His breath caught at the sight of him. It was the smile. Above all things it was the smile. Wicked. Dangerous. Knowing. Then there was his hair. The ebony tresses were thick and shiny. A small breeze in a nearby window whipped through it, giving it movement and life. His slender hands looked like they were made of bone china, delicate in their artistry. His cheekbones too it seemed for they were high and beautiful. The stillness of his body belied a grace that not even most females possess. He tucked a wayward lock of hair behind an elegant ear. The man then turned and their eyes met. The emerald pools were sparkling and unexpectedly vulnerable. For a moment, he looked like a doe lost in the woods. He knew then, that he felt it too. The man turned away and re-engaged in his conversation with one of the palace healers. Thor locked eyes on him and moved in.

Thor's large looming presence could not be ignored. As he approached the pair they turned towards him in acknowledgment. Thor did not spare the healer even a glance, making his intensions clear.

"My prince, Prince Loki. Another time perhaps?" The healer said politely and took his leave. Loki gave Thor his full attention then. His chin level and his face a mask of haughtiness. Though Thor was slightly taller than him, Loki was still looking down his nose at him. A challenge then; Thor likes a challenge.

"Prince Loki? I had heard of your arrival from Jotunnheim. We have not hosted a representative from your world here in Asgard in quite some time. You are here for the trade negotiations I presume?"

"You are correct Highness. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Why, the pleasure of your company of course." Thor's eyes rake down Loki openly.

"You don't waste time do you?"

"I'm a simple man, or so I've been told. I'm honest to a fault as well, and I would very much like to make you moan my name."

"Mmmm, tempted…but no. I'm not that kind of girl and if you expect me to just bend over and take whatever you are offering, think again. If you want between my legs you'll have to earn it."

"And how do I earn it? Shall I woo you like a maiden or beat you into submission in the sparring arena?"

"Both I think. Ah, the food is being served. No time like the present to dote on me and show me the hospitality that Asgard is famous for."

"Will you join me at the high table as my guest?" Thor asks.

"I would like that very much, thank you." Loki rakes his eyes over Thor then and places his arm lightly and formally atop his. Thor escorts him there, both looking regal and powerful. Loki, though smaller than Thor in stature, radiates danger. His emerald encrusted daggers glint in the fire light of the hall, which are tucked into his hip and leg boot. No one doubts the little prince's ability to slit a throat.

Odin and Frigga greet Loki with politeness and formality before resuming their own private conversation, ignoring the couple entirely. Thor pulls out Loki's chair for him, to which Loki offers a coy smile as a reward.

"Try the star grapes from Vanaheim. They are delectable." Thor says. Loki takes one of the ruby colored gems from the plate and pops it into his mouth slowly, letting his tongue savor the sugary little orb. Thor's eyes fixate on Loki's mouth and Loki moans his pleasure at the intense flavor of the grape. Loki's little tongue darts out to lick his lips, knowing full well that Thor is imagining other things in Loki's mouth.

"Delicious." Loki puts another in his mouth and locks eyes with Thor as he chews the fruit slowly. Thor growls at him then, low and only audible to Loki.

"You are very good at this. I shall be in torment while in your company."

"Then you shall be in torment for many days yet I suspect. The trade negotiations last a fortnight." Loki smirks.

"And do you intend to make me court you for that long?" Thor asks.

"No, you could continue to woo me long distance via letter writing. Perhaps one day many years from now we will finally fuck in a fit of passion."

"Mmm, and I shall write of your beauty and grace and write poetry about your hair and your wit. I shall say how you walk in beauty like the night and your hands are like living alabaster carved of both strength and softness. I shall confess my desire to hold you and explore your every crevice, learn your every secret."

"Or you could just bludgeon something to death and offer it to me as a gift." Loki says.

"A spectacle then? That is what you want. A public proclamation of my undying love?"

"Eventually. Mostly I just want to see you sweat in the sun with blood in your hair and a feral look in your eye so that when you mount me you put forth all your power as though you were conquering me like a savage beast."

Thor smiles at Loki. Yes, that he can do. They dig into the rich food brought to their table, openly leering at one another all throughout the meal. Loki sips his wine, staining his lips to a kissable tint of red. When the meal concludes he escorts Loki back to his guest chambers. Excitement curls in his loins. They reach Loki's door and the dark haired man with the creamy skin turns to face his suitor.

"I had a wonderful time tonight Highness. Until tomorrow." He purrs.

"Until tomorrow." Thor kisses Loki's hand before releasing him, watching as the door shuts slowly on piercing emerald eyes and wine stained lips.


Loki awakens to a knock on his chamber doors. It is early. Barely an hour past dawn and he has to wonder just how eager the Thunderer is to get into his bed. His over eagerness does not work in his favor at the moment.

"Enter." Loki grunts. Several servants enter his chambers carrying large bouquets of fragrant flowers along with a breakfast tray.

"Good morning Highness. Prince Thor sends his regards and expressed his wish to have breakfast served to you in bed. I hope the food selection is to your liking." The servant says. Loki surveys the tray. On it there is a slice of ham, poached eggs with lemon sauce, and a small bowl of star grapes. A large teapot and cup completes the tray and Loki nods his approval.

"Will there be anything else Highness?"

"No, my dear, you may go. Tell his Highness that I am most pleased by his gracious gesture and look forward to sparring with him this morning at 10 o'clock."

"Yes your grace." The servant replies. She and the other servants take their leave. Loki tucks into his meal as he admires the ice blossoms now decorating his room. He knew a few things about the Thunder God before coming to Asgard and did have hopes of at least forging a new friendship that would lead to the eventual return of the Casket to his people. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever hope to have a shot at Asgard's throne. If he plays his cards right he might get a marriage proposal before the two weeks are over.


Loki dons black leather trousers and a loose white cotton shirt. His long hair is braided back and his daggers are tucked everywhere. He arrives at the training fields and looks over the weapons rack, settling on a nicely balanced training sword. He begins his paces, warming up for his bought with Thor.

Many of the warriors on the field take notice of the lithe dark haired stranger in their midst. Sif and the Warriors Three recognize him from the feast and they walk over to introduce themselves.

"So you're the one Thor is fawning all over." Fandral flashes a million dollar smile.

"If you think that was fawning, just wait until he is groveling at my feet." Loki smirks.

"Is that so little Jotunn?" Thor chuckles from behind Loki. Loki turns and his eyes land on a sweaty bronzed bare chest, glistening in the sun.

"Yes it is. You will be begging me for mercy before the day is out." Loki has to stop himself from licking his lips at the sight of the man. Thor meanders over to Loki making slow heavy steps and leans down to whisper into his ear.

"You will be begging me for my cock before the day is over."

"We shall see." Loki takes up a fighting stance a few feet from Thor and the Warrior's Three clear the ring. Thor's cheesy grin beams across his face as the warriors all stop to watch the match that is about to start. The air becomes thick and tense as everyone waits for the first blow to be exchanged. It happens suddenly. The princes cross swords once, and then again. Thor rushes Loki then and he pirouettes out of the way. Thor swings blow after blow against Loki, coming hard and fast against the slender man. Loki is a little shocked by Thor's full powered attack and is knocked onto his back on the ground much faster than he wanted to have happen. Thor is on top of him in the fraction of a second, a blade held against Loki's throat.

"Do you yield?" Thor's arrogance echoes in his voice. Thor has all his weight on top of Loki, no doubt enjoying the sensation of their bodies being pressed together. Loki takes advantage of the situation. He rolls his hips up, feeling Thor's half-hard erection through the layers of leather. A rumble rolls in Thor's throat and he removes the blade from Loki's neck and dips his head down to kiss the dark prince. Loki removes a hidden dagger from his body and uses the heavy hilt to bash Thor in the head. He uses Thor's momentary shock and pain to push the big man off of him and escapes to the other side of the ring. Thor jumps up to his feet, anger now apparent in his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Succumbing to the wiles of your enemy on the battlefield, such foolishness will get you killed Odinson." Loki eyes are hooded with desire and he sucks in his bottom lip as he peruses Thor's massive muscular heaving form, leering at Thor's groin in a covetous fashion. Thor attacks Loki again with even more fervor. Loki is ready for the brutal onslaught this time and manages to last a little longer on his feet, gliding just out of the giant man's reach. His fluid body moves as a dancer tiptoeing on the surface of the water. Eventually, however, Thor corner's him again. This time they are both standing, but Thor is at Loki's back and again, the blade is pressed to Loki neck.

"Do you yield?" Thor whispers into Loki's ear. The creamy expanse of neck than connects to the chest and shoulder is exquisite. Loki feels Thor's body pressed to his back and again Loki wiggles his hips to rub his sweet firm ass against Thor's crotch. Thor growls.

"Do YOU yield Thunderer? I can keep this up all day." Loki tilts his neck a little to the side to invite Thor to kiss him there. Thor attacks the milky smooth skin with his lips, but never drops the blade. Loki moans as Thor's lips brush against his sweet sensitive skin, making him tingle everywhere. He can feel Thor's cock which is now fully hard and aching to be freed from its leather prison. Thor growls again.

"Yield damn you." Thor orders. Loki quickens the movements and his hips in defiance.

"No." Loki pants. His own erection is growing stiff and obvious through the outline of his pants. Thor drops the blade and pushes Loki away from him.

"Enough." Thor pants. "I grow weary of this game. Let us retire to the bathing chambers to clean up."

"As you wish Odinson." Loki places the practice sword back into the weapons rack and follows Thor to the bath house to scrub up.

"You may join me in the royal bathing chambers. They are more private." Thor says. Loki notes the slightest hint of a begging tone in that request and has to bite his cheek from smiling gleefully.

"After that little show in the arena? I think not. I don't want everyone in Asgard's court to think me a cheap easy conquest. I shall shower out here in the common area, but thank you for the invitation." Loki's voice is overly formal.

The look on Thor's face flashes back and forth between a kick puppy expression and a lecherous brute. A grunt escapes his lips and Thor nods before turning and leaving. Loki's evil grin splays wide when several minutes later, the sound of Thor howling his orgasm reverberates through the bath house.


Loki dresses and leaves the bath house alone to attend a Merchant's Guild meeting at the palace. Volstagg turns to Fandral and makes a gesture with his hand.

"Pay up." He says to him.

"What! No, you pay up! Loki lost the fight." Fandral argues.

"That depends on which fight you are referring to, and I say Thor lost."

"Thor won. He had that damn horny little minx by the throat twice."

"And yet he did not yield."

"Hogan, what say you?" Fandral asks his impartial friend.

"Pay up Fandral. Thor lost."