The Innocent Blade/CYOA? (Worm/Demonbane)

A fic composed in a rush to after too many pills swallowed. (All for medical purposes, I assure you) I didn't read Worm beyond a few pieces here and then. And frankly can't stand the way the atmosphere feels. So don't sue me if I get something wrong, although I read a lot fanfiction. So that might be alleviated a bit. But probably not, I'm new here. So I expect many people to dismiss me. Well, enough of my ramblings. Let the show begin.

Nature of Entry: Endbringer

Difficulty: NaN

Powers: NaN

Perks: NaN

Victory: NaN

عبدالله الحظرد =Ɏ(◥͆†͆◤)Ɏ= عبدالله الحظرد


Deep within the sun's dense core lies a shadowed entity, a being capable of surviving the 3.84 trillion psi of pressure pressing down on it's impossible mass. A 500 kilometer in length diamantine snake with 6 tentacle like mane flaring of from its head like horns. The body was coiled near the sun's core. Siphoning energy to power its immense form and breaking of any limitations the ? has imposed upon him. The ? unknowingly accelerating his memory recovery of the self imposed break from his unending battle against the infinitude of conflicts that threatens mankind within Yog-Sothoth's influence. A mistake as it were.

'This body... I remember... Nyarlathotep must have finally... Realized'

His inner cores glowed from within where the brain should have been, a light brighter than the gamma rays and other high energy photons residing in the solar core. But the dark diamond stays vastly dark in paradoxical anathema of thermodynamics.

'Gathered enough power... Opening link to Personal Fold space... And summon previous life resources and Cor Leonis power core. Now gathering power from the infinity of the multiverse'

His voice resonated within the plasma, unheard through the raging explosions but still clear throughout its own psionic frequency. It twitched the dense elements of from his body and started to drift away from the star's immense gravity. Collecting mass along its way to its own personal space bubble universe. Mass needed to power his infinitely dense vector body.

The unnamed being wasn't flying through the plasma as much as it was just grabbing Space-Time and dragged itself through gravity. A Higgs field only he could perceive. He went through the Radiative Zone, Tachocline Line, Convective Zone and Photosphere till he at last reached the atmosphere of Solar Flares and Coronal Radiation. His tentacles wrapped around itself as it was drilling through space itself.

He flared his tentacles from around itself and swims to the destination he was familiar with in this foreign Universe. A planet he cast aside when he came to in orbit of Luna because of its meager mass which could be converted to energy. Although strange dimensional energy were detected. A very familiar anomaly he associated with high energy Transmutation and Matryoska Simulations.

'Calculating optimal Earth orbit vectors, altering mass with Neutronium from folded space. Final adjustments cleared for Geosynchronous orbit of Anomaly Priority #5: Angel'

As he drifted to his destination he checked for his dormant companions in the folded space, after digging through endless junk he finally summoned the Grimoire to a hollow cavern within his head. A tome made out of blackened leather and metal spikes holding the black metal plate in place. A cover scripted with an unknown tongue but would translate something like Al Azif, or more known as the Necronomicon. The Book of the Dead

'Form highly inefficient to communicate with human lifeforms, rectifying issue'

Athleta Aeternum!

'Summoning Elder Gods and Transmuting my body back to Demonbane form'

A shape started to wrap around itself, dimensions not following the Euclidean geometry twisting his body into the form of the original Demonbane. Its imposing form darkened upon an aura of mechanical divinity. Now without entity type propulsion he summons the superior pieces of the Necronomicon within his cockpit. Shantak, the divine Vector Drive Unit propels the machine forward in unison with Timaeus's and Critias, the shin guards that warps Space-Time to lessen the distance with Non-Euclidean dimensions that would make a lesser human bleed from his eyes if he where to gaze upon the unnatural phenomenon.

Within the compartment, pieces of the Necronomicon's pages tore itself from the covers and coalesce together into 2 forms. A fair skinned male with muscles seemingly made out of rock and a pink haired waifish girl. Both were wearing something like a mix of biker gang aesthetics and erotic gear. Although they had a air of power within them under the strange clothing.

"Ugh, you picked an unfortunate time to summon me back Demonbane. I had fine dandy time with Al here" The man grumbled.

"Yes, very annoying" The other person said irritated.

'...' Demonbane stayed silent, it never needed to inform its masters of anything. Its only function is to fight evil, while masters optimized this endeavor.

Rolling her eyes, the girl sitting on a chair surrounded by consoles read through the data collected when it went dormant and thrown somewhere in a Earth to do what it wanted.

"It seems somebody had the bright idea to send Demonbane to this universe while it was still dormant. Changing its form along the way. Luckily he could adapt and collected energy from the Sun to summon Cor Leonis. Otherwise he would had to wait for us to re-summon its body with Athleta Aeternum"

"Well, we've known something like this would happen. We can kill Nyarlathotep as many times as we like, but there will be a infinite amounts of her still lingering about. But this doesn't seem to be one of her schemes. It's too obvious for one and this realm does not seem to have any Azathoth particles"

"Regardless of that, it seems he found something interesting here. A dimensional link connected to different life forms around this planet. There is a lot of processing power going through if sensors are reading the dimensional oscillation correctly. I can't properly read through the datastream without coming closer"

"Our languish is at end it seems like, lets check the disturbance and verify any harmful intent on the humans there"

"Demonbane has calculated this beforehand and already calculated a Geosynchronous orbit above a heavy psionic disturbance on the Southern and Eastern Hemisphere. Canberra, Australia if it matches up to our original Earth"

"Forgo the technical stuff and just use Shantak to FTL us in the atmosphere. It might even be urgent so I don't see why we even need to bother"

Looking back at him over her chair she just looked at him exasperated.

"Idiot... We will arrive in less 1 minute. Prepare for light turbulence once we are in atmosphere"

جميع أزيف =Ɏ̺̺(͚◥͆†͆◤͚)Ɏ̺̺= جميع أزيف

Canberra, Australia. February 24th, 2011

I try to ignore the scream as much I can and direct my focus on to the fight while trying repair my armor as much as I can after a glancing blow from the rubble. The battlefield riddled with them after the various attacks on Simurgh. The results weren't looking too good. I don't need the social analysis in the fight, but it was also linked to the battle analysis module. It will be difficult without the system warning me from floating rubble or seeking out exploitable holes in defences. Although most of it will be useless anyways against the Simurgh.

Climbing back to my feet, I check the casualties on my HUD. Not very much, but that was to be expected considering the Simurgh seems to be ignoring us for the most part. Anyone closer gets attacked of course, but no one was that foolish to get that close. Well, except a few brutes here and then. But the device she was working on has the most priority with the way she was deflecting all attacks off it.

Grabbing my Halberd, I switch it to projectile rifle form. Although I knew it was futile, I shoot at the device anyways in a chance that it will go through.

Wait, she's looking to the sky. She never bothered to look at us so what was she focusing on? Carefully putting my sight on the skies in the case it was a trick I find nothing of relevance. Wait, there. A speck in the sky. It must came from outer space if I read the data right.

"Dragon, are you seeing this?" I ask her after opening a link to her coms.

"Yes, I see it. My space telemetry and grounded observatories picked it up first near venus but it suddenly disappeared so I didn't think much of it. Put it seems it moved so fast we couldn't pick it up."

The form came closer to the ground and I could just make out some distinguishable details. Like the fact it was almost 500 metres tall and the information that it was mech didn't shock me as much as IT WAS 500 METRES TALL! How the hell does it not collapse on itself once that thing entered atmosphere. I can't get a good fix on the technology on it, but I also know the miniaturization on that thing was practically impossible. All I can see are billions of fragmenting squiggles that I'm sure are not even made out of 3 dimension.

It came to a stop 60 metres above the ground and looked down upon the Simurgh as it was assessing its worth. And although its face remained unchanged, I somehow sense its disdain upon the Angelic being. The mech raised its arm to the Simurgh and summoned a red crystal between its fingers, and the screaming stopped. Like it wasn't even there in the first place.

The ridiculous mech still with the red crystal in its hand suddenly crushed the object. The effect was now more impossible than I could foreseen. It shrank, and my brain couldn't grasp how in gods name you could miniaturise that much technology within the quantum scale. It gave me so much of a headache I upped my painkiller dose so I could just make it stop. Luckily it stopped at 55 metres, although how lucky is still to be seen.

"I am Kurou Daijūji" A powerful male voice reverberated throughout field.

"And I'm Al-Azif" A more sedate feminine voice resonated from the mech.

"We have judged you angel, and deemed it necessary to smite you back where you belong."

"IN HEAVEN!" They both said that like it was final. An inevitable conclusion that only they could see.

Dodging a stray rebar, I watch as the Simurgh collected every loose piece of rubble and even pieces of paper to the still gigantic in size mech. Almost like it was desperate. The shockwave hit me after. Flinging me closer to the mech and breaking a few bones in the process while stabbing my Halberd into the ground.

Looking up, I see the mech raise its right arm. Now glowing green and impossible readings came through that he ignored.

"In this world of light!"

"There is no place for beings of darkness!"

The mech dismissed the glow and assumed a pose that I frankly should find ridiculous but couldn't get more frustrated and confused than I'm currently am.

"Hunger, Thirst... GO BACK TO THE VOID!"

It jumped from its position and flew through air at a speed that should break the sound barrier, but didn't. Within his right hand a void that glowed despite the impossibility hit the the frantically retreating Simurgh.

"Lemuria Impact!"

"SHOKA!" The female voice cried out.

Then the sphere expanded, enveloping the endbringer and the building. Fearing that it would reach me, I ran through the pain away from the battle. My muscles protesting at the sudden movement. And it seems I was right to do that. Because the sphere shrank, but then exploded with a force of a hurricane. Less than it should have been. A contained explosion of... Infinite heat and pressure. After reading that I'm now more worried about the mech than the Simurgh. Because while endbringers are pretty powerful, they can't output a infinite amount of energy within a single moment like this. The fact that the explosion was contained made me more scared if it became an enemy.

Standing back up from the shockwave. I see many capes with the same idea as me look to the resulting crater. Assessing the situation and walking away for medical aid. I see the smoke clearing up and nothing but a humanoid ash pile. Crystalline pieces lying on its shoulder that might have been its core.

Looking at the floating mech currently standing near the edge of the crater, I resolve myself and walk to it alongside the flying Alexandria coming from my left. Time to ask some questions, which I hope doesn't backfire on us.

جميع أزيف =Ɏ̺̺(͚◥͆†͆◤͚)Ɏ̺̺= جميع أزيف