Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or its character and I also don't own the character Rai from Code Geass Lost Colors. All these characters belong to Sunrise.

Code Geass: Colorless Memories Redux

Stage 1: Arrival at Ashford

"Run…and live." A voice cried out.

I heard a voice whispering those words repeatedly in my mind as I ran down the sidewalk. I didn't know why I was running, where I was going, or what I was running from to begin with. The voice told me to run so I just decided to do what the voice told me to do and ran.

But after sprinting down the sidewalks for what seemed like a long time my body started to twitch in pain and I started to breathe heavily.

After scurrying around a bit longer my body finally decided to give up on me. My vision got blurry and I fell unconscious on the sidewalk next to the entrance of what seemed to be a school.

(Third Person View)

At that exact same time Milly and Lelouch, high school students of a school called Ashford Academy, were talking to each other as they approached the school gates to close down the campus grounds.

"Sorry I'm late today, I suddenly had some pressing business with my grandfather. But since you always skip out on your classes this makes us even, don't you think so?" Milly called out.

Lelouch sharply responds to her taunt.

"So that makes it unavoidable huh? How many times have I told you that…" Before he could finish his sentence though Milly let out a loud gasp.

"Oh my gosh…What happened here?!"

"What is it…What happened?!" Lelouch quickly said as he was confused about why the girl was getting so worked up about.

He saw Milly waltz out of the school entrance and onto the sidewalk where a silver haired boy was lying face down on the sidewalk. The girl tugged on his shoulders trying to wake him up but the silver haired boy simply laid there with his eyes closed. Lelouch then arrived at the scene.

"Did he faint? His clothes…they are not a school uniform. What do you suggest we do Milly?

"Hmm…I wonder who this guy could be. Well, in any case we can't just leave him lying here. We better bring him to the infirmary." Milly said as she and Lelouch grabbed a hold of the silver haired kid.

"Move out of the way people, we have an unconscious man here…Guts!" The girl yelled out even though there was no one else there beside her and Lelouch.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Man, you are quite the slave driver." Lelouch said with an expression on his face that showed he wasn't very enthusiastic about bringing a stranger into the school.

(First Person View)

When my consciousness finally returned I noticed that I was lying on a bed in a room that looked like a school infirmary. I wondered how long it has been since I passed out. I then noticed that there was a girl wearing a school uniform that I didn't recognize. She was sitting on a nearby chair reading a magazine. She didn't seem to notice that I was awake yet. Hmm, I wonder…did she see me lying where I fell unconscious and decided to help me out? I guess I should let her know I have awakened. I then started to speak out.

"Where am I?"

The girl then finally noticed that I was awake.

"Ah, so you are finally awake I see? Hey everyone, come in here. He is awake now!"

After the girl shouted several other students wearing school uniforms came in. One of them, a guy with black hair who was a tad bit taller than me, stepped forward and began to speak.

"Your face says I don't know where I am. Well, we are the ones who are going to be asking the questions here."

The blond haired female student then raised her arm in front of the black haired boy as if to prevent him from speaking or getting any closer to me.

"Stop antagonizing him Lelouch. You will just scare him if you keep talking like that." The blonde girl said to the guy who was apparently called Lelouch.

The boy simply shrugged it off with a simple 'Hmph' as he continued to give me the evil eye. The girl then started to speak again.

"It's alright, you have nothing to worry about. You can safely ignore him. He is not that scary at all really."

"I wonder about that." I silently thought to myself.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Milly Ashford. I am the president of Ashford Academy's student council. I am also the one who helped you out."


"Yes, that is right. Anyways…After you fainted in front of the school gates we carried you over to the infirmary. You have been sleeping for several hours. You really had me worried there.

"You…were worried about me?"

The thought that someone was worried about me made me felt more at ease.

"Well of course. We had a nurse examine you while you were passed out to make sure you were alright, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong. In any case it is hard not knowing what to call you so could you tell us your name please. I really would like to know."


As I sat there in silence for a few seconds something finally dawned upon me. That's right, what is my name? Who am I? I close my eyes trying to remember what my name was. After a few seconds of thinking the letters of my name finally started to resurface in my mind, at least my first name anyways. My last name seemed to have been wiped clean from my memories. For right now though I just hope that my first name will be enough for them.

"My name is Rai."

"Rai, is it? What an interesting name." Milly commented.

"So, who exactly are you…ergh!" Lelouch started to speak again but got elbowed by Milly.

"Let's introduce ourselves first before asking questions." She then turned towards everyone else in the room and shouted out.

"Come on everyone, let's introduce ourselves!"

Milly then turned back towards Lelouch and pointed her finger at him.

"We will start with you first since you are the one causing all the discomfort here."

He sighed and then looked forward to introduce himself properly.

"…Lelouch Lamperouge."

The guy standing right next to him, who had blue hair, then introduced himself.

I'm Rivalz…Rivalz Cardemonde."

Following him was an orange haired girl who brought a cheerful mood similar to Milly was the next to speak.

"My name is Shirley Fenette. It is nice to meet you!"

After her a Japanese looking brown haired fellow began to introduce himself.

"The name is Kururugi Suzaku. It is a pleasure meeting you."

Before everyone else got to introduce themselves Lelouch started to speak up again.

"So Rai, who exactly are you and where are you from?"

After a moment of silence I simply said…

"I don't know."

It was the truth. It wasn't until that moment that I realized I didn't know who I was, where I came from, or what I was even doing here. My name and the knowledge necessary to survive was the only information I had about myself. When I try to remember anything else my mind blacks out. It's as if all the memories I had about myself was placed inside a box and then stored into a safe which was then locked up and guarded by an unknown force, keeping me away from accessing them.

My inner thoughts were then disrupted when Suzaku began speaking.

"You said you don't know huh…Could you have lost your memory?"

"That's what it sounds like to me." This was said by Rivalz.

"Hmm, could he have amnesia? That can't be good…" Milly said in a sad tone.

"If that is the case then we should hand him over to the police. They will be able to protect him and help with any problems he might have. Besides, there is not much we can do to help him anyways." This was suggested by Lelouch.

Milly however had something else in mind.

"Well then, until your memory returns would you like to stay here at Ashford Academy?"

"Huh?" Lelouch and I both said at the same time.

Lelouch then went on to say…

"Madam President, what are you saying?"

"Ohh…That sounds like a great idea!" Rivalz said in an excited manner.

"You idiot, don't just agree immediately without giving it much thought!" Lelouch snapped out.

"Oh don't worry. I have already got everything prepared! I figured something like this might happen so I went ahead and got permission from my grandfather to let him stay if he wanted to."

"Madam President…Just like everything else this is all just for your own amusement!" Lelouch then placed his hand over his head and sighed.

"Sometimes I just don't know what to do with you." Lelouch said as if he was defeated.

He was right though. It is too dangerous for them to get involved with my problems. But I didn't feel like going to the police for help either. For some reason something was telling me that I couldn't trust the police and they wouldn't be able to help me out anyways. So, what was I going to do? Milly then started to speak up again.

"It might be dangerous, but everything will be okay! My intuition says so. Ever since I saw you, I felt that I shouldn't leave you alone as if fate has brought you here. So until your memory returns I will take care of any trouble that comes your way!" Milly confidently said.

Lelouch then chuckled to himself and after he brought out a brighter mood all of a sudden said…

"Apparently there is no helping it…the student council members are always helpless when it comes to her own crazy ideas, and then we always have to clean up after her mess."

It was settled then. Nothing that the other student council members or I could say was going to change Milly's mind. Whatever this woman says goes. I had a feeling of helplessness and defeat inside myself as I thought that.

"Well, then it is decided then. To stay here you will have to register with the school and find an appropriate place to stay. You will also need a sponsor. I will take up that position for you. Now, let's introduce everyone else. The one with the glasses there is Nina Einstein. The quiet one over there is Kallen Stadtfeld."

"Hello…" Nina said in a quiet tone.

"Nice to meet you." Kallen said in a soft tone.

"And last but not least the pretty girl sitting in the wheelchair over there is Nunnally."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Rai." Nunnally said in a polite manner with her closed eyelids.

Milly then walked over to where I was sitting and put her hand on my shoulder and whispered…

"By the way, she is Lelouch's little sister. If you do anything, even as much as touch her in any strange way, Lelouch will 'not' like that."

"I will make sure to remember that." I replied back.

"Good, in that case there is just one teeny thing left to take care of. Since you are now a student at this school the rule states that all students at Ashford Academy are required to be in at least one club or extracurricular activity. Since I have decided to be your sponsor and to make things easier for you, I will let you join the student council, which I am also in charge of. Is that okay with you?"

"Uh…yeah, I am okay with that…I guess."

Lelouch then smirked and said…

"You think you are okay with that now but expect a lot of paper work charging your way and you better be prepared to spend a lot of time hanging out with the council President."

Rivalz then got excited about a new member joining and said…

"Oh, wow! That is the third newest member of the student council this month. First Kallen, then Suzaku, and now we have Rai!"

"Well, now that we got that problem out of the way, I think it is time for all of us to head for bed. You can stay here in the infirmary for tonight Rai. I will have a place for you stay in by tomorrow. Are you okay with that?"


"Good, and while we are on the subject I will show you around the school tomorrow so you won't feel lost while you are staying here. And remember; if you ever need any help don't hesitate to ask one of the student council members for advice. We will take care of any problem that comes your way."


"Good night and I hope you'll remember something in the morning."

"Yeah, me too."

After that Milly and her gang of colorful bandwagon of student council members left the infirmary room, leaving me all to my lonesome. I laid back down and started thinking to myself. Well this is some kind of situation I got myself into. I wonder how the me who had all his memories would feel about all this. Would he be happy to attend a school like this and meet all those people on the student council? Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it now. Until my memory returns I'm stuck playing school boy, which might have its own benefits. I wonder…what tomorrow will bring.

Moving on to the next Stage…