A/N Hey guys! This is literally something that I just decided to get out. I have no idea if it's been done before, but I thought it would be fun. Just a little side project while working on my other story. Things might get weird! Hope you enjoy, there's more if we can dig it! ;) Let me know. H

Chapter 1 The Cinema

Date night. Night nights. Plural.

The way it goes down:

Boy says Hey, I like you. Let's get weird. Not—like that. Come on.

(But he means exactly like that).

Alas, you move on. You accept.

Boy says hey, I like movies. Let's go see a movie. Let's go see this movie. You'd probably like this movie. Here's why you would like this movie…

You hate movies.

Alas, you move the fuck on. You accept.

But this is getting a little ridiculous.

Beca was so snarky sometimes that even her own thoughts seemed rude. She shook this off as she endured the remainder of the car ride with her boyfriend. He always wanted to hold hands, even in the car. Her palm was sweaty on this summer night. Her mind immediately shot to more agony, as she was weighing the options to either chop off her own hand and give it to him, or allow it to melt slowly.

Jesse suggested that they go to an older movie theatre—one for classics. Not only did they play black and white pictures, but they also had a fan-favorite night. Tonight, the fans spoke. They wanted to see The Devil Wears Prada.

Not that it was hard to come by these days, but this theatre wanted to try and salvage the experience of getting off your ass, and getting out into a social environment to reminisce. They also wanted to try and make a little money off of a movie—how incredulous. Jesse had it all explained to Beca by the time they arrived—insisting that this is how romance remains alive.

Beca had not heard of the movie, but she didn't need to. It seemed quite fluffy right off the bat. She had a hard head, though, so she tried to force acceptance. She tried to give it a chance. She did after all choose to be with this boy—and despite her negativity; she really did care for him. They connected somehow—though she didn't have the words for how.

As they settled into their seats, Beca felt as if there were an odd smell.

"What is that?" She asked, sniffing, looking mortified.

"Becs, please relax. It's just the smell of popcorn and excited nerds. You don't come here often, give it a chance." Jesse said, smiling earnestly.

Beca mumbled a reply that was inaudible—or perhaps Jesse chose not to hear it. Whatever the case, they looked up at the screen that was beginning to darken.

Jesse could tell that Beca was not enjoying herself right away, and he wanted to make light of the situation. He pulled out a big yawn, and with that, he reached his arms up into the air to stretch, thus bringing down his right arm to wrap around her shoulders. Beca smirked and rolled her eyes. She turned to the goofy boy and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"You're so cute when you're angry." Jesse whispered.

"Then I'm doing it on purpose," Beca shrugged.

They couple kissed once more before the previews began to roll.

They were heading back to Beca's dorm. Jesse was a little bummed that Beca didn't want to stay the night with him, but he agreed to take her back to the dorms anyway. She was tired. She had been working on new mixes late the night before. She knew she shouldn't have stayed up that late, but when inspiration struck, she rolled with it. If she didn't, she thought, when would anything get out there?

Beca had felt badly about how she was behaving at the beginning of their date—and perhaps a little guilty that she wasn't giving Jesse any tonight. Because of this, she held his hand the whole way home—by choice. That's saying something, all right.

"Thanks for tonight babe."

"Did you like it?"

"I did. Honestly, it was fun. Muriel Streep was so mean."

"—Meryl. Wow." Jesse laughed hard. "I can't believe you just butchered her name. She's one of the greats, Beca!"

Beca returned a laugh and shrugged. "I did like it, thank you."

"Cool. Well I'm glad. I know it was a bit feminine but the character work is really solid. Just wanted to show you that." Jesse replied, leaning in the kiss his girlfriend.

As Beca slipped in, she noticed that her roommate was fast asleep. It was a bit early for a Friday night, but she herself was pretty exhausted. She slipped in to the bathroom with a pair of shorts in her hands and changed. Beca could probably work on finishing up a mix from a few days ago, but she didn't want to disturb her roommate. They had actually bonded a little more after Beca won the ICCA's. Kimmy-Jin thought it was pretty cool.

Beca decided to slip into her bed and actually try and sleep. She lay there, and thought about her evening. The movie wasn't great or anything. But she did laugh a little. She thought the Anne's character was really pretty—but not compared to Emily Blunt's. Jesse gave her the rundown of who they both were and what they have done in the past. Not that it mattered much, but Beca appreciated that she at least remembered their names—if not the Great Meryl. Beca pulled out her cell phone and began to search on her Google App. She looked up both actresses and read a little bit about them. She kept thinking about the movie, and specific moments that caught her attention. She realized that she really liked the seemingly selfless moments between the brunette and the red head in Prada. Even when they became friends. Beca then did an image search on the two. She didn't realize how much she was actually looking into it all until she realized how late it was. Beca shook her head and clicked off her phone, but then turned it right back on again. Getting annoyed at the tiny screen, Beca pulled out her Mac and began surfing the web more. Why was she so into this right now? It wasn't until 10 minutes later that an article on Google caught her eye.

"The Devil's Prada, A Fan Fiction."

Beca quirked an eyebrow and clicked the link.

She soon realized that what she read was better than what The Cinema had shown her.

It was dirty. It was lustful. It was girl on girl.

It was quite the late night read.

Someone actually thought that Andrea and Emily deserved to be the real couple in the movie. How bizarre. How intriguing.

Better yet, why did Beca love it so much?

She soon realized that there was a whole community set up on this site for story-tellers. It was incredible. She didn't know about a lot of the stories created—due to her lack of movie knowledge, but she thought a lot of them were really interesting.

The next day at Bella's Rehearsal, Beca was a little distracted. She kept thinking about the story that she had read. She found herself laughing randomly—she wasn't sure if she should feel odd or guilty.

"Hey DJ—you're looking the wrong way." Chloe snickered.

"W-What? Oh shit, sorry Captain." Beca immediately fixed her posture to realign with the rest of the girls.

"What's up with you today? You have a crazy night with the boy?" Chloe winked.

"No, we just went to a movie; get your head out of my bed, Beale." Beca shot back playfully.

That Sunday, Aubrey canceled Bella rehearsal. The weather was pretty grimy, and most of the girls were a little hungover. She decided to grant a blessing, Beca thought to herself. She was fine, but she really didn't want to do much today—but read. After a little while, Beca took a break and realized that she herself had her own thoughts about Andrea/Emily. The red head – brunette pairing was just too cute she thought. Beca decided to dip her toe into the fictional pool.

She grabbed her Mac and sat up on her bed. She had a hard time coming up with a username, for she really wanted this to be a personal thing. She wanted it to be her own. She was also excited about getting the chance to actually write. She worked on mixes for so long; she never got the chance to write. She wondered if she would be any good at it. Time to bite the bullet.

As Beca composed her first chapter, she erased it and made several edits. She wanted it to start with a good lead—but she also wanted it to reflect how awesome this couple was in her head. Though she herself had never been with a woman, she found herself eager to continue writing about it—she really saw a connection between the characters. Beca wasn't sure why there was so much fascination—her boyfriend would probably be extremely weirded out.

Alas, -you guessed it- she accepted it.

Beca couldn't sleep. She had just posted her first chapter. She knew people could read it instantly. It was nerve-wracking. How many people would read it? It's the internet, Becs—my God. What did you do?! What if Aubrey and the girls find out you're writing about fictional lesbians? Are you gay? What if they don't like it? What if you rushed? Who names their first chapter "Karma."?

Beca opened her eyes this time and moved around in her bed pulling out her Mac. She needed to see if there was a way to delete her chapter, her story. What was going on with her lately? As she opened her computer, and then opened her account, she noticed that she had a notification.

1 New Chapter Review: Karma