Merlin hadn't smiled in 3 weeks and 4 days

Not that Arthur was counting or worried. Everyone was worried not just him.

Everyone had at least noticed. Gwen was constantly by Merlin's side. Even all the knights were trying to comfort him in their on special way. Gwaine was on a mission to get Merlin to the pub but was shot down every time. Elyan was constantly helping Merlin with chores much to his protest. Leon tried to talk to him about castle security and the guard but it just ended up getting very awkward very fast. Percival was the most cringe worthy. One day he saw Merlin looking particularly sad and gave him what was meant to a comforting shoulder bump.

Except it turned into a Percival shoulder/ Merlin head bump. Gaius was very much not impressed.

Sometimes they would catch Merlin just staring out the window with such a hurt and pained look on his face no one knew quite how to approach him.

Heck, even his father had noticed. He had said to Arthur the other night at dinner, " Arthur why is your ridiculous man servant being so demure? Maybe I won't have to get you a new one.'' Alright so maybe that wasn't quite concern but close enough

And his father was right. And it was annoying him. Like this morning, he and the knights + Merlin were going on a hunting trip. He'd been woken up very respectfully by Merlin with all his things in perfect condition ready to go on the trip. His breakfast was even being laid out by Merlin ,who has that glazed over look in his eye that Arthur had become too accustomed to seeing. Then this morning while he was hunting Merlin hadn't made any trouble. Not one protest about harming the ''the poor innocent bunnies''.

He was being a model servant. Something must be seriously wrong

While Merlin was out getting firewood (Without any complaining?!) Arthur gathered round the knights.

''So we've all noticed something's wrong with Merlin?'' Nods. ''So what should we do about?''

After several minutes of absolutely ridiculous suggestions Elyan's hesitant voice came out.

''Uh.. has anyone just asked him? Shouldn't we have started there?'' Arthur wanted to smack everyone of them (except maybe Elyan) and then maybe himself because god-damnit it was obvious. Apparently everyone was thinking the same thing.

''Oh my god were all idiots." Groaned Leon. ''Yes, yes we are.'' Said Percival neutrally. Suddenly a crunch was heard from the edge of the clearing then a ''Please don't lob off my head its just the Merlin.''

Everyone relaxed and took there hands off the hilts of their swords. ''Well,'' Arthur thought smugly ''Maybe not complete buffoons.''

Merlin came into the clearing and set about the making the fire and then stopped once he realised everyone was looking at him.

''What is it?'' He asked in a respectful tone. A respectful tone.

Gwaine asked finally.''Merlin mate what's been bugging you? Why have you been moping around so much?'' Merlin blinked once and then averted his eyes. '' Nothing's up, I'm fine.'' Everyone snorted.

"That's not quite true Merlin. You haven't smiled in forever. What happened?'' This time Percival spoke up. Merlin bit his lip.

"I... Well...'' He looked up and every stiffened in shock because Merlin eyes were watery and full of unshed tears.

Merlin was everyone's rock. When ever they had moments where life just got too much Merlin was there offering comfort or just simply be there. Seeing Merlin in such a vulnerable state was disconcerting and strange for them. Arthur was the first the break out of the state of shock.

''Merlin... what's going on?'' He gently asked. The blue eyed man looked down again but spoke to them his voice shaky.

''Someone who I was very... close... too recently passed away... they found his body recently... but they have no idea who killed him..." Arthur felt ashamed. Of course Merlin would have lost people. They all had. He felt even worse when Merlin became to silently cry.

Slowly he stood up and put his hand on the crying mans shoulder. Merlin looked up surprised.

The knights made there way over as well each standing around Merlin. Gwaine kneeled and pulled him into a hug. They had all forgotten that the strongest man they knew still shed tears.

And in that forest clearing with all his friends support to guide him and help him back up Merlin thought the future might not be so bad.

Boom. Finished. My next ones gonna probs be a fairy tail one but always open for suggestions. Please review. Luv ya
