Well Angels...This is it. We've made it to the last chapter. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all who read the story and kept coming back even though I kept going so long. A special thanks to my constant reviewers:



Uzumaki Naho



If I didn't name you please forgive me. My email is being kind of weird right now and its 3 in the morning and I've forgotten how to read somewhat. Either way. Thank you guys and be on the lookout for my next story!

Well without further ado, THE FINAL CHAPTER

I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did, it'd probably be crap. Hiro Mashima does.

Lucy and Sting walked out of the police station an few hours later. Both of them utterly drained and tired of everything that had happened. The two of them were separated and sent into questioning as soon as they got there. Both of their stories matched and Lucy was successful in getting the charges pressed on both Orca. When the brute came to, he was all but willing to give away the Minerva was the one who told him that Lucy was willing to sleep with him. Officer Macco assured Lucy that he would personally visit the black haired devil himself.

The worst of the ordeal hadn't even taken place, but for now, it was over. As the duo exited the station, Lucy breathed a sigh of relief. Making her way to Sting's car, the two kept a comfortable silence. However, as they drove, the silence became thick and even more tense. A feeling that Lucy was far too used to. She eyed Sting warily, noticing how tense his whole body became.

Just as she was about to comment on it, she noticed that he began pulling the car over into her parking lot. Turning off the engine, he turned towards her. "Can we start over?"

The question caught her so off guard that she almost didn't even notice it. "What?"

"I said, can we start over?" he turned towards her "Lucy, I fucked up badly. I didn't realize how bad until I saw you with him. The way you reacted to him, that was what we had. Lucy please come back."

"Sting… no."

"But why?!"

"Tell me Sting. Why do you love me?"

"Why? Lucy I've known you forever and you've known me forever. I know all there is about you."

"Is that all?"

"Is there any other reason I need?"

She smiled at him. "Sting. You don't love me. Maybe at one time you did, but you don't"

"Yes I do!"

"No. You don't. Sting, you and I had something at one point in time, but I don't think we've loved each other for a long time. We've stayed because we're both cowards. We were too scared of the unknown, of not knowing what would happen after we ended everything. So we stayed together, even though we both wanted to leave. You resented me but didn't know why, and I was so desperate that I mistook that resentment for love." She grasped his hand in hers "But we're different now. You and I aren't cowards anymore."

He smiled and didn't bother trying to hide his tears. "But what if I wan't to be a cowards just a bit longer with you?"

They both laughed. It was the first time in a long while that they'd been able to laugh in each other's presence. Regaining their breath, the two embraced in one last goodbye hug, before Lucy exited the passenger side.

"Now that you aren't a coward anymore, make sure you treat Yuki right. She's amazing and doesn't deserve any crap."

"Neither did you."

She smiled, happy that he could admit his wrongdoings now. "Goodbye Sting."

"Goodbye Lulu."

She closed the door, at the same time closing the longest chapter in her life. Now that one is over, she knew it was time to start another. While Sting drove away, Lucy hopped in her car and rushed over to Natsu's apartment. When she arrived at his building, she noticed that Natsu's car wasn't there. Calling him a couple of times, she got no answer.

'Come one Natsu. Where are you?'

After dialing him for the fourth time, she pulled out of the complex and headed to Fairy Tail Lounge, the only other place she figured he would be.

Walking in, she immediately felt all eyes on her. Why wouldn't they, her appearance must be shit. However, she ignored that as she searched around for a fresh head of pink.


Upon hearing the familiar voice, Lucy noticed all her girls coming towards her, their faces all a mix of anger and concern.

"Hi guys. Where is Natsu? I have to talk to him."

Before any of the other girls could respond, a different, gruff voice sounded from the table to her left. "Don't you think you did enough Bunny Girl?"

Lucy's head snapped to her right to see Gajeel. His gaze was less than friendly towards her. "Gajeel. Where is Natsu?"

"I don't know? Where's Sting?"

"Gajeel! Stop it!" Levy yelled at the black haired male.

"And why should I shrimp?" he stood up and strode over to the group. "Bunny girl, what you did to Salamander was foul and you and I both know it."

"Excuse me?"

"Was he really just a rebound to you?"

"What the hell are you talking about Gajeel? Of course he wasn't. Listen, if you don't know where he is then I'll find him myself."

"And that's why I'm asking don't you think you did enough to him. If all you want to do is explain, then save it. You made your choice didn't you? Why prolong this?"

"Gajeel…" she looked around and saw the same sentiment in everyone's eyes. Sensing the tension, Mira walked over and placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder. The Lucy looked up into her clear blue eyes.

"Lucy, we all love you. We just want you all to be happy. If you want to stay with Sting then we won't bud in. Just please don't hurt Natsu."

The blonde yanked herself away from the motherly grasp "Stay with Sting? I didn't choose Sting."

"Bunny girl-" Gajeel's tone sent out a warning "Don't lie about it. You made the choice."

A chorus of voices followed his.

"Lucy its okay no one is mad at you."

"Just tell us."

"We all just want the best for you."

"Natsu is hurting right now."

"Yea, just give him time."

The voices continued and grew until the blonde finally snapped. "WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!" striding over to a table, she grabbed the water (hopefully it was water), snatched her glasses off and splashed the liquid on her face. Making sure to rub the makeup off with her shirt, she faced the familiar faces of friends and family. They looked upon her, fully of bruises and swelling. Their faces mixed with horror, anger, and confusion.

Looking around she took a breath to steady herself. "Yesterday, I left to go and tell Sting that I was done with him. I found out that for the last two years, he'd been cheating on me. So it made things easier. However, when I got home, Orca was there." A collective mix of gasps and other various noises of shock filled the room. "He attacked me. The bruises are from trying to fight him off me. I thought the worst, but Sting saved me. He fought Orca while I called the cops. The officer told me I couldn't tell anyone about the case until I formally pressed charges. When Natsu came earlier, Sting and I were on the way to the police station."

Her voice shook and her injuries burned as her salty tears poured in them. "I wanted to tell him. I wanted to just be with him, but I couldn't." She fixed her gaze back to her family. "Please just tell me where he is. If he thinks that I chose Sting, then I have to fix it."

The group remained still, everyone still processing the information she gave them. The silence was ultimately broken by a strong voice up above.

"Do you love him?"

Looking up, every saw Dr. Makarov Dreyer, the owner of Fairy Tail Lounge and Academy. He sat on the rail of the second floor, his body fully relaxed buy his gaze was strong and heavily trained on Lucy. If even possible, the room grew even quieter as they waited for Lucy's reply.

Wiping her tears, she faced his gaze head on "I do. No one can love him as much as I do and no one can love me as much as he does."

A smile immediately broke out on the older man's face, along with everyone else in the lounge. "Well then, young lady, I think you have a gentleman to catch up to."

Moving up the familiar path, Natsu carried the three bouquets of flowers in his hands. As he reached the peak of the cliff, the three tombstones of his deceased family members lay there overlooking the bright blue ocean. Just as beautiful as the day he brought her with him.

Shaking his head of those thoughts, he made his way to the graves, carefully placing the flowers on all three. He sat down on the ground in front of all three, letting the peace of the scenery relax him.

"Hey you guys." The graves met him back with silence.

"I know you're probably wondering why I'm here." He ran his fingers through his hair "well I goofed. I guess she didn't like me as much as I thought she did. Zeref, you were right, I am really dumb."

"Yes he is dumb." The voice startled him, but it was so familiar that he didn't turn around. He sat still as the owner of the voice drew closer "He's dumb, and quick tempered. Way to over confident. Even though I say that, Zeref, your little brother is sweet, loyal, and patient. So you don't have to worry about him." The voice stopped right behind Natsu's back. "He had no problem making me fall in love with him."

The two remained in their respective positons for a while. Silence. Nothing permeated the area. After a few more moments, Lucy looked over to Natsu. "I know what you may that think but it's not like that. I-"

"Luce." She stopped. Natsu stood up and turned to face her. There the two of them stood, face to face with one another.

"Natsu." Her voice was breathless and needy. She could only stare back at those onyx eyes that had captured her heart so easily.

He grasped her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Gajeel called me."

"He did?"

"And what did he say?"

"Nothing important…I'm sorry. I should have believed you."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. How am I going to be there for you when I decide that I don't want to listen to you?"

"Natsu. I didn't want you because you're bound to never make a mistake. Everyone does. I love you for all your mistakes, faults, and flaws. To me, that makes you more perfect."

Pulling her even closer, Natsu placed his forehead on hers. "Why do you love me Luce?"

"Why? Because you, Natsu Dragnee, are handsome and incredible. No matter how or if I try, I can't get you out of my head. You're ridiculously funny and what you lack in books smarts, you make up in instincts. Irresistible. You're everything I could every want in someone."

The smile on his face transferred over to her. "Can I fulfill my promise now?"

"Yes you can."

Just as the words left her mouth, they were replaced with Natsu's lips. The two of them melted into the kiss. Holding each other tighter and tighter, the kiss let loose all of their feelings: love, longing, patience, understanding, frustration. It seemed as if the universe itself had stop, just so the two of them could stay together a bit longer. Running out of breath, they separated, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Lucy. You're mine for the rest of your life. I won't ever let you go."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. For the rest of your life, Natsu, you'll be mine."

With their promises of eternity exchanged, they descended into the euphoria that was their kiss. Reveling in the passion that was their love. That same love that would be with them for years to come.

Until next time my angels.
