She was doing it again…

Her social attitude looked good on her. That dazzling toothy smile combined with her rambunctious laugh drew even the most withdrawn shinigami out of their depths. Her fiery spirit was a bright beacon to those who shared similar light as she did.

From outside, Matsumoto's excited accusations combined with the 6th squad liutenant's rebuttals could be heard. The third member of the party was the butt of the joke. Good naturedly, she laughed at the raunchy accusations about Abarai's affections for a certain dark haired woman.

"You idiot! Don't yell so loudly!" Abarai flushed out.

Matsumoto giggled, "Oh, you don't want everyone hearing about how YOU TOOK OUR NEW FRIEND OUT FOR SOME DRINKS LAST NIGHT!"

"Mou, mou," Kagome shook her head also laughing, "It wasn't like that!"


Matsumoto grinned.

"We were celebrating my new position!" Kagome said with a grin, happy to have been promoted to the third seat. Kagome was honored, and acted bashful about getting such recognition.

"That's right!"

Matsumoto's grin widened.

"If I remember correctly it was actually you who offered more and more drinks!"

Abarai agreed, "It was my idea to go out but you suggested drinks!"

"Oh?" Matsumoto finally spoke. "That doesn't explain why Kagome-chan didn't report home last night."

His eye twitched.

Aizen let out of a sigh as he got up and slid open the thin door that separated him from these idiots.

The three idiots froze.

Kagome's jaw dropped.

Matsumoto grinned, unabashedly.

Renji sweat dropped.

"What a surprise to see you all here." He smiled.

The trio belted out greeting to the 5th captain to show their respect.

"If you would excuse us," Aizen directed at the two brightly colored heads. "I have paperwork that I would like my third seat to assist with." Matsumoto opened her mouth to say something but Renji grabbed her uniform by the back of the neck and dragged her away. He turned to Kagome and calmly stated, "I am starting to think that you aren't taking this promotion seriously Higurashi-san."

Kagome turned to her captain, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.

Her smile was as strained as his was, "Captain, I have recently been promoted and wanted to share my joy with my friends. I don't see any error in that. If I had known you needed help with paperwork I would have come running. If you need anything in the future I would be happy to help." What I do in my own time my own business.

The light glinting off her captain's glasses reflected something in his eyes that evaporated too quickly for her to identify. If she didn't know any better she would say it was a dark, almost malevolent emotion.

"Well, Higurashi-san, I will certainly take you up on your offer in the future." He smiled back. He motioned for her to step into his room.

Kagome sighed. She had recently had a falling out with her captain. It was a sore subject for her, and while he has assured her it was not an issue she still couldn't help the niggling feeling she got when she thought of it. She had seen the anger behind Aizen's false smile when he had found her with her friends and had been enraged. What did he have to be angry about?

She turned around to shut the door behind her and when she had turned back there was a deliciously warm lips on her own. Her lips parted in delight as her captain's hands wrapped around her body. She threaded her fingers through his soft brown curls reflexively and kissed him back with gusto. Her tongue finding his and making their embrace a battle of wills. She lost herself to the feeling of being surrounded, happy. The feelings of pleasure that shot through her body as he pulled her body flush against his were intoxicating and she melted into embrace.

When she finally pulled away she was breathless and smug to find her captain was good at hiding how winded he was but there were other physical signs he couldn't hide. The darkened lips he sported after she sucked on his lip, his skewed glasses, and the smoldering gleam in his eyes. She liked that look on him. His perfectly composure was mussed… by her.

She basked in his warmth. Her anger had gone missing, but while her anger had abandoned her she still knew they had things they had to discuss. She knew the question was at the tip of his lips,

"Did you have a fun night with Abarai?"

The anger was back.

Her eyes lit with rage that would not be concealed as she kissed him. She kissed him hard. She bruised his lips. She bit his neck. Her hands pulled his hair. She made him sting.

He found himself smiling.


Last night…

Kagome was about to leave, head back to her house for a good nights rest, when a field of red obscured her vision.

"Higurashi…" Renji Abarai stood in her path with his head turned right. She could see a light smattering of pink at the tips of his cheeks. His lips were pursed, moving periodically, as if he was trying to say something but couldn't phrase the words in a way that he wanted to. His hand idly scratched a nonexistent itch on his cheek. He would have looked like a stereotypical shy middle school boy asking out his first crush in the hallways of a school if it wasn't for the fact that he was a full grown man with dark tattoos on his head.

Stifling a laugh, Kagome smiled at her friend. "Renji! Spit it out!"

Smiling back at her, her fire to ignited his own. "Congratulations on making third seat! A celebration is in order and I won't take no for an answer!" He grinned. There were perks with dealing with the iciest captain around, personality wise that is, he learned that persistence went a long way. Half the time his Captain didn't have the actual effort to pull through with his glare. Two, three, sometimes even ten repeated asks and badgering wore the nobleman down.

"That's a great idea" Said a voice he was dreaded hearing. Matsumoto walked down the hallway with a swagger only she could pull off. She wore a broad smile and carried a couple of her friends in tow, "I know just the place."

Matsumoto had gathered a few more people, her drinking buddy Shuhei (to help convince everyone barhopping would be the idea tonight), Kagome's closest friend Sango, a few other shinigami that Kagome was friendly with, and just for the kicks she invited Ikkaku. Occasionally he got into fights (by occasionally she meant all the time) and what was a good party without a good fight?

At first Kagome had been hesitant to have anything to drink, especially since last time she had gone out with Matsumoto, but after seeing Matsumoto and Shuhei eventually pressure Renji to drink, then Kira, then her best friend, she resigned her fight and gave in.

It was weak of her, but she found herself loosening up when they got to the third bar and giggled against Sango's shoulder as they twined arms to down another shot together. Yoruichi let out a satisfied burp as she downed her own drink and laughed broadly at the misfortune of Shuhei when he dropped his satchel and looked down on it with the most devastated face she had ever seen on the young man.

By the fourth bar they had degenerated into a game of truth and dare.

Not one to back down from a challenege, after Ikkaku called Renji out for being a wimp for choosing truth, he boasted that he would do whatever was dared of him. Unfortunately his darer was one Yoruichi Shihoin, and she was in a playful mood. It would be fun to mess with the red headed lieutenants while also messing with little Byakuya (not so little anymore). "Abarai, I dare you to steal Byakuya's hairpiece!"

The group burst out in laughter, Sango clutching her stomach "He won't survive!"

"Who says he's even gonna do it!" Ikkaku scoffed, seeing the rejection of the idea on Renji's tongue.

Renji glared at the bald man, "Who says I ain't!"

"Oh this is something I gotta see!" Matsumoto hiccupped, leaning in to the conversation.

"I am not a cruel woman," Yoruichi grinned with a devious glint in her eyes, "You can have someone help you… In fact, I think we should make this a group adventure!"

20 minutes later…



"How do these noodles stay in hair?"


"Did you see all that powder on his vanity?"


"No wonder his complexion is so perfectly pale."

The ambitious group would have been able to pull off such a heist if they hadn't gotten tripped up by one drunk blond who had been in the front. Turning a corner too fast had caused her to stumble, and created a human domino game behind her. Kagome tripped over the blond and Renji followed in her footsteps. He tumbled over Kagome and into the screen door. Yoruichi expertly flash stepped away from the pile up and high tailed it out of the mansion like a pro. Unfortunately, Kira was trying to keep his composure but he fell as well. Shuhei and Sango had stopped themselves before ending up in the pile. Sango had stumbled above the fallen group and reached a hand out to the group that just wouldn't stop moving!

Byakuya was getting closer.

Shuhei felt his power approaching (or more accurately could feel the waves of anger get closer) as he watched the human pile get up and fall down again. He glanced at the empty hallway, the direction Byakuya was coming from, and then back at the helpless pile… He grabbed Sango's hand.

Sango looked up confused.


He started running and Sango sent the group a giggly apology before being dragged off to safety.

"I'm so dead." Renji groaned when he saw his captain's feet stop at his head.

And that's the story of how Kagome, Renji, Matsumoto, and Kira ended up staying in Byakuya's fancy mansion. They stayed as prisoners.


Kagome was kissing him. Her pouty lips put to a pleasurable use. The hands she had threaded in his hair tightened as she pulled his head back. Her eyes were wide, happy to observe the way that instead of wincing in pain Aizen had glared down at her. It excited her. She smiled brightly at him. And all he could think of is how an innocent, bubbly girl like Kagome could make him feel oh so wicked.

A devious grin pulled at her lips. She leaned in once again and kissed the edge of his mouth. A smile played at her features, she had made him bare his neck to her and was slowly kissing a trail downward. A few kisses on his jaw, on the dip inward. Her kisses got progressively longer. When she reached the apex of his neck, she closed her eyes and sucked softly. She knew the captain hated when she left marks on him. And right on cue, he pulled her away from him. She pouted momentarily up at him.

"Baka." Kagome mumbled to the very man that she should respect beyond anyone else. Her very own, fun killing, captain!

He raised his eyebrow and moved his hand across his chest. "You wound me."

"I'll do more than that!" She huffed.

Knock knock.

Aizen looked at the door, glared for half a second, and started to smooth down his hair. She really liked his hair. The chocolate color was warm and inviting and it always fell silkily between her fingers. Kagome fixed his glasses for him. She may not have left a hickey, but if anyone was looking they could tell that he was either worrying his lips or entertaining company. And Kagome liked that.

"Captain, I have finished the reports for today."

Aizen sat at his desk before his gravelly voice announced, "Come in."

"Ah, Momo-chan, how were the reports?"

Hinamori was trying to look tough, but as she was perhaps the most adorable shinigami besides the 11th lieutenant it was hard for her to. "A bit long but nothing I couldn't handle! A few reports need validation from a Captain."

Aizen smiled gently at her. "Thank you Momo-chan, as efficient as you always are."

Momo melted at his words. Her happiness at her Captains praise had caused her to look bashful and then preen under his gaze.

Momo had the biggest, most obvious crush on their captain. It was so plain to see and while most people would deny that such a captain exists, Aizen knew it very well and used it to his advantage, pushing off the work he disliked to his secondhand.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Momo asked, the stars in her eyes. Because her captain was the best captain. He cared about her. He never made fun of her. He made her feel safe. She knew she could trust him.

"We are done for the day. Hopefully, you have heard of the recent induction ceremony in which our own Higurashi-san was promoted to third seat?"

At her idols words Momo then noticed that Kagome was in the room.

She smiled obliviously, "Higurashi-san! I didn't notice you there! I look forward to working with you!"

"As do I," Kagome smiled back.

"As second in command, I would like you to show Higurashi-san her duties. Can you do that, Momo-chan?" Momo once again had stars in her eyes.

She determinedly replied. "Yes, Captain!"

"Great." That plastered on smile again.

"Would you like me to show you now, Higurashi-san?"

"I need to have a word with the Captain, Momo-chan, maybe I will see you later today?" Kagome inclined her head to the door, subtly hoping that she would get the hint to leave.

"Yes, I'm sure I will see you around. Thank you, Captain!" Momo bowed before leaving the room.

Kagome watched the back of Momo go and the door slide closed once again. She wanted to dislike her. She really did. But she couldn't. She just ended up feeling disgusted with herself, and disgusted with Aizen.

She walked around his desk, their gazes locked the entire time. She could see that her captain was amused, he was smiling that plastic smile he put on but more than that she could see the amusement in his eyes.

He slid his chair out to face her as she came toward him and stopped right in front of him, a hairsbreath away from touching him. She reached down to take off his glasses so she could gauge him better but he took it as an invitation to kiss her again. Before he could reach her Kagome pulled his hair back again, this time for different reasons.

"Momo-chan?" He always called her Momo-chan.

"Yes, that seems to be her name." He felt a bit annoyed but all the while his amusement outweighed annoyance so he goaded her by pretending he was oblivious to what she was talking about.

"You call me Higurashi-san." She glared angrily at him.

He pulled her body closer, "So I do, Higurashi-san."

He whispered her name, dangerously, into her ear. Causing a jolt to go through her.

Kagome glared at him angrily, willing her body's reaction to him to go away and for him to say something else. They had gone through this before. She noticed they were quite close, and quite nicer to Momo-chan almost to the point where it seemed like he was her personal Hojo. Only the upmost respect and familiarity was afforded to the second seat. And Kagome had thought perhaps there was more than meets the eye.

Aizen had patronized her.

Discredited her beliefs as mere jealousy that she shouldn't have a right to feel. And for that Kagome was enraged when he had the gall to question her about what happened with Renji. Mastumoto had a heart for dramatics and blissfully left out the fact that Kira and a group of people were also stuck together with her last night.

"Are you perhaps jealous that I haven't been paying as much attention to you?" He whispered huskily into her sensitive ear lobe, he switched position with Kagome, pushing her into his seat. She was momentarily startled when he moved between her legs but then he took her earlobe into his hot mouth and she gasped at the pleasurable feeling and his direct accusation. His got on his knees so his hands reached under her haori, grabbing a handful of her thigh and squeezing the supple flesh. And oh god, she gulped imagining his hand a few inches up and doing other things...

"I'm not jealous." She tried to deny.

"Oh?" his hand inched up her leg.

"I'm not." Kagome declared resolutely, a flush covering her face and spreading on her body as his hot fingers danced dangerously close to her underwear.

"And you don't miss me here?" His rough voice was all she could hear, as one of his slender fingers stroked her from top to bottom. Almost immediately she could see his smug grin, knowing she was already aroused and had been thinking about him.

"No." She vehemently denied.

Aizen continued to move his fingers against the thin fabric of her panties and Kagome squeezed her eyes closed, trying not to give herself away.

"I won't find that you're soaking wet for me?" Aizen smirked, knowing the truth already.


He took her panties off achingly slowly making sure leave a trail of nips for her lies. He didn't have to say anything else because he knew Kagome could see it in his eyes. Aizen grinned triumphantly when his fingers met her wetness. He was hard just watching her. He slid two fingers in.

Kagome moaned audibly as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She had missed him. She felt his long fingers stretch her apart and wanted more. She gazed at him heavily, urging him for more.

"No, Kagome, you didn't miss me." His fingers hit somewhere inside of her that felt so good. "You didn't miss this at all" Aizen grunted, watching her try to contain how much pleasure he was giving her by biting her lip. He slid from her, "You were absolutely empty without me" He growled, "You wanted me to fuck you the moment you saw me. You dreamt about this. Admit it."

Kagome groaned as he sucked on her clit.

"Yesssssss," Kagome cried as he sped up. "I-I don't like you looking at anyone else. I want you all to myself."

He grinned triumphantly, curling his fingers and causing her to scream. God her cries were like music to his ears.

He lapped her up.


Kagome was startled out of her daze when Sango came up to her apologetically.

She was nursing her head, "I can't remember what happened yesterday but I have a distinct impression that tells me I have to apologize to you."

Kagome grinned at her best friend, "It wasn't really your choice in the matter, so you are forgiven."

"Thank god." Sango said, clutching her face in her hands.

"Let's get you some water," Kagome thought it would help with the possible dehydration since she doesn't remember stopping for water breaks even though she had a good recollection of what happened last night.

"You are a godsend Kagome."

"That you are!" Momo was obviously distressed. Her arms were full of papers and she had a frazzled look about her. "Will you please take these to Captain Kurotsuchi?"

"Is it urgent?" Kagome frowned looking between her friend Sango and the papers.

"What do you mean is it urgent?" Momo looked scandalized. "It is paperwork, and it should be delivered promptly!"

Sango took pity on her friend and quickly willed Kagome to deliver the papers, "I'll be just fine! Meet me in the cafeteria when you're done!"

Kagome gave Sango a once over and decided that her friend would make it, and nodded at Momo, "Right away, Lieutenant!"

Then Kagome realized who she had to deliver the paperwork to… Mayuri Kurotsuchi! The 12th division always made her a bit edgy. Well, not exactly. Most members of the 12th division were fine, perhaps a little more scientifically inclined than the usual person but there was something wrong with the 12th Captain! Everytime Kagome was in the same room as him she got chills from the man.

Nothing against the way he looks, which is more interesting to her than a hindrance, but the way he looks at people. There is something maniacal in the way he watches people. And there are rumors going around that the mad scientist had no regard for life as long as there was a scientific purpose behind it.

Kagome shrugged over the shivers she got from thinking about the Captain, and steeled herself. They wouldn't appoint him as Captain if he was a bad guy!... Would they?

Nemu greeted Kagome instantly at the door of the 12th Captains laboratory. "Hello Kagome-san, how can I help you today?"

"I've got some paperwork for the Captain,"

"I'll take it from here." Nemu responded robotically. Okay… Maybe it wasn't just Mayuri that gave her weird vibes but Nemu as well. Kagome was happy to hand off the papers and go back to her own division-

"I'm feeling just jovial today, Nemu, bring her in!" She heard the voice call out in many different pitches.

Kagome felt her heart sink.


How do you like it?

I forgot I had this little gem written and there's like 15,000 more words haha. For the first time in forever, I have a plan;)