," Robin told Superboy. He was keeping an eye on the motion sensors.

Superboy stopped and slammed his foot on the top stair. The staircase broke sending the genomorphs plummeting down.

"We're cut off from the street," Aqualad said when they saw the shut doors.

"Thanks, my head hadn't noticed." Kid Flash rubbed his head having crashed into the closed doors.

Aqualad and Superboy tried pulling the doors open. Robin and Sparrow tried hacking. Neither method was working fast enough and genomorphs were approaching.

"This way," Robin called. Eh kicked down a side door and they ran through. Unfortunately, there was a small army there waiting for them with Guardian.

Sparrow saw they were surrounded and pulled out birdarangs. She saw the little ones' horns glow and everything went black. Again.

She sat up with a groan. She was surprised to see the genomorphs standing down and not attacking. Only the more humanoid one had glowing horns and he was focused on Superboy.

"I… chose… freedom," Superboy said. It seemed he'd been having a conversation with that genomorph.

"Feels like... fog lifting," Guardian whispered holding his head. Sparrow noticed he no longer had a genomorph on his should like a parrot. "Go," he told the young heroes. "I'll deal with Desmond."

Sparrow briefly wondered who Desmond was when a familiar voice came from behind Guardian and the genomorphs.

"I think not," the director, Desmond, said. "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." He drank a glowing pale blue liquid.

Soon he was groaning in pain. He fell to all fours and suddenly bulked up. His skin fell away to reveal new blue skin. When his transformation completed he roared and grinned predatorily at the heroes.

Guardian charged him and was swatted away into a wall. Superboy jumped in and exchanged punches with Desmond. Desmond jumped into the Kryptonian and took them both up through the ceiling.

"Okay, that's one way to bust through the ceiling," Robin said. He shot a grapple up as did Sparrow.

"Do you think Lab Coat planned that?" Kid Flash asked. He grabbed Robin's belt as he went up.

"I doubt he's planning anything anymore," Aqualad said.

When they were all standing by the hole, Desmond threw Superboy at them. He crashed into Aqualad and they went sliding and rolling across the room. Robin, Sparrow, and Kid Flash ran over and helped the two to their feet.

The five of them engaged Desmond in battle with surprisingly good teamwork considering they'd never all worked together before. At one point Superboy was pinned against a pillar. Aqualad and Sparrow went to get Desmond to let go of him. Desmond grabbed Aqualad's water construct and used it to toss the Atlantean away. The big brute managed to snag Sparrow's black cape and threw her across the room into a column.

Sparrow shook her head to clear her vision and bemoaned the fact that she could be tossed around so easily. It was getting annoying. She also wondered if situation like this was why Edna Mode was so against capes. For a moment, she considered a wardrobe change and ditching the cape but dismissed it just as quickly. She like her capes.

She watched Aqualad crash through a pillar. The ceiling above it started to collapse. Sparrow pulled up a structural scan of the room. "Robin!"

Robin ran over to her side. One look at her scan and he had the same idea. "KF, get over here!" Kid Flash ran over. One of the columns broke and showed up on Sparrow's scan as having structural damage. Robin quickly explained their plan.

Kid Flash took off to distract Desmond and use him to take out some of the columns. Robin showed the plan Superboy and Aqualad and directed them to structural columns to bring down. He ran off to place strategic bombs and Sparrow drew a giant X on the best location to take Desmond out. Aqualad covered the floor in water, Kid Flash slid into it drawing in Desmond and Superboy knocked the Director down. Once Kid Flash was clear, Aqualad electrified the water, shocking Desmond. Sparrow smirked, now that was poetic justice.

"Move!" Robin warned. His birdarangs were about to go off.

A large chuck of the ceiling dropped straight down onto Desmond. As the rest of the ceiling and the walls started to come down, Superboy covered Kid Flash and Aqualad dived on top of Robin and Sparrow. Those two were better able to take the impact of large chunks of concrete raining down.

Superboy pushed the concrete off them and Sparrow looked around. Everyone appeared to be in one piece, their uniforms were torn but there seem to be no visible injuries. Judging by the ache in her side and pounding headache, she probably had bruised or possibly cracked ribs and a concussion.

"We did it," Aqualad said, out of breath.

"Was there… ever any doubt?" Robin asked. He and Kid Flash were also breathing heavily. They high-fived but then clutched their sore ribs.

"Nope," Sparrow chirped, grinning.

"See, the moon," Kid Flash said, making Superboy turn away from the unconscious Desmond.

The Kryptonian clone stared in wonder. A shadow appeared on the full moon as Superman flew towards them.

Sparrow's grin dimmed and she whispered to Robin, "How screwed do you think we are?"

"Very," Robin said as the rest of the League showed up and landed in a circle around the destroyed building. He and Sparrow exchanged nervous glances. Batman was not going to be happy.

Speaking of the Gotham Bat, he walked off Green Lantern Stewart's platform to stand next to Superman in front of the five who'd just destroyed the building, well part of it. Aquaman and Flash joined him.

Superboy walked up to Superman. He moved his torn suit so the red S-Shield was visible. The elder Kryptonian started in shock which turned to anger to the younger's disappointment and anger.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked.

"HE doesn't like being called an it," Kid Flash said out of the corner of his mouth.

Robin and Sparrow knew Batman was talking about the suit and shield not Superboy, but everyone who only saw the emotionless Bat didn't.

"I'm Superman's clone," Superboy snapped.

The entire League was shocked by this announcement and showed it. Batman's reaction was only visible to his protégées and they could see he'd suspected as soon as he saw Superboy.

"Start talking," Batman said.

All of them, except really Superboy, took it in turns to explain everything that had happened since the Leaguers had answered Zatara's call. Desmond was taken away by the Green Lanterns, the Hawks and Captain Atom.

One group of Leaguers including the mentors to the four who broke into Cadmus spoke with Guardian. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter spoke separately amongst themselves possibly about getting Superman to talk to Superboy if the hand Martian Manhunter put on Superman's shoulder before he went over to his clone was anything to go by. Unfortunately, Superman didn't do a decent job of trying to speak to his clone and chose to leave without offering any help.

At least Sparrow didn't think he did a decent job given how angry Superboy appeared. She was glad it wasn't day because the moonlight was making her head pound so sunlight would have been impossible to tolerate. She knew Batman and Robin could tell but no one else seemed to notice. Of course, she was also trying to hide it. She didn't want anyone thinking she wasn't cut out for the hero gig.

"Cadmus will be investigated," Batman said. He walked over with Flash and Aquaman. "All fifty-two levels. But let's make one thing clear-"

"You should have called," Flash interjected. He got a slight glare from Batman.

"We tried but we were too far underground for a signal to reach," Sparrow said. She saw Batman twitch slightly and knew he was planning on upgrading their tech so it wouldn't happen again.

"End results aside we are not happy." Batman said. "You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

The four of them shifted guiltily. Sparrow knew she was the only one at fault for the first, but the last… She knew if anyone else had been in the building when they brought it down they could have been killed. And there was no telling the damage that would have been unleashed if Desmond had gotten out. However, she, and the others, also knew how much good they had done.

"I am sorry," Aqualad said. "But we will."

"Aqualad, stand down."

"Apologies my king, but no." Aqualad bowed his head but his refusal still caused Aquaman to raise an eyebrow. "We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do. Together, on our own we forged something powerful. Important."

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall," Flash said. "The four of you…"

"The five of us," Kid Flash said, cutting off his uncle's explanation. "And it's not."

"Batman we're ready to use what you taught us," Robin said. He spoke for his sister as well. "Or why teach us at all."

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy asked. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way."

Flash and Aquaman exchanged glances and looked to Batman for his opinion. He looked at his kids and their friends and started going over the possibilities. He saw through the façade Robin and Sparrow were putting up claiming they were fine besides a couple bruises and scrapes.

"Go home," he said. "I'll decide what to do with all of you in a few days. Kid Flash would it be a problem for Superboy to stay with you until then?"

"Nope. Come on Supey let's go."

Robin and Sparrow followed Batman to the nearest Zeta tube. Robin went through first and the bright light caused Sparrow to hiss in pain and screw her eyes up. Batman rested a hand on her shoulder. She hurried through the transporter wanting it over with quickly and stumbled as she exited. Robin caught her and she hid her face in his chest to try to block out the light.

Batman came up behind them and swept Sparrow under his cape so Robin could go change. He walked with her to the changing rooms so she stayed in the dark for longer. Sparrow slipped out from under the protection of the cape and into the dim room.

Outside in the cave, Batman sat heavily on a chair and pushed his cowl back. Movement at the entrance caught his eye and he turned to see Alfred entering with his two youngest. Well Jason was the same age as Anastasia but his birthday was a couple weeks after hers to his annoyance.

"Are they back? Are they okay?" Jason and Tim asked in unison.

"Yes they're here, but Anya has a concussion and they both have sore ribs."

"They refused to go to bed until they knew," Alfred explained. He swept off to get first aid supplies.

Bruce didn't expect anything else. His four kids were very close despite Anastasia only being his ward and not being adopted. Not that he hadn't tried. He watched Tim run over to Dick and the eight-year-old latch himself on to his eldest mindful of his ribs. Jason handed Anastasia a pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes and hugged her as tightly as she could handle.

Bruce walked over. "Alright you two. Head on up to bed. You can find out what happened in the morning." They pouted but did as they were told. Before they left Dick snagged a hug from Jason and Tim hugged Anastasia.

Bruce watched Alfred busy himself wrapping the ribs of both his injured kids. He knew they'd want to keep working as team with the others and were stubborn enough to do it again if they felt it was necessary. He just wasn't sure how to go about it but if he didn't find a way, they would. Better if he knew what they were doing and could impose some ground rules rather than the alternative. He didn't particularly like the idea but what else could he do. He blinked and realized he was in the same situation as he was three years ago when he allowed Anastasia to join him in the field before she decided to go out on her own. He had an idea of what he might want to do but he had a few days to figure out if and how it would work.