Way too many story ideas in my head. The good news is that school is over in a few weeks and I will be able to work on all of them (and hopefully finish some too!).

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: Loneliness

Nessie's POV

Do you ever get that sense that your just different somehow? That maybe you're a little weird? That there is just something that is different about you? Well that is me.

Growing up I always felt that I was different. I had been adopted when I was about five years old. I always felt different that there was something about me that was not exactly normal. I couldn't quite grasp what it was.

Then my 18th birthday came and went. After that nothing changed. Literally. Year after year I remained the same. On my 28th birthday I still looked the same as I did on my 18th. Same thing with the 38th, 48th, 58th, 68th birthdays. You get it, right? In case you're wondering today is my 300th birthday. Yes, I am 300 years old and I still look 18 years old. Does this make any sense to you? Because it sure as hell does not make any sense to me. I was born in 2006 and now it 2306. Weird, right?

I don't know what I am, but surely I can't be human. Humans age, they get old, they get sick, they die eventually. Except me. I don't understand why. Why can't I age or die?

Life sucks for me as well. I'm alone. So alone. Completely and utterly alone. I don't have a family. I don't have love. I don't have happiness. I don't have anything at all.

What is the point of loving someone when you know that they are just eventually going to die anyway? I had to watch as everyone that I loved aged and died. First it was my parents, then it was my siblings, then it was my nieces and nephews. It got to a point where I just couldn't take it anymore and I left.

I also had children of my own. Twelve of them to be exact. Six girls and six boys. I gave each and every one of them up for adoption. The last one was born 150 years ago. I remember each and every baby that I had. It really broke my heart to give them up but I was sure that is what was best for them. I often wonder what happened to them. How did they turn out? Did they have families of their own? Surely I must have quite a few descendants running around now.

Or they could maybe I have some descendants on Mars now. Mars is a hospitable planet now. Basically what happened was that Earth was dying, so people found a way to colonize Mars and make it possible for life to thrive there. Space travel between Earth and Mars is completely common now. Not that I have ever gone. I'd rather stay on Earth.

I never got married. I didn't want to have to go through the heartbreak of losing a husband. I usually settled for one night flings. Or friends with benefits. Hence the twelve kids. Please don't judge!

So yes, I am completely alone. I did the best I could to make friends, but I usually moved away before they could even notice that I'm not aging. Or before I could lose them.

I sighed when I looked at the clock and realized that it was time for me to go to start school...again. First day of school on my birthday. Joy. Note the heavy sarcasm. Take into account that I have been repeating high school over and over again for the past 300 years and you'll really understand why I am super excited to go to school. Again, note the heavy sarcasm. At leas this was my second year at this school and I already knew almost everybody at the school.

I grabbed my bag and my keys and then left. I shuddered when a breeze of cold air hit me. I looked at the dark and gloomy clouds and guessed that rain was likely on it's way. By the time that I got to school I was really regretting not bringing a jacket.

I sat in my car and looked at my schedule. History was my first class. I smiled. If there was ever a school subject that I loved it was History. I think that it is very interesting because I actually lived through some of the events that are talked about in my history classes.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I noticed several new kids in the parking lot. They stood out to me because of their unusually pale skin, and gold eyes. Also, they were beautiful. Extremely beautiful. Inhumanely beautiful. I had not seen anything like them in my 300 years. It was impossible for me not to stare at them.

Then one of them looked right at me and I froze. It was a boy with bronze hair. His eyes seemed to bore holes right into my body. He looked at me as if he was trying to figure me out. Whatever. Freak.

Yeah, I'm one to talk about freaks when I have been alive for 300 years.

Then suddenly all of them were staring at me. All of six of them staring at me with wide eyes. As if they were shocked that I even existed. Or as if they knew me. No, that would be impossible for many reasons. Number one: I'm 300 years old. There is no way that they would know me. Number two: I would remember meeting faces that extremely beautiful.

I got out of my car and walked straight into the building. The whole time I could feel their eyes staring right at the back of my head.

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