My Brother is scary
Hiro yawned loudly on his chair for the fifth time. He keeps turning the office chair around and around with his feet dangling off the chair. He looked around their room only to find the same thing he saw a second earlier... empty. His brother, Tadashi is staying late at the nerd school again and his brother strictly warned him not to go to the botfight... ever but... he turned the chair again before sighing loudly
"It's not like he'll know" he muttered to himself grabbing his hoodie and Megabot on the table before stacking a pile of clothes on his bed making it look like a sleeping human before covering it with a blanket. He opened the window before peeking downstairs making sure his auntie is already asleep. He jumped out safely, making sure no one's looking at him, he ran straight to the venue of the fight.
"This is Tadashi Hamada and this is the 56th te- huh?" Tadashi held the blackboard firmly on his hand as he starts recording his project but before he even starts testing it he heard a beep he knows very well. He looked at his tracking device and saw the red dot that is not supposedly moving... well moving. His chocolate eyes widened before muttering a few 'You're so dead, knucklehead' under his breath. He face his project and was about to turn it off but before he could even turn his head...
"Gah! Ow!"
... the unfinished Baymax attacked him with a single punch in the face before turning itself of... with a spark.
Tadashi held his nose that was hit... yep, he thought "that knucklehead is so dead"
"Oof! Hey that's rude!" Hiro grunted as he fell on the ground. Around five men surrounded him, hands clenched into fist ready to attack him anytime.
The leader of the group has a much bigger built the the others, crouch down to look at Hiro's eyes "Give me your bot. Now" he ordered making Hiro wrinkle his nose at the man's breath on his face.
"Hey" he said slowly "y-you know you can just repair your bot-" he was cut off when he heard the man's fist clench with a pop. Okay so acting nice is not working
"It's not my fault your bot is weak" he accidentally muttered... not a good move
He saw the man's face scrunched into something not-a-good-expression . He lifted his clenched fist and was about to hit Hiro until -
"Hiro! There you are bonehead! I was worried sick you know" Tadashi ran over to his younger brother completely ignoring the men standing right before them. Hiro shook his head multiple times conveying the message 'tadashi there are five men in front of us don't come any closer!' ...but seems like his brother missed the message as he continue to look around for injuries on Hiro's body, completely unaware of the men's anger piling up
"Oi, you pretty boy! You dare to ignore us?!" He grabbed Tadashi on his cardigan
"Hey! Leave my brother alone!" Hiro shouted and clicked his tongue together. Tadashi released himself from the man's grasp and stood up between him and Hiro.
"You know we can just all go home and relax before the cops comes" Tadashi smiled at the men his hands raised in front of him
"Give me your bot and the money!" One of the men said
"Hey! A minute ago you just said the bot now you also want the money?! You're being greedy!" Hiro accuses while his eyebrows furrows together.
One of the men clicked his tongue together and muttered "this is going nowhere" and sent a punch directly to Hiro's face only to be held back by someone. He looked at his right hands and saw the newcomer holding his wrist. Feeling annoyed he used his other hand, the left hand to punch again but his action was cut off when the 'newcomer' sent a kick into his stomach. He gasped in pain and curled into ball holding his wrist and stomach on the ground. The others who were caught off guard looked at their companion then back to the man who punched their friend... only to see a deadly aura surrounding Tadashi.
"Don't you dare touch my brother" he said in a low voice that made everyone feel a chill in their spine, even Hiro. But as soon as he said that the heavy air disappeared and a smile plastered itself into his older brother's face and said as he clapped his hands together "so I supposed all is solve?" He said as if he became a different peron. All of the men flinched at the sudden change of the aura and decided to ran away quickly.
Hiro who has been in a trance even before the fight had his jaw involuntarily hanging. He blinked a few times... and a few more time... and a few more times. He looked at the empty alley then back to his brother, then back to the alley...
"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" His older brother reverted back to being a mother hen like what happened a while ago didn't happened at all
"No..." Hiro answered slowly, and looked at his brother cautiously. The older Hamada sighed before glaring at the younger Hamada.
"Now let's go back and tell me otoutou about your bot fight today" he said while smiling. A smile that did not sit well with Hiro.
'Well' the younger thought 'his brother can be scary after all'
A/N: Hi everyone this is the first Big Hero 6 fanfic I've ever made and wew I'm nervous. Sorry for the grammars and mistakes X). This is gonna be a drabble about Tadashi and well, Hiro but in some chapters the gang will show up too of course
Suggestions and request are open. Type it in the review box and it'll be up in no time. No worries no one will bite! XD
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