There were Smallville books at the local library – bada-bing bada-boom, new Smallville story and my love for this show once again is reignited!
*This is set somewhere during season 1 I think – that was my favorite season after all. Maybe early 2… Somewhere along there*
Chloe couldn't believe her luck – of course her car would break down during a thunderstorm. Of course it would.
Where's Clark Kent when you need him? She thought, knowing that he usually showed up when she needed him most.
But no, not tonight.
Tonight, she was alone, in the pouring rain, walking to town as lightning flashed around her.
As she continued to trudge through the rain – glad she had at least worn boots today that could keep the water and mud out – she thought about Clark.
Clark, with his hard-working, farm-boy muscled body, his dark hair that she was just tempted to run her fingers through and that stupid grin that made her smile, no matter what mood she was in.
Oh yeah, Chloe had it bad for that boy.
Too bad he didn't pursue anything.
Nope, they had been playing this game for far too long in her opinion – she wanted it to end, and that meant that she either had to make her move – which she knew he would push away, he always did when it came to her – or give him up.
That thought hurt her to think, but she had to consider that option.
There would never be a 'Chloe-Clark' relationship – it was a big possibility if Clark didn't open himself up to her.
She was almost to her house, ducking behind a large tree and stepping over loose gravel to get there. As she made up her mind about what to do about Clark, a large burst of lightning struck the tree next to her, knocking her flat on her back as the tree came crashing down, still sparking with lightning as it landed on her, making her vision blur.
The last thing she sees is a dull green glow in the roots of the tree before she screams out in pain.
Clark had out in the loft, making sure there were no leaks, when he heard the scream.
He knew it was Chloe. He didn't even stop to tell his parents where he was going; he was just gone.
Chloe needed him.
He could easily see through the rain, like it wasn't even happening.
All he could think about was Chloe.
If something happened to her, before he could tell her… No, Clark couldn't think like that; Chloe would be okay. After everything that has happened to her before, she just had to be.
Clark was an idiot; he knew how he felt about Chloe for so long now – even the feelings he had for Lana were waning a bit in his adoration of Chloe.
Smart, spunky Chloe…
Please be okay.
He sees her, pinned under the large tree, not moving.
And then he's there, next to her, grunting at the effort it takes him to get the tree off of her. He sees the green glow in its roots, knowing that's weakening him; he doesn't care though.
He has to help Chloe.
When he gets the tree moved enough to move her away, he feels better as the rain pours over them.
Her eyes flutter briefly as she gives him a weak smile.
"Knew it'd be you Clark. Always is…."
Cradling her in his arms, he rushes her to the hospital, hoping against hope that she'll be okay.
When Chloe wakes up in the hospital, the first thing she sees is Clark's face. His head is bowed as he looks to be in deep thought, his forehead crinkled and mouth set in a frown. She reaches a shaking hand out to smooth over his forehead, making his head snap up to look at her.
"Chloe," he breathes out, moving like he wants to hug her but stops. "Are you okay?"
"I feel surprisingly fine. What happened exactly? I remember walking home… the rain… the lightning…"
"A tree collapsed on you. The doctor said you should… you should have some serious damage to your legs… your body. But you're completely okay. Just some bruises."
"Really? Wow. Maybe some of your 'hero-ness' is rubbing off on me." Clark had to grin at her and took her hand in his.
"I was really worried about you. I'm glad you okay." She smiled at him and squeezed his hand before her eyes hardened.
He knew that look… Her journalist look. Crap.
"How'd you find me?"
"I was out-"
"No Clark. I want the truth. Please. I'm so tired of playing this game."
"Maybe you should leave."
"When you want me to know the truth, I'll be here," she said, finding it in herself to run her fingers through his hair, like she always wanted to. She had to bite her lip as he immediately closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She pulled her hand away with force and gave him a sad grin as he opened his eyes. "Goodbye Clark."
He stood up and seemed to debate something before he gave her a quick kiss – just a hesitant brush of his lips on hers.
"I'm glad you're okay."
She had to bite her tongue to keep from calling him back to her.
Stupid Clark Kent. Why do you always do this to me?
Chloe was released from the hospital that afternoon. After her dad made sure she was in bed with her computer, he had to make a run back to work. She promised him she'd stay in bed, so he had no problem leaving.
She was typing away at her computer when she began to feel woozy and sick – moving the computer, she made to get up, but in one second she was in her bed, the next, hunched over the toilet.
How had she gotten there so fast?
She had no time to think though as she gagged, sure she was going to be sick to her stomach; her eyes began to burn as clutched onto her stomach, a bitter taste in her mouth.
Instead of throwing up though – which she was sure was going to happen – her eyes burned even more and shook as she saw through the toilet, straight into the ground and into the basement. Before she could make sense of this though, her eyes burned again and then the water in the toilet began to bubble the longer she stared at it.
Closing her eyes, she blindly ran back to her room, using her senses to get there.
This is some wall of weird stuff, she mused as she carefully opened her eyes before throwing an overnight bag together.
She had someone to see – maybe now she could get her answers.
Clark was in his loft, debating if he wanted to go call Chloe or not, when he saw a flash of something running towards his barn. Even with his superior eyesight and heightened senses, he couldn't tell who it was; until they were standing in his loft, staring at him.
"Clark, help me."
Bum-bum…. Haha. Hope you guys liked the first chapter enough for me to continue it.
See ya'll next time and thanks for reading.
Reviews are love!