"Oww! Dude! Mochi-! Oww!"

"Fred! Shhh- you're going to wake up Au-!"


In order to understand what was happening. It all started with… uh, it's complicated you see, Wasabi blamed Gogo, Fred blamed Honey Lemon, Gogo blamed Fred, Honey Lemon kinda blamed Fred, Hiro blamed… Mochi and Tadashi blamed… all of them. See, it's complicated. But it all started here.

After the endless teasing from the rest of the gang namely, Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi and Fred, when Tadashi enthusiastically showed them their old pictures and videos, they finally settled down in their (Hiro and Tadashi) room. They removed the divider and placed futons on the ground, forcing Hiro to clean his side of the room… well, in his case, hide them under the bed. He was unwillingly forced to sleep in Tadashis' bed while Honey Lemon and Gogo sleep in Hiro's bed and the rest are using the futons.

"Okay that's it! Everything is now settled. I hope all of you sleep well and all I'll be in my own room if you need me" Aunt Cass said before saying goodnight to all of them after she saw all of them in their respective beds

"Thanks Aunt Cass you're the best" Fred said as he buried himself in the blanket

"Goodnight Aunt Cass, sleep well" said the two girls and Wasabi, who are also in their bed. Tadashi hugged her while saying goodnight while Hiro just nod while making himself comfortable in his brothers bed. Tadashi closed the lights, being the one who is last standing and near the switch, before settling down with Hiro and covering both of them with blankets




"…Tadashi" Hiro whispered to his brother. Tadashi turned around to face him before whispering back "What?"

"…I can't sleep"

"then try"

"I-" Hiro was about to say something when suddenly someone spoke

"Hey guys, is someone already asleep?" Fred asked

They heard some kind of grunt from Wasabi then a reply "Now you disrupted my concentration! I was trying to sleep Fred, sleep!" he complained as he sat on his futon. Then came another shuffling sound from Hiro's bed and another voice "Me too, I kinda can't sleep, Hiro? Tadashi?" Honey Lemon said, opening the small lamp beside the bed

"That's what I'm telling him" Hiro blankly said, also sitting up while pointing at Tadashi ignoring his older brother's protest.

"I can't sleep without my comics under my shirt" Fred whined "That's just plain weird" Gogo said bluntly causing all of them to laugh. Then…



"Okay this silence is killing me" Wasabi said quickly which all of them agreed to. Honey Lemon stood up and placed her hands under her chin as if thinking of something "T-then! Let's just play!" she suggested

"A game?!" the comic book enthusiast perked

"No, no, no, that's not a good idea. What if Aunt Cass woke up?" Tadashi said, finally sitting up only to be pushed down again by Hiro, who sent him a smirk "Don't be such a party pooper, Tadashi. We will be quite." He said before focusing his gaze on the others "So what's the game?"

"I say, shooting game" Fred said while holding up a fake gun (where did he even got it XD)

"Denied" Gogo said "how about truth or dare? There's a bottle over here" she said picking up a bottle beside the bed then throwing it continuously on her hand

"Great idea!" Honey Lemon agreed sitting on the floor immediately after dragging Wasabi and Fred.

"Not bad" Hiro jumped down from the bed and went with them in the middle, slowly forming a small circle in the middle of the room "Tadashi, come on!" he called out.

Tadashi looks amused for a second before slowly shaking his head "I don't know guys… I don't think it's a good idea, I mean Aunt Ca-"

"Come on now. I'm joining, see?" Hiro said then sending a look to the others to support him.

"Yeah, Hiro's right Tadashi, It'll be fun!" Honey Lemon encouraged

"Dude, the more the merrier right?" Fred joked

"little man's right Tadashi" Wasabi said

"Tadashi get your ass over here" Gogo said glaring a little bit at him. Tadashi looked at them for a second before sighing in defeat. "…Fine". Just- just be quite okay? I don't want to wake up Aunt Cass" They cheered in delight as they formed a circle. From left to right: Tadashi, Hiro, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, and Honey Lemon.

Gogo placed the bottle in the middle of the formed circle before spinning it… and it pointed to Wasabi. "Noooo!" he whined

"Sorry but you're up, so, Truth or Dare?" Gogo said while smirking. All of them watch Wasabi intensely as he was having an internal debate and groaning occasionally, with a final grunt he replied "Arrrggh! Fine, I am choosing dare! "

"Make it good, Gogo!" Hiro teased while snickering loudly on his seat. Her smirk widened "Oh, I sure will" she replied as silence enveloped the room. Wasabi looked at her nervously when she proceeded to get her phone and dial a number before giving it to him.

"Then, I dare you to call this number and order a dinosaur and also add some delicious foods"

"Ah what?!" Wasabi screamed, then they all, except for him who was practically dropping his jaw.

"It's a dare" Gogo said in between her laughter. Wasabi shook his head disapprovingly before hesitanly pressed the call button then pressing the speaker button. The voice on the other side isn't what he expected… not in his whole life

"Hello, this is Star Hotel. How may I help you?" His eyes widened, he immediately covered the mouth piece before whispering while screaming to the rest of them, who is on the floor laughing their ass off. "The star hotel?! Gogo! You dialed the Star Hotel?! A five star hotel! Are you out of your mind?!" He panicked; sadly all he received was a muffled laughter. He bought back the phone on his ears, blushing in embarrassment, he continued "Y-yes, I-I would like to order a-a dinosaur s-steak and a Bengal tiger teeth o-on the side" he stammered ignoring the burst of laughter coming from his oh-so bestfriend

"Excuse me?" He pressed the end button immediately before glaring at them… still laughing like ther's no tomorrow "G-good j-job!" Honey Lemon attempted to tease but is futile as she can't stop herself from laughing

"Okay that's enough, it's my turn now" he did not waste any time, he immediately spun the bottle and it pointed to… Tadashi "Aha!" he shouted in victory "Now truth or dare, Hamada!"

Tadashi wiped the corner of his eyes, now focusing on the game "Truth" he said confidently.

"that's unfair, Tadashi technically is an open book" Fred commented which Wasabi ignored, now wearing the smirk Gogo was previously wearing.

"Have you ever, ever lied to Aunt Cass for your sake not for Hiro's sake. If you did what is it?" He said daringly. "That's a nice one, Wasabi" Gogo said.

Tadashi forced a laugh before admitting "I-I actually did"

"You did?!" All of them shouted, Hiro being the loudest. Tadashi shushed them before continuing "There was this one time… I was like fourteen years old, I told Aunt Cass I was going to buy something at the store but I actually went bot fighting…"

"Ohhh… Wait, what?" they, except Hiro, shouted in surprise

"You bot fight?!" Gogo pried, her eyes showing surprise and amusement

"awesome!" Fred said

"T-that was then! I'm done now, I'll spin the bottle!" he said in panic, like Wasabi a while ago he wasted no time spinning the bottle but unfortunately while waiting for it to stop spinning Hiro said "He was actually the famous Kitsune" All of their eyes widened then snapping their heads toward him "and now it pointed to, oh look? Honey Lemon!"

"We'll never going to let this go, Hamada" Gogo

"I-I'll choose the safer route, Truth"She said while playing with her forefingers

Tadashi, the one who's now holding the smirk said "Tell us your most embarrassing moment" they hid a few snickers to themselves as Honey Lemon felt her cheeks heated "F-fine. I-I was new to SFIT when I accidentally tripped a-and… I a-accidentally pantsed someone…" Honey Lemon finished while covering her red face with her face waiting for them to cease their laughter "Ah! Enough guys!" she moaned in embarrassment.

"N-next!" Fred said after breathing a much needed air… and it pointed to Gogo she immediately answered dare "Sorry Gogo but I dare you to eat… these" in Honey Lemon's hand there is a chili powder. Gogo reluctantly put a spoonful of powder in her mouth… All of them was carefully watching her reaction. After a good amount of time, tears started to drop from her eyes "Oh so- fudging! Sh*! Arrrgghhh! Ah F*#!" She shouted while fanning her mouth desperately. Another batch of laughter came from them and Gogo spun the bottle so she can drink her much needed water.

She came back after a few minutes and in exact time after their batch of laughter "Your up Hiro" She said rather cooly, ignoring the burning sensation in her tongue. "Dare" Hiro said bravely.

"Then go to the window and shout that there's a fire" she said. Hiro hid his nervousness with a smug look before going to the window and shouting, kinda forgetting about not waking up Aunt Cass "HEEELLLLPPPP!THERE'S A FIRREEE!" he hurriedly closed the windows and sure enough through the small gap, they saw the lights from the neighborhood opening one by one.

They once again let out a never ending laugh as Hiro marched back in the middle of the room. The last spin pointed to Fred, who choses dare and in exact time mochi went upstairs. Hiro grinned widely "I dare you to keep mocha under your shirt for 30 seconds."

"Seems easy" Fred smiled as he went near Mochi and grabbed her under her arms and just as he was going to put her under his clothes…

"MEOW!" Mochi scratched him and attempted to break free wildly.

"Oww! Dude! Mochi-! Oww!" Fred shouted desperately

Tadashi stood up in panic while trying to calm both of him and Mochi and ignoring their red faced friends "Fred! Shhh- you're going to wake up Au-!"

"ALL OF YOU UPSTAIRS, AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU ALL! IT'S 2.00 IN THE HOLY MORNING!" Within a second, the mere shout silenced them all. Thinking one thing

Uh- oh

After showering Aunt Cass with I love you's and apologies, they once again settled down on their respective beds


"Is someone already asleep" Fred once again asked

"…We have online games…" Hiro suggested

A/N: This is the longest chapter that I made in this story! Thank you for the request Jelly and Candy!

Thank you to my loyal reviews, faves and followers and also watchers XD

Reviews are highly Appreciated~!

-see you next chappy!