With this final chapter, my almost ten months long project is over. I will miss this story, it was much more than fun for me. Only a few of you knew that last year I almost completely lost sight in my right eye. I was so depressed, angry and desperate back then, I couldn't accept it. But then I started Be My Hero and I'm glad I did so, it helped me get over the worst days and focus on the good things.

I would like to THANK YOU all for reading, favouriting and following this story, for the reviews and private messages you sent me. You are amazing, guys!

3 years later

"Nightbird, pay attention."

"That's what I'm doing" Blaine and licked his lips as he leered at the slender body in front of him. He absolutely loved Kurt's new suit. It was silver that glowed in the sunlight and oh so tight... It left nothing to the imagination. He couldn't wait to go home and get Kurt out of his clothes.

Suddenly, Kurt turned around and with a quick movement, he slapped the back of Blaine's head.


"Not to my ass" Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"Can you blame me? You look absolutely breathtaking" Blaine said.

"You should still get your dirty thoughts out of your head and concentrate. They will be here soon" Kurt said.

Blaine sighed and turned back towards the deserted building of the bank in front of them. There was so much that had changed in the past few years. After they had caught Dark Shadow and his followers, Blaine had found himself nominated for the new supervisor of New York. With Adam being held behind the bars, Burt had thought that the man would be the best for the job and to Blaine's surprise, everybody had supported his choice. Blaine hadn't been happy at first, it had meant that he had to leave Kurt behind and they had been in a long distance relationship until Kurt's graduation.

Unfortunately, their life hadn't become much easier after that. Since Kurt was the heir of Silver Bear who planned on retiring soon, Kurt had to travel a lot to learn everything he needed to become the leader of the superhero community. But it was still something, they could have had worse. At least when Kurt was free, he could spend his time with Blaine and didn't have to go home to help his father anymore. Burt had Finn to work for him who had returned home after a few weeks spent in New York. He had tried it because Rachel was there, too, but New York was too crowded for him. He liked Lima a lot better and Rachel visited him as often as possible.

Beside Finn, Burt had a lot new superheroes to keep the area safe. After the eventful night when they had defeated Dark Shadow, Rory had literally begged for Burt to let him stay and the man had gladly granted him his wish. And there was David Karofsky, of course. Dave had had a hard time after his father's arrest but some help from Kurt and his friends, he had been accepted by the community again. And Dave didn't let them down. He worked hard to make up for his mistakes in the past.

"They're here" Kurt said excitedly and started climbing down from the roof.

Blaine gave himself another second to watch his beautiful boyfriend but then he followed him down from the roof. Kurt took his job very seriously, he knew that he better did what Kurt told him.

"Let's be quick. Dad's gonna kill us if we don't make it back in time" Kurt whispered.

"Believe me, I know" Blaine sighed.

There were three men climbing out through a broken window. Two of them had backpacks that seemed full. It looked like they found what they were searching for.

They were about to ran out of the alley and disappear in the city when Kurt and Blaine blocked their exit.

"Hello, boys" Kurt smiled. "I'm sorry to interrupt but we can't let you go with that."

"Nightbird and Shield Boy!" one of the robbers gasped.

Kurt rolled his eyes. He so hated his name. When he had come to New York, he had tried to choose a new one but since the happenings in Lima, everybody knew who he was and it had been too late to change his name. It didn't mean he accepted it. He wanted people to respect him but it was hard with a name like this and the fact he still looked like an 8-year-old.

The men turned around and started running in the opposite direction, away from the superheroes.

"Oh, come on. Don't run" Blaine groaned. "Why do they always run?"

Blaine ran after them but Kurt stayed behind, watching his boyfriend in amusement. He could have stopped the criminals in no time but he wanted to give Blaine a chance to catch them. Blaine caught up with the robbers and grabbed one of them, pushing him back. Then he ran after the remaining two men.

"Don't you want to help me?" Blaine asked as he reached the second man and stopped the third one with his power.

"Nah, I think you need the workout after all those cronuts in the morning" Kurt answered.

"I didn't have that many" Blaine said.

"You had five. Do you know how many calories are in those things?" Kurt asked.

"I thought you didn't count them!" Blaine said and punched one man while kicking the other's leg.

"I just want to make sure you fit into your costume, Nightbird" Kurt smiled.

"You're so cruel" Blaine muttered.

Kurt watched them for a few more minutes. He loved the way Blaine moved, he was fast and strong and he could have watched him for hours but unfortunately, they had to cut it short. When two men tried to run as Blaine was fighting against the third one, Kurt stepped forward and waved towards them. Out of nowhere, a barely visible wall appeared in front of them and the men ran right into it. They groaned in pain and fell back to the ground. Kurt was there in no time, grabbed their wrists and handcuffed the two men to the fire escape ladder. When he was done, he turned back to Blaine who had the remaining one man on the ground, unconscious. Blaine grabbed the man's arms and pulled him closer to his friends, leaving Kurt the chance to handcuff him.

"The police will be here for you soon" Kurt winked and turned to leave. They had other places to go, after all.

"That was easy" Blaine said once they called the police from the phone on the corner.

"Like always" Kurt smiled. "Okay, let's get going. The ceremony's about to start."

They went back to their apartment and changed clothes in no time. They were late and it meant Burt would be very angry if they couldn't arrive in time. It was the most important day of his life and he needed his son and his boyfriend there.

When Kurt and Blaine finally arrived, the ceremony was about to start. Burt was pacing impatiently in the front and he let out a sigh of relief when he saw his son arrive.

"Finally! Where the hell have you been?" Burt asked.

"We had to take care of something" Kurt answered.

"Are you trying to give me another heart attack?" Burt asked.

"Dad, calm down. We're here and everything will be fine. Is Carole ready?" Kurt asked.

"I hope so" Burt said, looking around. "She should be here in any minute."

"Don't worry. She won't run away" Blaine winked.

The music started and everybody fell silent. Kurt and Blaine stepped back behind Burt who turned around and smiled when he saw Carole and Finn appear on the other side of the room. Finn was dressed in a black suit and he led his mother who was wearing a beautiful white dress Kurt had chosen for her to the altar. Kurt smiled as he watched his father turn scarlet. Carole was beautiful and he could tell Burt couldn't wait to marry her.

Finn led Carole to them and let go of his mother's hand. He took a few steps back and joined Rachel and Mercedes, the two bridesmaids. Carole stepped closer and reached out for Burt's hand. They were such a perfect couple, their sons were proud they finally decided to get married.

The ceremony was short but perfect. Kurt was horrified at first when he realised his father had rewritten his vow, afraid that he would do something stupid but Burt did an amazing job with his new one. He talked about his love for Carole, how they had become a family and how he imagined their future. It was so moving, it made Kurt cry. Carole's vow was just as perfect, as she talked about their family, she and Burt reached out for their sons and they grabbed each others' hands. Blaine watched them from behind, smiling happily. It was great that they finally managed to get married, Burt and Carole truly deserved it.

After the ceremony, they moved back to the hotel where the celebration took place. Kurt had promised that the wedding would be perfect, so once they arrived, the first thing he did was checking on the decoration and the food. Blaine stayed behind with their friends, knowing very well that he shouldn't bother Kurt when he was busy. This wedding meant a lot for Kurt, he wanted Burt and Carole to remember this night as the best day of their lives, so he let him do what he had to.

But once Kurt was free and ready to join his friends, Blaine smiled and grabbed him from behind, pulling Kurt out of the room.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asked as Blaine pushed him to the wall.

"You neglected me the whole night" Blaine said and kissed Kurt's neck, making him shiver. "The robbers, then your father... Don't I deserve something for being so patient?"

"Blaine, we have to... Oh, God" Kurt moaned as Blaine started working on his neck again.

"We have about half an hour till the speeches" Blaine whispered. "Oh, come on, you seem so nervous. You have to calm down."

"You-you want to..." Kurt gasped and grabbed the back of Blaine's neck as the man's hand landed between his legs. "Okay, let's go."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to lose the..."

"Shut up and move. We have to be quick" Kurt said and grabbed Blaine's arm, pulling him towards the stairs.

Twenty minutes later, the boys came back down from their room, their hair slightly messy and both of them blushing. Kurt took a deep breath and checked his hair one more time before entering the room. He had to gather his thoughts, he was about to hold a speech but Blaine made him forget everything he wanted to say.

"Where have you been?" Finn asked when he joined them.

"We... Uhm... There was some trouble with the cake but we took care of it" Kurt answered.

"The cake" Finn smiled, knowing very well what had happened.

"Yeah, the cake. We should... we should go" Kurt said and took a deep breath, stepping forward.

"I think I should check on the cake with Rachel, too" Finn muttered.

"After the speeches" Blaine laughed. "Kurt will kill you if you disappear."

"Right" Finn sighed, muttering something about how unfair it was.

Kurt let Finn talk first until he gathered his thoughts. He had been so busy with the other details that he had forgotten to write a reminder for himself, so he was in trouble right now. The wedding was perfect so far, he couldn't let the others down.

When Finn fell silent and walked down from the stage, Kurt grabbed his glass and stepped forward.

"Thank you all for coming tonight" Kurt started. "This is an important day, not just for my father and Carole but all of us. After my mother's death, my father was truly devastated. It hurt so much to see him in that state, I wasn't sure he would be happy again. It took him more than seven years to find happiness again, but when he got together with Carole, I knew that they were meant for each other."

Kurt looked at Finn briefly and smiled.

"We had a rough start. It was new for all of us, especially Finn and me since we were so young when we lost our parents. We didn't remember what a family was like, we had to learn how to cooperate and I know we didn't make your life easy."

Carole and Burt laughed, remembering the fights of their sons.

"I don't know when or how it happened but we became a family. Carole's like a mother to me and with Finn I got a brother I always wanted. I guess I talk for my father as well when I say..."

Kurt's eyes slammed closed and he found himself somewhere else. The room was so hot, he could barely breath and there were flames everywhere. He couldn't get out. He heard screams and the cries of a baby. Suddenly, he heard a loud crack over him and he looked up in horror...

"House fire" Kurt said as he opened his eyes.

The room was absolutely silent, everybody was looking at him. Kurt's eyes widened and he swayed slightly. He had learnt how to control his visions but there were times like this when they just came out of nowhere and Kurt couldn't stop them.

"Cheers!" Blaine said as he hastily climbed up onto the stage to save Kurt and put an arm around the boy to support his weight. "A vision?"

"Let's get out of here" Kurt whispered and grabbed Blaine's hand.

The walked out of the room and into another, empty one nearby. Kurt closed the door behind them and turned to Blaine desperately.

"We have to go. There's a house fire, people are stuck inside, we have to help them" Kurt said.

"Stay here. I will get our costumes" Blaine said and stepped to the door.

The door opened suddenly and Blaine had to jump back before it could hit him. Burt and Carole rushed inside, their eyes full of worry.

"What happened?" Burt asked.

"I'm sorry, Dad. We have to go. There's a house fire and we have to help people" Kurt said.

"I'm coming with you" Burt said without hesitation.

"What? No, you can't. It's your big day!" Kurt said.

"And it's our life to help people" Carole smiled. "My costume's upstairs, give me a minute to change."

The three men looked at her in confusion.

"You packed your costume?" Burt smiled.

"Don't look at me like this. I saw you packed your own into your bag" Carole said.

"Thar's right" Burt said and started unbuttoning his shirt. To Kurt's suprise, he had his costume under his wedding suit.

"Dad!" Kurt gasped.

"I knew I would need it" Burt shrugged. "Let's get ready, we're leaving in five minutes."

"But what about the party?" Kurt asked. He didn't want to ruin his father's wedding day and he absolutely hated the idea of dragging him away from his friends.

"The others will understand. That's our job" Burt answered. "Besides, we will be back in no time."

"You're insane" Kurt shook his head but let Blaine lead him out of the room. They didn't have time for this, they had to help people.

They were back in no time, all of them dressed in their costumes and ready to leave. To Kurt's surprise, Finn, Rachel and Mercedes joined them as well, dressed for the mission.

"Absolutely not" Kurt said. "You have to stay here and make sure everything's fine."

"The guests're dancing and drinking and nobody's missing us" Rachel said.

"Yeah. You can't expect us to stay here and let you have all the fun" Mercedes winked.

Kurt shook his head and sighed heavily. So much for an uneventful, peaceful night.

"Okay, everybody" Burt said as he fixed his mask. "Let's save those people."

With their family and friends helping them, Kurt and Blaine managed to get everybody out of the building in time. Carole and Rachel searched through the house and showed them where to find people inside. Finn got the highest level, he ran through the burning rooms and got a young woman and her child out in no time. Kurt and Blaine chose the first level that was in a worse contidition. Kurt protected them with his shield as Blaine helped the old couple getting out. Meanwhile, Burt held the wall that was ready to collapse while Mercedes and Carole got people out from downstairs and Rachel ran to the other side of the building to make sure nobody else was inside.

Once they were done, they made a hasty exit like usually. It was part of being a superhero, they had to stay mysterious and not let people get to know them too well. Since the Dark Shadow incident, they had been even more careful. Nobody could find out who they were or what their powers were.

"Well, I guess we can't go back celebrating like this" Kurt said and grimanced as the smell of Blaine who was standing beside him hit him.

"We will" Burt said. "We might look horrible and have a weird smell but honestly, I don't care. Saving those people was a lot better than having a wedding party."

"I agree. We love each other no matter what" Carole smiled.

"Let's face it, Kurt, that's who we are. This is our destiny" Burt said.

"I guess you're right" Kurt sighed.

He didn't understand it the way Burt and Carole did but he knew they were right. If it had been his and Blaine's wedding, he would have done the same. Kurt smiled at the thought. The two of them made a great team in their job but he hoped they someday soon, in the near future, they could be in Burt and Carole's place and sneak out from their own wedding to save people.

"I can't wait to do this on our wedding day" Blaine said as if he heard Kurt's thought.

"Who said that I would marry you?" Kurt asked playfully.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's neck from behind and kissed him, not caring how dirty or smelly they were. He grinned in satisfaction as he pulled away, leaving Kurt flushed and unable to say anything.

"I know you will" Blaine winked and pulled his boyfriend into his arms. He was absolutely sure that their day would come soon.