Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

AN: I've been sitting on this drabble for months so fuck it, here ya go pls take it away from me. Also tho! Huge warning- this drabble is based off one of the times I nearly drowned. It's a little explicit bc my first reaction to the event was to write it down to process it so...

Sometimes, Cana forgot that not being able to breathe underwater was only one of the many dangers the ocean posed to humans.

And mermaid kisses didn't excuse her from that.

Cana laughed as she seemed to roll over a wave, the water high enough that she could easily see the small storefronts in the distance behind the bright crimson flags on the gold beach dunes. She flipped over and dove under the next wave, keeping an eager eye out for Juvia. Shimmering scales and glinting gold were nowhere to be found though and Cana sighed as she flipped so that her feet hit the sandy ocean bottom. She looked up and watched a wave break behind her, her stomach twisting happily at the unique view. She admired the white, frothy water streaming away from her and she kicked up to the surface with a grin.

Juvia might not be here yet but that didn't mean Cana couldn't play until she showed up.

She broke just as a wave was rolling through and Cana gleefully let it pull her forward, holding her fists out in front of her like she was a superhero. She laughed as childhood nostalgia washed over her and she kicked back so that the wave broke without her. Cana swam back with her eyes on the shore, the ocean current helpfully pulling her back. The water tickled as it pulled at her arms and hair, making Cana laugh with glee. A shadow fell over Cana, prompting her to flip over-

-only to come face to face with a towering wall of water.

Cana snapped her head back just in time to watch the wave break over her.

The wave crashed down on her before she could even attempt to dive, the churning water slamming against her as the frothy water spun her around. Cana choked on the airy water and kicked towards the surface, only managing one sputtering breath before the waves pulled her back down. Cana gritted her teeth as she was spun around without any sense of direction, panic burning at the back of her throat. She let the adrenaline take over and kicked to the surface, choking and sputtering when she emerged. Cana gasped as she frantically rubbed the salt water out of her eyes, already kicking as fast as she could to the beach.

Dread welled up in her as she felt herself getting dragged back towards the open ocean. Cana blinked some more water out of her eyes, only managing a weary groan when she saw a bigger wave fast approaching. She knew she couldn't swim far enough out so that it would break behind her but she sure as hell couldn't swim fast enough to avoid it. Not with this strong of a current.

Alberona, you fucking moron.

Cana stared at the wave with wide eyes, frantically trying to think through the panic screaming in the back of her head. The water loomed overhead too soon, and Cana could only manage a quick 'fuck it' before diving.

The wave crashed on her, pushing Cana down into a swirling mess of water. Her left foot smashed against some sea floor rocks, the pain burning a trail up her leg. Cana gasped, bubbling water rushing to her lungs and her panic coming back full force. Cana tried to straighten out and kick to the surface despite the fire racing along her foot, her vision blurry as the current dragged her down.


For the first time in years, Cana feared she might drown.

Guess mermaid kisses don't work for everything.

The adrenaline kicked back in and Cana jerked her limbs into motion again. She barely managed to get anywhere until something dug into her armpits and a sense of vertigo hit her as she was dragged towards the surface. Cana panicked, limbs lashing out. Something sharp pinched her side and iron bands closed around her chest. Cana was yanked upwards, almost half of her body emerging when she reached the surface. Cana sputtered and gasped for breath, only choking when the bands slipped from her chest to wrap around her waist and yank her back.

Cana's ears were ringing and she tried to kick away. Her legs thumped uselessly against the water and something solid behind her, and Cana thrashed even harder. Salt burned her throat as she choked, the pain mixing with her panic until her thoughts disappeared to screaming. The backwards pull never faltered, no matter how she flailed, and the panic made her chest tight.

Her toes dug into something and it took Cana a minute to realize it was sand. She nearly collapsed in relief, barely managing to get her feet flat on the ocean floor and sluggishly running towards the blurry beach. The weight around her waist disappeared and it wasn't until another wave slammed into her knees and nearly knocked her back down that the grip returned and dragged her further up the beach.

It wasn't until the water only lapped at her ankles that Cana was allowed to collapse, the burning sand a wonderful comfort against her stomach and cheek. Someone gripped her arm and frantically turned her over, only backing away when Cana coughed up more of the water in her lungs.


Cana blinked blearily up at the clear sky before someone blurry invaded her view. She squinted, salt burning her eyes before tears washed it away, and Juvia's face slowly came into view.

Cana grinned shakily. "Hey pretty lady, crazy seeing you here."

Juvia's shoulders sagged as she sighed. "Thank the Mother, you're alright." Her shoulders tensed again and Juvia punched Cana's bicep. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

Cana groaned, her chest still heaving as she gulped in cool, sweet air. She tugged on Juvia's wrist until Juvia leaned against her, wearily slipping her arm around the mermaid's shoulders and hugging her. "Sorry. I..I just…" Cana took another deep breath and swallowed, her throat still scratchy and parched from the sea water. "Red flags weren't going to stop me from seeing you. I didn't think."


Juvia slipped her hands up to Cana's ribs, her thumbs gliding along Cana's ribs as her forehead fell against Cana's collarbone. The two girls laid in the sand for a while - Cana wasn't sure if it was for hours or minutes - and just listened to the other's heavy panting and the waves crashing around them. The sky was clear and blue, and Cana had never seen anything more beautiful as the sand slowly cooled against her shoulders and the water splashed cold against her feet.

Juvia shifted, her hair tickling Cana's shoulder and her shuddering breath cool against her chest.

Well, Cana thought, her eyes still fixed on the bright blue sky, almost nothing more beautiful.

"Juvia's glad you're safe," she murmured, her shoulders trembling.

Cana laughed, the laughter short-lived as her sore throat protested. She lifted her head, barely managing to get it an inch or two off the ground to see the crown of Juvia's head. Webless fingers dug into her side and Cana let her head fall back, the gravity of Juvia's own panic finally hitting her. "I'm okay Juvia," she murmured, bringing her hand up to link her fingers with Juvia's.

"I'm okay."

AN: Oh and a heads up for anyone hasn't really heard- I've p much left the ft fandom. Mostly for my own health tbh. I'm mostly just clearing out some old drafts I still kinda like but all ft writing has p much come to a complete standstill. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯