Chapter 3
I think it's obvious what Pokémon he is going to be. Thank you for so many reviews and favs. Well I'm sorry it took so long but here is the update. ENJOY.
"Pokémon detected, Pokémon detected. Whose footprints? whose footprints?. The footprints belong to Riolu. The footprints belong to Riolu." Well that was anticlimactic. "hey I think I see someone else there. Stand on the opening" I quickly step off the opening and Latias glides over.
"Pokémon detected, Pokémon detected. Whose footprints? whose footprints? The footprints belong to... to... I, I don't know?" Well this is confusing. Suddenly a new voice spoke up.
"what do you mean you don't know? you have never had a problem except when those new people came a few months back"
"I don't know I have never seen footprints like these before"
"whatever they seem to be ok send them in!"
The gate in front of us opens up. Me and Latias go inside to join the guild. We go down a ladder into a large room. There are Pokémon all around us chatting. There are two boards and a window off to our left.
A bird like Pokémon hopped up to us.
"Are you here to join an exploration team" his eyes glanced towards Latias and they widened. "you're a La-ttt-ias" well durr like that wasn't obvious
"yes we are here to join an exploration team" I had to interrupt his stuttering it was getting really annoying.
"yes of course follow me" He takes us down another ladder into another large room where there is more activity he leads me into what seems to be an office. Inside there is a mother-load of treasure and at the end of the room is a large pink Pokémon. It is staring into space... Is it asleep?
"guild master I have two Pokémon here who wish to join a guild" The guild master snaps out of it.
"hi I see you want to join the guild. Tell me your team name"
I wasn't aware that we needed a team name so i said the first thing that came into my mind "we are team Riolias" (mix of the words Riolu and Latias)
"so your called team Riolias ok here let me register you YOOOMTAH" (que big flash) "you are now registered here is your explorers bag" he passes me a small backpack. I open it and find a map two badges and two items.
"in your bag there are two items called a power band and a green bow. All new explorers get items like that. The power band increases ATK and the green bow increases all stats by a small amount. Anyway off you go" way to cut it off wigglypuff I thought
"you two follow me I will teach you the basics" We follow chatot upstairs and go to one of the boards we saw earlier. "this is where you will get most of your tasks. As an exploration team you will also be required to do some quests. These can be rescue missions, escorts or deliveries. Upon completing the task you will get a cash reward and sometimes some nice items. I am going to send you on your first task with a very experienced member of the guild to help you. They have just come back from saving the world... twice from an UBER evil villain called Darkrai. Ahhh here they are now..." I turn my head towards the ladder where I see a chimchar and a piplup climb down from above and walk towards us.
"hello chatot is everything ok here" they seem very friendly. I have a feeling I could get on well with them.
"yes. There are two new recruits that I want you to teach. Just take them on a mission and show them the ropes"
"Sure thing chatot" Chatot nods and walks off. Chimchar turns toward me
"Ok hi there. I'm going to tell you about the basics. In the tasks you need to go into a mystery dungeon. A mystery dungeon is a special kind of dungeon that has a certain number of floors and changes every time you go in. If you feint you get kicked right back out lose all your money and half your items, so it's best if you don't feint.
"Ok so I think I understand" Said Latias
"For our first practice we will be going to beach cave. It was the first dungeon I ever went to and it is very easy" I guess it's fair enough. I have never even used an attack before.
"Ok I'm going to lead the way follow me"
I follow him to the beach where we first awoke. we stop right before the entrance to the cave
"ok so this is the cave. I'm going to be as uninvolved as possible ok"
We enter the cave. It is like a small labyrinth.
"ok we are almost at the first staircase, keep an eye out for trouble" said Chimchar.
Suddenly a Pokémon jumps out in front of me. I react out of instinct, a rod of aura extends from between my hand. I spin and smash the aura rod into the omystar. I crumples to the ground unconscious. Immediately after another Pokémon appears a few meters away from me. With one hand holding the aura staff I form and Aura Sphere and shoot it towards it. Another 1 hit ko. I see Latias holding her own behind me. Her arm glowing purple. Latias downs her final opponent and shoots to my side.
"sweet moves you two" said piplup. She looks genuinely impressed.
"look out I yell" just as piplup is smashed by an omystar. To my surprise she shrugs it off and defeats it with a single bubble.
"I'm far stronger than them" she explains.
I just nod. In the distance is see a group of three of four Pokémon of various types. I decide to try a combo move I form an aura sphere and shoot it up into the air I then quickly form an bone rush and smash it forwards at incredible speeds. It blows up, blasting the Pokémon everywhere.
"wow dood that was epic" exclaimed Chimchar
"let's go down the stairs before anyone else shows up ok" I hurry towards the stairs and went down. I exited the dungeon and headed back to the guild. when we got back.
"wow dood I was so impressed by what I saw back there. You performed a powerful combo move using moves a Riolu normally can't even learn" I'm not even supposed to be able to use the moves I just did? ok this is really odd.
"anyway come on for a good dinner" I follow him to the kitchen and eat a big meal of berries. After that we head to bed.
That night. "why are we here" I suddenly spoke out loud. "we have to be here for a reason. Whatever it is I will find out. Goodnight Latias...
Once again thank you for so many likes favourites and follows. Remember to leave reviews and this time I want you to give me ideas about missions they could do. I will try and update some when next week. Peace out.