I have to admit something: I LOVE superhero fics. And there aren't too many, so I decided to write one.

In the beginning, Kurt is something like in '2009'. He is an outsider, he doesn't have friends and his life is miserable. But a superhero in the form of Blaine Anderson - better known as Nightbird – shows him that he is important, even if he can't see it yet.

Kurt Hummel had a bad day. It wasn't a surprise, he only had bad days, but this one was even worse then it was supposed to be.

He really hated his life. He was the only gay student in his high school and it made his life hell. Everybody thought that he was weird, most of them even kept distance to 'not let Kurt turn them gay'. But the football team was the worst. They practically used him instead of the ball, they threw him against walls, kicked him and did everything to make sure Kurt was afraid of them. And he was. Not because of these little things. If he had been a normal boy in a normal school, he would have defended himself and never let those Neanderthals bully him.

But he didn't attend a normal school. Kurt was a student of the William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. The first and only school where the children with superpower could go. He should have been proud because it was his dad's idea to build an institute for these children where they can learn how to use and control their power without being afraid that somebody finds out what they are capable of. In the last two decades, hundreds of students finished high school in Lima and got out into the world to help people. They were the so called superheroes.

If you asked any of the students if they liked high school, they would say 'yes' without hesitation. Well, everybody except Kurt. Kurt was the only son of Burt Hummel a.k.a. Silver Bear as the world knew him. He was one of the first superheroes in the world, he started using his power to find and lock up criminals right after he had learned how to control it. And now he was like the king of the superheroes. After Kurt's birth Burt and his wife, Elisabeth had hoped that their son will become just as strong as his father and he can take over Burt's place when he decides to retire. They had waited for years for Kurt's power to be appear but nothing had happened.

And now here he was, the only student in the school without superpower. If his sexual orientation wasn't enough to be bullied for. Everybody knew the truth, that he was just a weak boy who didn't deserve to attend to the precious superhero school and he only had the right to be there because of his father.

Today had started just like every other day. He was late from his first class because some Neanderthals decided to throw him into the dumpster again and he had to change clothes. Then, after his first class, he had gotten slushied. And it happened again twice. So when he had arrived at Glee practice, he was in a very bad mood. And Noah Puckerman chose that time to mess with him. When Mr Schue turned around, the boy made a small fireball and threw it into Kurt's bag. It didn't take long for it to catch alight and when Kurt finally noticed it, he jumped up and squeaked. The others started laughing immediately.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Kurt demanded to know.

"Calm down, Hummel, it was an accident" Puck said, still smiling widely.

"Noah, is it true?" Mr Schue asked as he stepped closer. He asked Britanny, who had the ability to conjure water, to put out the fire and he returned to the boys.

"I swear, Mr Schue, I didn't want to do it" Puck said.

"So it just happened to be my bag you had to destroy, right?" Kurt shouted.

"Kurt, calm down..." Mr Schue started but the boy cut in.

"No! I don't want to calm down! I want the whole fucking football team to finally leave me alone!" Kurt shouted again.

"I think you should visit Ms Pillsbury and talk about your feelings. You act really strangely lately, Kurt" Mr Schue suggested calmly.

"So you think it's my fault that the students make fun of me every single time they have the opportunity?" Kurt asked in disbelieve. "You're just as bad as the other teachers. You don't care if the students bully each other because it would make your job harder if you tried to do something against it instead of flirting with the counselor!"

Mr Schue sighed and rubbed his forehead. It was a really long day already and he didn't need this right now.

"Principal's office, Kurt. Now" he said.

Kurt bit his lip to prevent himself from saying something rude. He stood up and left the classroom fast and he tried to shut out the whispers behind his back.

~ o ~

"Oh, Porcelain, my favourite superpowerless ex-cheerleader, I'm really disappointed in you" Principal Sylvester said after getting informations about what had happened in the choir room. "I just don't understand you. Don't get me wrong, I never understood your weird clothing habits or how you have this strangely high pitched voice when your father grumbles like an old chain smoker bear, but you were a model student and a really talented cheerleader once. Look at you now: your grades are almost worse than that absolutely brainless Azimio's and now your teacher sends you here to talk with me. That's not the Porcelain I know."

Kurt sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to say those things to Mr Schue, he didn't deserve it" Kurt said. He knew he should have remained calm and not let Noah Puckerman bring out his bad site, but he couldn't make it better now.

"Well, I wouldn't say that, although I would be happier if you had a power like turning his disgusting buttery hair into pasta or the ability to take away his irritating voice, so I could finally laugh at him in public and have a good day, but we both know you can't do such a thing" Sue Sylvester responded and sat down on the other side of the desk.

"Will you give me a punishment?" Kurt asked, not really caring if he has to stay longer in the school. At least he would have the chance to avoid the football team.

"No" Sue shook her head. "But I called your father. He's on his way here."

Kurt's eyes widened. Burt Hummel was always busy and he didn't like to be disturbed. He sure won't be happy to find out what Kurt did.

"Ah, he's here" Sue smiled and watched as the bulky Burt Hummel stepped into her office. "It's good to see you, sir."

"Sue? You didn't change at all since the last time we met" Burt nodded and then turned towards Kurt. The boy bit his lip and stood up slowly.

If somebody didn't know Burt and Kurt were related, he would say they were strangers. Burt was tall, muscular, always confident, with a deep voice and almost no hair. His son was the opposite, he was much smaller, skinny, skittish, with an almost feminine voice, porcelain skin, big eyes and beautiful hair. Elisabeth had said often, when Kurt was younger, that he was more like a doll than a real boy.

"Please, sit down" Sue motioned towards the couch. She waited for Burt to sit down before she continued. "Our music teacher, Mr Schuester told me that Kurt misbehaved himself in Glee club. He talked back in front of the whole class and his words... well, let's say he should have thought about what he should say in the school and what not."

Burt looked at Kurt disbelievingly. Kurt bit his lip and made sure not to meet his father's eyes.

"Sadly, it wasn't the first time" the principal continued. "Kurt changed a lot in the past few months, his behavior is absolutely unacceptable and his grades are worse than ever. So I thought maybe you could tell me about what caused this change."

"I have no idea, principal" Burt answered, his eyes still on Kurt. "Maybe Kurt could tell us."

Kurt looked up slowly and sighed as he saw the disappointment in his father's eyes. Again.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be like that" he whispered.

"But why did you do that?" Burt asked.

Kurt didn't answer. The others waited for almost a minute to hear an explanation from him, but Kurt didn't speak, he didn't even meet their eyes.

"Well, I don't want to give him punishment but I suggest you talk about it at home" Sue said finally.

"We will" Burt said.

~ o ~

"What the hell happened?" Burt asked when they got home. "I had to come back from a mission to get to the school and talk with the principal."

"I just had a bad day, Dad, nothing serious..."

"That's not true, Kurt. You're acting weird lately and I want to know why" Burt said. "Is it because Carole and Finn moved here? I thought you like them."

"Of course I like them, Dad. It has nothing to do with them" Kurt said. It was a lie. He liked Carole, she was really sweet, but he had problems with accepting Finn. He was a member of the football team and one of the boys who made Kurt's life a living hell.

"Then what is it?" Burt asked again.

"I have problems at school" Kurt told him finally. "The others... they can't accept me like this."

"Hey, you will get your power sooner or later. You just have to wait a little longer" Burt said and put a hand on Kurt's shoulder. "Be patient."

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" Carole, who had super hearing and knew they got home, called out from the kitchen.

Burt and Kurt started walking towards the kitchen when they saw a blur pass by beside them.

"Finn! I told you a million times to not use your power at home" Carole said as her son arrived with superspeed.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I'm so hungry" Finn said as he sat down, waiting for the food the arrive.

"God, it's unbelievable how much you boys can eat" Carole smiled.

Kurt looked down for a moment. Both Burt and Finn were tall and muscular and they really ate more than he could. Sometimes he wished he could be just like them. Okay, most of the times. He often imagined himself as a boy like Finn, who never had problems with making friends, who was the most popular boy in their school, who was never bullied. It would be great to live a life like this but he knew it will never happen. Everybody hoped that he will get his power sometimes soon but Kurt knew he won't. He will stay like this, an outsider in his family and in the school, but maybe after graduation he will be able to start a new life. Maybe his father will allow him to move to New York.

"Kurt, honey, are you okay?" Carole asked gently.

Kurt looked up and saw the whole family staring at him in confusion. He was so lost in thought that he stopped at the door.

"Yes. I'm sorry, it was a long day" he said and sat down beside Finn.

"No problem, honey" Carole smiled. "How was your day?"

"Oh, Karosfky got almost suspended" Finn said excitedly. "The idiot broke the window in French but he got away with it because of the match next week."

Kurt sighed. He would be so happy if Karofsky would be suspended just one time and he had a few days in peace. The boy was the worst of Kurt's bullies. He always made sure for Kurt to get slushied or thrown into the dumpster at least once a day.

"And what about Glee? Sectionals is coming up, right?" Carole asked.

"Yes, we started practicing the songs today" Finn answered and then turned to Kurt. "Oh, Kurt, I almost forgot. Mr Schue asked you to go and talk to him tomorrow."

Kurt swallowed hard.

"Do you know what he wants?" he asked.

"I think it's about Sectionals. We need six pairs for the performance and with that Rory guy joining us..." Finn said awkwardly. He knew very well what Mr Schue wanted to tell Kurt is that he will be left out of their performance but he felt bad for the boy. Kurt was so sad most of the times and he didn't want to make it worse.

"So the New Directions doesn't need me anymore" Kurt said quietly. Suddenly, he lost his appetite and pushed his plate away.

"Dude, it's just a one time thing. You can perform with us next time" Finn tried to save the day.

Kurt shook his head slowly and stood up. He had to get away.

"I'll be in my room" he said and rushed out of the kitchen before the others could see his tears.

"Schuester can't do this" Burt said after a few minutes of silence. "Kurt has a great voice. Yes, maybe a little high, but he's great."

"I didn't say he isn't" Finn defended himself. "He's just... you know... not like us."

"You should go and talk to him, Burt" Carole suggested.

"Yeah, you're right" the man sighed and stood up to follow his son out.

~ o ~

Burt stopped in front of Kurt's door. It was closed but even if he didn't have super hearing, he could hear the quiet hiccuping noises from the other side. He leaned against the wall and sighed. Kurt wasn't like this earlier. He had been a happy boy who couldn't stop talking and dancing and singing. Now... Now Kurt was completely different. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.


The boy didn't move. He was lying on his bed, with his face hidden in the pillow, and when he heard his father's voice, he cried harder.

"Kurt, hey, look at me" Burt said and sat down beside Kurt. The boy finally turned around and looked up at his father.

"It's fi-fine, Dad, I just had a ba-bad day" Kurt stuttered. The older man shook his head.

"You can't fool me, Kurt. I see how unhappy you are. Let me help you" Burt said and pulled Kurt into a hug.

The boy didn't say a word, just let all of his sadness out in his father's embrace. He really tried to keep himself together but it was too much. He couldn't do it any longer.

"After graduation... I want to move to New York" Kurt whispered. It came out of nowhere and Burt didn't know what to say.

"Are-are you sure? But I thought you want to stay here with me. To work with me. We would be the best superheroes of the world" Burt said. He never thought about the possibility that Kurt wants to leave. And he didn't want to let his only son go.

"Dad, we both know that I won't have a superpower. And it would be the best for everybody. Finn can help you and I wouldn't bother you anymore" Kurt replied.

He waited patiently for his father to say something but Burt stayed silent. Kurt pulled back after a minute to look at him.


Burt stumbled back and fell down from the bed. Kurt jumped up immediately and knelt down beside him.

"Dad, what happened?" he asked desperately.

Burt tried to say something but the pain in his chest stopped him. He cried out when the pain became unbearable and suddenly, his eyes closed and he didn't move. Kurt shook his shoulders desperately as he felt tears ran down on his face.

"Dad, wake up!" he screamed. "Dad!"