He Could Have Your Humour

This never used to be a problem, he wrenched the nut tighter on his magic bike. He used to be able to get away with being the sour one in the relationship because Levy knew him and knew how to cheer him up. Usually with metal but if he wasn't pissing her off too much he knew that it would be sex and metal, his two favourite things.

But now that she was pregnant, having two grumpy people meant an argument, and according to Levy, his fault. Then there would be moody silence that when she wasn't knocked up by him, she would breach the chasm where she would apologise or force him to recognise he needed to apologise or he would go without sex for a week. Then they would have sex for a week.

Now though, things were always on his end. Levy was frustrating beforehand but now pregnant with what she insisted were twins, she was doubly grumpy and wasn't the one to get them to kiss and make up.

He now had to change his temperament to suit her, turn his frown upside down as it were.

Last night they had an argument about her food cravings such as watermelon and custard of all things. He grimaced as he chucked his wrench back in the tool box, wiping his hands. The ensuing argument wasn't worth the protest.

"But Levy you hate watermelon!" he defended.

He was very much against going to the midnight market on the other side of town just to get a fruit that Levy had self-professed was the devil of all fruits. Levy pouted, her hands planted firmly on her hips like an oil rig in the middle of the sea. Her bloated stomach of six months kind of ruined the effect.

"No I don't!" Levy yelled back, her cheeks puffing with anger. "And after all the things I do for you, the least you could do was go get me some damned watermelon and custard!"

Gajeel stared dumbstruck. What was this monster that was in front of him?

"Custard and watermelon? Shrimp," he implored. "You have to see that's insane right?"

Oh god, he set off Mt. Levy and she was going to blow.

"OH? SO I'M INSANE NOW AM I?" she screeched grabbing a pillow from the bed that they stood across from each other and threw it at Gajeel, forcing him to step out of their bedroom.

She stormed across the room and glared at him for a moment. It wasn't as threatening as she thought it was considering he towered over her mimicking a yappy dog squaring up to an Alsatian. But…her eyes were welling up with angry tears and her mouth was screwed up to stop herself crying and that hurt worse than any verbal insult that she could throw at him. He hated it when the shrimp cried.

He stepped forward to try and comfort her but Levy shoved her dainty hand in his chest, halting his movements.


She punctuated her last statement of slamming his own door in his face. Staring dumbly at the door, he knew not to argue. Now at least. The first time he tried storming back in he was sentenced to a week on the sofa rather than a single night. Sighing he walked along his corridor to the airing cupboard and grabbed a blanket warmed from the boiler. He continued on to the living room which since he began his cohabitation with Levy when they found out she was pregnant, now had more of Levy in there than Gajeel. The vase of flowers on the mantel piece, the bookcase shoved in the side that had more history, language and detective novels than Gajeel's Bike Bonanza magazines and horror flicks.

Even the scent of metal and oil had faded so it smelt like lavender from Levy as it was her favourite soap. Sighing he crumbled on the couch making sure he set an alarm to reach the morning market early to have watermelon and custard ready for Levy when she woke up.

After he bought the necessary items he still got an icy response in the morning and she completely ignored the watermelon instead having a bowl of custard for breakfast. Gajeel stared at her over his bowl of cereal wary, knowing her morning sickness hit like a freight train. They had to begin to hold a sick bowl in the kitchen for those moments.

As predicted Levy's face paled and her eyes started searching desperately and he picked it up from where it was beside him, abandoning his cereal circling the table, automatically holding her hair back, ready for when she vomited. He didn't even curl his nose anymore that was how used to it he was. He learnt very early on that his snarky comments were not received as well as they were in the past. With his role as the impregnator, he had to cater to Levy's every whim otherwise she cursed his name to the high heavens that she would rage enough he was afraid that she would leave. Then Natsu and the rest of the guild would look knowingly as well as disapproving as they got their favourite Script Mage looking so desolate.

After he carried Levy to their room, served her tea in her favourite mug, tucked the blankets around her, placed her sick bowl within reach with her easy reading book and a piece of dry toast he retreated to the back, tinkering with his bike.

It had been a few hours and still hadn't heard anything from the little bluenette.

He had probably better go check on her. Tossing his rag over his shoulder he stepped into the kitchen and followed it down to their bedroom by their front door. He knocked tentatively, and pushed it open. Levy's head was reclined on the pillow, her book fallen limply in her lap, her finger holding her place. There was no longer the smell of sick so she must have cleaned up after herself. Daring to venture further, he pushed the door until the thought it was near the squeak that Levy kept bugging him to fix and slid through. She had her usual nest of pillows surrounding her.

Picking up her book he learnt his lesson the last time she went ballistic when he folded the page on her book instead of placing her bookmark in it and put it on the end table. He also removed the cold mug of black tea and half eaten piece of toast.

"Gajeel," Levy murmured.

Darting back to the bed despite how gruff he appeared he knew that he was so ready to be whipped by the woman in his bed. Not that anyone else knew.

"Hey there shrimp," he grinned, his hand squeezing hers. "How you feeling?"

"Better," then her lip started to wobble. "I'm sorry Gajeel."

Alarmed he knelt beside the bed staring up at her, trying to figure out what he said.

"What you apologising for shrimp?"

"I'm just such-such a bitch!" she rubbed her fist in both of her eyes trying to stop the flood.

His eyes widened before he settled into the usual routine. It wasn't unnatural for him to have comfort the guilt she had after a tantrum.

"Nah," he grumbled pulling her head into his chest, stroking her back comfortingly. "You're alright."

Levy shook her head furiously, her hands grabbing his t-shirt.

"Why do you put up with me?" she moaned, her back shaking faster.

He sent his eyes heavenward. He hoped the babies would be worth it because he definitely was not going to impregnate her anytime soon after they were born.

"Shouldn't that be the other way 'round shrimp?" he teased lightly.

She shook her head again. His chest was getting wet he noticed. It wasn't that bad but seriously about getting her pregnant again. It was not going to be happening any time within the near future. Even if he had to be celibate for a few years. He was not risking the condom breaking again.

"You're just so-so-so perfect and I'm throwing up and I'm so fat and I just wonder why you stay-" she babbled.

This was just getting ridiculous now. Gajeel shoved her back, glaring at her.

"Who the fuck said ya were fat? I'll fucking kill 'em," he shook her shoulders. "Was it Natsu? Gray?"

"No I said it!" she wailed, burying her face in his chest again like an ostrich with its head in the sand.

He swallowed in his sigh and continued to rub her back but with a little more vigour as his agitation started to come through this conversation.

"Why the fuck would ya say that?" he demanded. "You're carrying twins for fuck sake I'd be worried if ya weren't getting bigger."

Shit, he mentioned weight. That was a no go for any woman, he might as well have retreated to the living room again. Prepared for the worst he glimpsed down to see the tears slowing and Levy's little smile that drew him into this mess in the first place.


"Fucking of course," he grumbled back, booping her nose with his own. "And I think ya look, ya know."

He buried his head in her neck. Now who was the ostrich?

"Look like what?" her hand cupped the back of his head, her shoulders tightening slightly.

Burrowing his head further Gajeel could feel his ears getting redder and his chest tightened. Ugh, why did girls need all this girly talk in the first place? Swallowing down his distaste he kissed the skin beneath her ear.

"Ya know," he muttered. "Pretty, very pretty."

Her arms tightened around him wordlessly.

"And I think, ya know, the same stuff. I mean I think," he coughed. "I think you're perfect."

Levy's shoulders started to shake. Was that laughter? Rearing back, ready to take back everything he said when he saw her eyes and that damned smile. Tears were rolling down her face again but she was beaming like he was her personal sun.

"Shit, what did I do?" his hands grabbed her face, his thumbs uselessly trying to push the tears away. "I wasn't tryin' ta make you cry!"

She giggled and covered his hands with her own.

"Well you did," she turned her head to kiss his palm. "But my hormones are already a little out of whack so it isn't really your fault."

He frowned.

"Well I'm the one who knocked you up so I should fucking hope it's my fault," he growled.

Her giggles echoed in the room.

"Of course, fine it's your fault that I am crying and not the two warriors inside me" she leaned upwards and pressed her lips to his. His hand automatically cupped her swollen stomach, his hand rubbing soothingly. "And thank you for getting me that watermelon even though I really do hate it."

He chuckled against her lips, licking at the seam.

"Does that mean I'm out of the dog house?" he asked.

Massaging his lips against hers, he almost forgot he asked a question as her tongue and her swollen body distracted him. Levy tugged away but moved one of her hands to his face.

"Mmm," she said, pressing into him for one more kiss. "Who else is going to be my hot water bottle?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Is that all I'm good for now?" he said, his teeth nipping at her lower lip. "How would I even fight through the mounds of these bloody pillows that ya insist ya need?"

Her laugh warmed him.

"Just go get dinner," she shoved him away. "And you can look forward to a cuddle and TV watching in here tonight."

His eyes were going to pop out if he rolled them anymore but he did after smothering her with one last hot kiss. Hoping and praying that it wasn't the last one of the night because he didn't want to just 'cuddle' that night.

"Fine," he rose and walked to the door. He flipped a look over his shoulder. "Ya stay in that bed 'til I get back."

With that said, he walked out to fight the daring battle in the market.


After fighting with his front door, Gajeel stumbled in with his bags of shopping. Gods be damned if he didn't have everything that Levy had previously craved. He was not getting kicked out of the bed that night if it was the last thing he did. He even rented a film just in case he didn't get lucky. He knew now that his temperament was meant to placate Levy's and that everything he did was for the long haul. While hornier with the children in her belly, he at least recognised that he had to work harder even if that meant being the bitch for the week at least it would get him the recognition he needed to get between her thighs and into her wet heat.

His teeth came to bite on his lip as he held his groan in and his hand adjusted himself slightly as he tried not to think of the very pregnant woman in the other room. As he started banging the cupboards open and closed for all the various food items, he heard the call from the other end of the corridor.


He held in his sigh but walked to the door anyway. What could she possibly have thought he needed to get after he had been on the shop? His mouth was about to say just that when he caught sight of her. His throat dry and mouth open, his shoulders sagged as he stood at the opposite end of the corridor to her, taking in all that…that.

Levy shyly toed the ground, her cheeks a deep cherry red as she flaunted her bare legs leading up to lacy black underwear that he could see through the sheer teddy that ballooned out at her stomach and plunged between her huge boobs from the pregnancy. He could see her nipples and it had been two weeks since he had been allowed to see her in all her glory. Swallowing Gajeel tried to say something but all that came out was a whine. His partner's grin widened as she grew more confident.

"I was wondering if you could help me out over here?" she asked, her hand on the door jamb leading to their bedroom.

He could see her thong. God almighty he could see her thong. She never wore thongs. She hated them. Gods this must be love. He loved her. He really, really loved her. Striding down the corridor, Levy paused as she stared up at him from under her dark long lashes that he realised she put make up on for him too. He didn't care for the powder that covered her cheeks but those big brown eyes? All big and wide and accentuated by the mascara he could probably find it within himself to suffer. If he had to.

His heart pounded and he couldn't help the way he gripped the hair at the base of her neck to yank her closer to him. Gasping she stumbled closer but he could see the way her pupils dilated that she had been waiting as long as he had. His dick swelled at the sight of her, pregnant with his children and glowed with her pregnancy. He didn't give a shit what she thought but god almighty he wished she could look at herself.

"Do you like it?" she gasped, her little feet trying to push herself closer.

Her bump pressed into his stomach and the contact made him flush. He did this to her and damn if that didn't make him hot. His grip tightened in her hair, leaning his lips down to hers, making her wait. If he had to wait two weeks she could damn well wait two fucking seconds. Levy shivered as her hands slid up his chest, resting on his pecs, unintentionally squeezing her pleasure.

"I fucking love it," he grumbled, his mouth grazing her cheek. "But I love ya body anyway."

He bit her jaw punishingly. Her shivers wracked through her frame and her pants were feverish against his sweaty skin.

"Oh, then should I just take it off?" Levy's voice wavered, uncertain.

The rumble in his chest came unbidden.

"Fuck no," he growled against her lips. "I want ta fuck ya in this."

His mouth devoured her sending delicious vibrations down his spine. She moaned loudly, her hands grabbing at his shoulders and hair trying to anchor herself. Gajeel could feel the way she was pushing herself higher on her tiptoes and remembered her complaining about walking on the balls of her feet. Bending down he grabbed her backside, he hefted her off the floor not letting their lips leave each other for a moment. Knowing Levy, she would think some reason to talk and that wasn't allowed to happen that day. He strode into the room placing them both on the bed, her more gently than when he clambered on after her.

Gasping Levy reared back, her neck begging to be bitten and licked however he saw movement out the corner of his eye. The mirror that was just opposite them showed Levy's back and her hair dangling lusciously down her back. An idea beamed in his head and he grinned. If this didn't help her self-confidence, nothing would.

Flicking off his minx's thong with practiced ease he could see Levy was wriggling with delight. He bit his lower lip. If only she knew. Rolling onto his back he grabbed her hips to position it above his face. Squeaking Levy tried to glare down at him but held back her scathing words as his mouth pressed against her.

She gulped her eyes flickering shut much to his delight. His hand slid over her swollen belly, grabbing her hand and placing it where their baby was growing. Pressing kisses to the curve that connected her thigh to the apex he let his tongue flirt with her pale skin, his teeth sometimes coming into play. So enraptured with bringing pleasure to his woman he forgot the whole reason he was doing it in the first place.

"Look at yourself and tell me ya aren't hot," Gajeel purred into the juncture of her thigh.

He heard her gasp and knew that she saw herself in the mirror if it was any indication through the jerk of her hips. Her breathy voice was enough to let him continue eating her, one hand on her bottom to try and hold her still while his other linked with hers on the peak of her belly.

His dick was pounding in his jeans begging for release but he couldn't get relief until he pounded it into Levy's head that she was glowing in her pregnancy. For someone so smart the first question he always saw in other people's eyes: how did someone like her end up with someone like him? Well that was after how did she let herself get pregnant but he was getting ahead of himself.

Levy's whine alerted Gajeel that she was close and moved his tongue faster knowing he wanted his woman to reach satisfaction before he was even inside her. She was going to see how hot she was in climax even if it killed him.

Her voice crying out to him was better than any worship to him, her hand crushing his hand with her tiny one was enough that he decided to reward her for her patience by wiggling a finger to tempt a little relief in the inferno that he was eating.

Bringing her hand to her mouth Levy's cry as she finished finally, her legs twitching around his head was hot as fuck and Gajeel was quick to flip their positions barely giving Levy enough time to dwell in her afterglow. After all, he was still horny as fuck.

Avoiding her mouth as he caressed her neck and her shoulder making his way down to her nipples he couldn't help but worship those breasts. He had always been a breast man and liked them large but Levy being the little sprite that she was convinced him otherwise. Before at least.

Although on his woman the huge breasts looked a little out of sorts for someone as short as her, he still caressed them, easing her down from her high onto a completely different ride. She tried to lay on her back with her legs spread but Gajeel halted her movements. She had said once specifically that she hated lying on her back because she could see how big she had become and how she was worried how he would see her.

The mother of his children, was the first thought that popped into his head but realised that wasn't what she meant.

Glancing back at the mirror to their right, he quickly flipped her to her side and slipped behind her, sliding one leg between hers after shucking off his jeans. Smoothing his hardness against her smooth skin he had to say other than her incredible horniness the other benefit of getting Levy pregnant was no more condoms.

He sighed hotly into her neck as he slid into her tight opening.

The whine vibrated through Levy into his chest and he couldn't help his answering rumble as he finally shifted in her delicious heat. Swallowing past his growl he didn't bother resisting nibbling at her shoulder as he slid back into her. He saw the way her hands clawed at the sheets, the way a bead of sweat trickled down her neck and down to her cleavage and the way her eyes were closed in ecstasy. That was unacceptable.

"Open ya eyes shrimp," he purred in her ear before slicking his tongue on the lobe of her ear. "I want ya to see how much I want ya."

Her gasp was all he needed to hear that her eyes had flickered open. Descending to her neck he trailed the kisses down until his mouth was playing with that strap holding the seductive teddy to her body. Anything that kept her body from him was a crime. Unless it accentuated her nudity. Yes, that sounded about right. As his hips pistoned into her, he couldn't help but notice that she was as tight as the first day that he seduced her and that with her soft skin under his mouth there was the brief moment in his mind that he needed to have this skin for his own, permanently.

Although the thought of permanence didn't exactly stay very long as he could feel the fire of ecstasy racing down his spine as he could feel the Levy clenching around him faster as he pounded into her. He wanted to feel bad for making her wail but when he glanced in the mirror and saw both their hands clasped on the peak of her pregnant belly and Levy's eyes finally falling shut in pleasure, he had to say maybe he would get her pregnant again.

If only just for this.