Disclaimer: This story is so ridiculous it's not funny. I have come up with another random bout of drivel in my head and.. whelp... here it comes! This is AU, but will kind of stick to the current story line in ways. The character are pretty much OOC, because really, what do I know about the real Colby, Joseph, or Jonathan other than what is put on their TV characters. Yes, my character is pretty much the definition of Mary-Sue. If that bothers you, find another damn story! =D This is a Seth/Roman/Dean/OC story and they all intermingle. Polyamory and pansexuality involved!

A/N: Guys... this is the last chapter. I might post a sequel eventually but for now, it's done. It's not the best ending in the world but I've struggled getting this far and I'm at the stopping point I think. I hope no one is let down and you all enjoy!

Warning: Slightly graphic depiction of m/m sex. It'll be in bold.

KairiAnneYukari ^.^

"Danielle and Layla are being booked for aiding and abetting Nick. They are accessories to kidnapping, sexual and physical assault, and attempted murder. He had it planned out to the very end Samara. You would not had made it out had those... druggies... not stopped him and your lovers found you," the older lawyer said.

I had to sit back at that fact. He had it all decided. I had no chance had things gone differently. That was a chilling thought. How close I had come to death.

"We have your testimony, his written evidence, and his physical evidence from the sexual assault. You will be needed in court throughout the proceedings, but we will keep you separated from him. You will not have to see him. That's if he makes it through recovery, seeing as his wounds were... substantial to say the least."

"Thank god," I sighed "I mean, not seeing him. Not the injuries.".

A hand took each of mine and I smiled at Joe and Colby. Jon wasn't in here because he was still on edge and afraid he'd flip out hearing what they had to say.

"Thank you Mr. Lopez," I murmured.

He smiled, a smile very similar to Colby's, then winked and said, "It's Eric, Samara, and no need for thanks. You're basically family, just like Joe and Jon, even if my nephew never puts a ring on your finger."

Blushing, Colby spluttered out, "Hey! What is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you're a fool at times," Eric replied, rising and patting Colby's shoulder, "I'm going to get a coffee, do you guys need anything?"

"Water," I requested.

"Sure thing, you guys?"

"No, we're good," Joe spoke up.

The door closed behind Eric and I felt safe to relax again.

"So, does he know?" I whispered.

"Mm-hmm," Colby murmured, "Warned him ahead of time. He has to know everything to protect us."

"Even if something falls through, and I'm sure it won't, you won't be in trouble at all," Joe muttered.

I wasn't worried about myself. I wouldn't survive without them at this point in my life. They were my life lines. I owed them much more than I could ever give. They had literally saved my life, probably multiple times over by now.

"You okay baby girl?" Joe asked.

Nodding, I pulled both of them closer. Arms wrapped around me and I let out a shuddering sigh.

"I wish Jon was in here," I whispered, "Then we'd be complete."

"Wish granted cupcake."

I jerked my head up and saw him shut the door. He had cleaned up apparently, as the blood that had been on him before we got to the precinct was gone. Probably a good thing.

"Get over here you dork," Colby said.

He joined the hug circle, pressed against my back, and I rested my head back, closing my eyes.

"Rest honey, you need some more sleep," Colby whispered.

A hand started stroking my hair and I succumbed to the exhaustion in my body.

I was wrapped up in Joe's arms in his bed, just listening to him breathe as he slept. I wasn't really able to sleep because of the nightmares I still had randomly, and if I slept, it was very fitful. Three days since he was put in the hospital and he was still in critical condition. Things between the four of us were better than ever, except I felt like they were babying me a little too much. Even that wasn't a problem though, because who could really complain about being doted on by those three? I was jerked from my thoughts as I heard a moan. Lifting my head, I focused on the silence and wondered if I had imagined it until I heard it again. Then Jon's name was moaned loudly. I was torn. Jealousy and humor tore at my heart. I carefully untangled myself from Roman and crept down the hall towards Colby and Jon's room next door.

"Fuck, fuck, right there Jon," Colby whined.

I bit my lip to hold in a whine at the aroused tone of his voice.

"That's it baby boy, take this dick like a champ. You love it don't you? Riding this dick? Bet you'd beg me if I made you."

"Sh-Shut uuuup Jon," Colby whined.

"Oh you just know I'm right. You'd worship my dick if I told you too huh? Like the good little cock slut you are?"

Colby cursed and I moved closer to the cracked open door. The lamp beside the bed was on and illuminated their activities when I peeked in.

"Say it," Jon rasped.


My eyes widened in surprise when Jon reached up and smacked Colby across the face.

"Fucking say it or I'll leave your ass empty and needing."

Colby's head fell back, his mouth open in obvious pleasure, and he moaned loudly.

"I-I'm a cock slut," Colby whined.

"No, say it- right," Jon demanded, thrusting up roughly.

"Shit, ah! I'm your cock slut Jon. I- I- Oh fuck I'm gonna cum," he crooned.

I watched in delight as Jon took hold of Colby's dick and started jerking.

"That's right, cum for me baby, milk my cock with that sweet ass," Jon growled.

Colby's sounds became almost pained until he literally squealed and arched into Jon's hand, ropes of cum shooting from his dick.

"That's it, fuck yes. Ngh!"

Jon let out a low moan to join Colby's and slowly they came to a stop.

"I love you," Jon murmured.

"Love you too," Colby whispered.

Arms came around my waist and I jolted in fear until Joe whispered my name.

"You left the bed," he murmured.

"I heard them," I admitted shyly, "I wanted to watch."

"Mmm, our girl getting a little voyeuristic again?"

Blushing, I shrugged and nodded.

"Well, let's go join them," he said, pushing me forward.

"Hey guys," Jon said, "Thought you were asleep."

"Baby girl heard you and had to watch."

Colby offered his hand and I took it, happily climbing between the two. Joe climbed behind Colby as he and Jon fitted around my body. It felt so great to be between the three of them again.

"We got a call earlier," Jon said suddenly.

"Oh yeah?" Joe asked.

Colby nodded and started playing with my hair. I was curious about the call but thankfully he spoke up.

"He died."

There didn't even need to be a name said. It felt like my heart, lungs, and everything froze for a millisecond. He was gone. For good.

"This is our chance. Our new beginning with no crazies," Jon said.

"Well, unless you count said crazy speaking," Colby teased.

"I will spank you, you dick," Jon muttered.

Emotions rushed quickly into me and I had to giggle as tears broke forth.

"Thank you guys."

"No tears. This is a happy time right?" Joe whispered, reaching over Colby to wipe my cheeks clean.

"It is, very much so," I agreed, then sighed happily and bit my lip looking between the three of them, "I'm ready to start anew."

"Just the four of us," Jon concluded.

"Well, unless I bring in Saraya," I teased, getting a smack on the ass and sensual stares in response.

"You're lucky we love you," Colby joked, kissing me gently.