Ok so here is chapter 6, sorry it took so long but I had a lot of distractions and found this really hard to concentrate on! Thanks to all of you who reviewed, favourite and followed it means a lot :-D

No Copyright Intended

Chapter 6

Olivia's Point of View

"Looking good Liv." Hank smiled as I walked down stairs.

I blushed slightly at the complement. Hank walked over and linked his arm through mine.

"Not to bad yourself Hank." I replied.

"Erin helped me pick out the suit. She said my other one was two old and needed to be thrown out!" Hank said rolling his eyes.

I nodded in agreement.

"Women are always right Hank. Didn't you know that by now? Erin has wonderful taste so I suggest you listen to her again!" I laughed.

"Well maybe after tonight I wont need her advice." Hank remarked.

I blushed again as we continued our walk to his car. Hank was the perfect gentle man as he opened the door, helped me into the car and then closed the door.

Arriving at the restaurant it was clear to see it was high class.

"Hank you didn't have to book somewhere this fancy!" I complained.

"Of course I did. Erin suggested it." Hank joked.

"I think Lindsay is in the wrong job!" I laughed.

"I think its more along the lines of she wants us to be together." Hank told me.

"Well so far you are impressing me." I told him.

This time it was Hank's turn to blush.

Throughout dinner we chatted and laughed and work wasn't mentioned once which was nice. Any other date I had the man always brought up work even if they were cops. So it was nice to talk about normal things.

Once dinner was over Hank suggested a movie so we headed for the cinema. He bought the tickets, popcorn and even ice cream. He really was a gentleman.

By the time the night was growing late I found myself not wanting the date to end. Something Hank seemed to agree with me on.

"So um you going back to the hospital tonight?" He asked.

"No Aria has her family there." I told him.

"Oh that's nice." Hank smiled.

There was a short silence before he spoke again.

"Well in that case would you like to come back to mine?" He suggested.

It was clear he was nervous so I put him out of misery by nodding.

Once at his house the wine started flowing and before long we were in bed together…...

The folliwng morning I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking. Before I was even out of bed Hank returned.

"Don't get up breakfast comes to the bed." He smiled.

"Oh room service I love room service!" I laughed.

I got back in the bed and waited for him to bring it in.

He returned seconds later with a full tray of food. Climbing into bed next to me we began to eat our fill. It was such a perfect morning that both of us could have killed Lindsay when she interrupted.

"Hank you home?" She called.

Rolling his eyes Hank turned to me.

"I regret giving her that key!" He sighed.

"Grandpa Hank?" We heard a little voice call out.

"And she brings the kid." He complained.

However I could tell he loved every one in Erin's family. From the moment he took her is she became his daughter. As hard as it was for me to admit I was beginning to fall in love with Chicago and everyone I knew in it.

"You want to stay here?" Hank asked as he got out of bed.

"I will be down in a moment." I assured him.

He nodded in response and left the room.

As soon as he was gone I pulled out my phone. I immediately dialled Fins number.

"Hey Liv, how is everyone doing?" Fin answered.

"Everyone is great Fin, couldn't be better." I told him.

"That's great Liv. So can we be expecting you back soon?" He asked.

I paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Actually Fin….I'm not coming back to New York. My family is here now and at my age I want to be with them as much as I can. I think it's time I handed in the badge." I admitted.

There was a stunned silence.

"Fin?" I pressed.

"Liv that is great for you. I am so happy you have decided to be with your family. I could tell the more you saw your granddaughter grow the more you wanted to be with her." He replied.

"I will be back in New York to make the arrangements for my leaving soon. See you then." I said as I ended the call.

After that I climbed out of bed and went downstairs to join my new family. all I needed now was Aria, Dan and Aimee and I was in heaven.

The End

Hope you all enjoyed and again I'm sorry it took so long!