I'm Gretchen.

I'm the one no one ever notices. I'm never asked my opinion and no one has ever listened to me.

I pretend to be happy for everyone else, as they enjoy everything their lives have to offer. In actuality; I'm miserable.

I've often wondered if anyone would care if I wasn't there for a day, or a week. No one ever calls; and when they do, it's because they want me to do something for them. I've never been asked if I wanted anything.

Just the other day, I was out with everyone when they decided to go out for lunch. No one asked me if I'd like to join them. They just left and didn't even realise I wasn't there. I found that out yesterday when Isabella came up to me. "Wasn't it funny when Buford stuffed the entire burger into his mouth?" I just nodded and sighed.

I watch from the background as they all take turns being the centre of attention; not that I want that. I slip away, silent and unnoticed. I head to the local park and sit on the swing, watching people as they play frisbee, or catch, or just about anything.

I'm Gretchen, and I wish I weren't.