Chapter 1

How's it going Bros. I am GOD... No, Wait. Thats EXE. I am DarkBlur2005, and I bring you, my Newest Creation, I Am GOD! Yeah, I went there.




"Tailed Beast/Demon/Summon Speech"

'Tailed Beast/Demon/Summon Thoughts'


Chapter 1. Prologue

"Mommy! Daddy! I did it!" shouted a blond boy, with Violet eyes, whisker marks on his face and red streaks in his hair. He had just walked up and down a tree. "So did I!" a little girl with Blue eyes, whisker marks on her face and spiky red hair that reached down to her shoulder blades said after doing the same thing. "Good Work, Menma, Natsumi." Said a Blond Man with spiky hair and blue eyes. His name is Minato Namikaze. "Well done kids!" said a woman with smooth red hair and violet eyes. Her name is Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze. And the blond and red haired boys name is Menma Uzumaki Namikaze. The girls name is Natsumi Uzumaki Namikaze. Now, this family might seem perfect. But if you looked on one of the windows of the second floor of their house, you would see a Blond boy with blue tips in his hair, you can't see his eyes because he's wearing bandages around them, but if there weren't bandages around them, he would definitely be glaring at the happy 'family'. This is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

(Play 'I Am... All of Me' from Shadow the Hedgehog)

You might be wondering, 'Why does he have bandages around his eyes?' well he got those bandages after he met Him.

(Oh No! A Rabid FLASHBACK Appeared!)

2 Years Ago.

An 9 Year old Naruto was walking through the Hidden Leaf Forest when hr noticed a cave. He went into the cave, it went to a pathway that went for about 10 minutes, at the end, he saw an altar with a stand in the middle(The Cave the Altar is in looks like Spear Pillar from Pokemon DPPt, without the carvings and an altar where Dialga/Palkia/Giratina is summoned). On the Altar is a Pitch Black, Diamond-Cut Emerald with a red tint on the edges. When he got close, he heard a voice with an echo to it say "Greetings Chosen One, I have been expecting you." The voice seemed to come from everywhere, but got louder when closer to the emerald. "Who are you?" "You may refer to me as EXE." "EXE?" "Yes child?" "What are you?" "I? I am the God of all demons." "C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-COOL!" EXE appeared to sweatdrop at this. Naruto then realized what he said, "Wait? Chosen one?" "Yes Child, You are the Child of Prophecy after all." "Child of Prophecy?" He then remembered something.

(Pause Song)

(Flashback inside a flashback BITCHES!)

Minato and Kushina stood in front of the Namikaze Triplets, "Menma, Natsumi, we are going to train you starting tomorrow." said Minato to the Five year olds, "What about me, Dad?" asked Naruto, "Naru-Chan, we are going to start training you after your next birthday, because, both of your siblings are the Nine Tails Jinchuriki and your one of your siblings is the child of prophecy, so we have to train them a little earlier than you, OK?" Said Kushina sadly, as it tore her apart that her son would not be participating in training for another year, "OK" Said Naruto.

(End of Flashback within Flashback)

(Continue Song)

"Now Child, I want to look through you memories to see if you've had a good life." Naruto then got a slight headache, then EXE radiated a Crap-ton of Killer Intent, "Those Fucking Morons! Even if they thought one of your siblings was the child of prophecy, that's still no excuse to almost completely Fucking IGNORE YOU!" EXE Shouted while the cave was shaking from the power EXE was Releasing. "And those villagers, Shunning you, Scorning you, Beating you, Not even Demons would do that to an INNOCENT MOTHERFUCKING CHILD!"

Naruto was silent for a little while, "Child, you Okay?" EXE asked in concern. "Th-th-th-th-th-th-that w-w-w-w-w-w-was... FUCKIN' AWESOME!" EXE Sweatdropped yet again, "Kid, I am going to fuse with you." "Why?" "Because I'm Dying Kid, and I want to have an Heir." "Okay." "Oh, Also, I have Bandages to cover your eyes." "Why?" "Because when we merge, the whites of your eyes will go black, your Irises & Pupils will go Crimson red and you will always cry blood, unless your wearing the bandages or sleeping, but to make up for it, you get an awesome sensory ability, also, they have seals on them that will make it so that you can't release more than 90 percent of your power without having to the them off." The Emerald then glowed and after that it shattered. The shards then turned into energy and went into Naruto.

(Play 'Outta Control' by Thousand Foot Krutch.)

Naruto screamed from the pain of having so much power enter him, when it stopped Naruto's appearance had changed, he was a foot taller, making him five foot five, the tips of his hair were blue, and his eyes had changed to what EXE had mentioned, Black Sclera, Crimson red eyes, and he was crying blood, he then walked over to the bandages and put them over his eyes, "I am no longer Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, I am Naruto EXE Uzumaki!"

(Flashback end)

And that's how he got his power.

(End Song)

Chapter End

A/N. Hey Bros, DB2K5 Here with an authors note, Do you guys think I should give Naruto a Creepypasta themed Summoning Contract? Review and give me your answer.

Later Guys.