Chapter 10-
It had been a couple months since the event, with Ruby having been bored with nothing to do except for a few songs she had written and performed in the studio.
The relationship between Ruby and Aria had slowly grown, though they did no more than kiss and cuddle, but Ruby still didn't like Aria being on top of her so it was normally Ruby on top.
With Ruby being bored due to inactivity, it was actually Luka that suggested to pick up a hobby, which happened to be photography.
So after some help from Miku, she had set up some social media accounts and started to post her pictures online. Having an official account for herself was something new, and she got help from the others in the house.
The pictures ranged from those of scenery all the way to the other members of the house, who happily posed or were natural shots of them around the house or together. Sometimes on a movie knight or just relaxing.
Ruby always sought permission from whoever the picture was of before she posted it, though they were always rather open about the pictures.
There was a lot of pictures of Aria with Ruby, while she normally avoided including herself in the pictures sometimes part of her body may just be seen but she never posted any with her face.
But for a chance to get out of the house and to also do some behind the scenes stuff for her pages, Aria invited her to a music video shoot, for her song See the Light.
Ruby jumped at the chance, she hadn't really recorded one so far so was curious to watch, but also secretly because she had seen the outfit Aria would be wearing for it as well, but she didn't tell anyone that part.
Also, as Aria would be singing live for the video as well she asked Ruby to perform with her, or at least sing part of the song which was in English.
So with Blake taking them both to the studio, Aria was quickly ferried away to the dressing room to get ready while Ruby was allowed to move around.
With her camera in hand she started taking a few pictures of the different people working around the entire studio.
"Ruby?" Aria asked from behind, causing Ruby to pivot and turn around to face Ruby.
Ruby stopped dead as she looked at Aria, speaking softly as she said, "You look beautiful." Ruby stated.
Aria blushed in response as she asked, "Do you really think so?"
"Of course. You look amazing like that." Ruby replied with a smile, while raising her camera up to take a picture of Aria.
Aria did a variety of poses for Ruby, who happily took pictures of them all until she was called away to start the video.
Ruby was handed a wired microphone as she stood off to the side where she could see what was going on behind Aria on the green screen.
As Aria started to dance with the music playing around them all, Ruby became mesmerized by what she was seeing as well as being drawn into the song at the same time that she almost missed her line.
"Fly into the sky with a supersonic speed. Reaching out to the space coz it's all super-magic. Wanna make you fall into the lights. Gonna make you fall into the night. G6 06S Speed of light. Let it bounce let it fly let it roll. In Tokyo, London, Paris, New York. Coz I know you can all see the light. Coz I know we can all feel the vibe."
Ruby almost stuttered through the lyrics as she was watching the filming, as Aria danced and with her skirt was rather short and almost flowing as she danced.
So when she would spin around and with the camera angles they were doing there were clear shots of Aria's underwear, which caused Ruby to blush in response, and she felt something a little weird in her stomach.
It seemed that Aria was oblivious to this or she didn't care about it, but either way when the video had finished and they had a short break, Aria came rushing over to the blushing Ruby to ask her what she had thought.
"Ruby!" Aria practically yelled out, hugging Ruby. Who had long since gotten used to such affections like hugs and kisses almost at random from the woman. "What did you think?" Aria asked, laughing as Ruby had swung her around with her momentum.
"It…um it was really good." Ruby answered, blushing and couldn't meet Aria's eyes.
"What is it?" Aria asked, taking a step back as she looked at Ruby.
"Um nothing?" Ruby half asked, not sure entirely what to say.
Aria gently put a finger underneath Ruby's chin and forced her to meet her eyes, "What is it? You can tell me anything." Aria said.
"Well, um you see…" Ruby stuttered, blushing as she tried to explain what she was thinking.
Luckily for Ruby, Aria was called away for another take and while Ruby's audio was alright they needed Aria to go through it a few more times.
This left Ruby alone to wander around the studio and take some more pictures, while at the same time avoiding Aria, though it hurt Ruby to do that as she could see how annoyed Aria was getting with her avoidance.
They spent the rest of the day at the studio, with Aria doing the video a number of times alongside Ruby singing her small part a few times as well until it was time to go home.
Aria was intent to find out what it was Ruby didn't want to tell her earlier but at the same time she was tired, in the end she remained in the outfit she wore for the video as she climbed into the car with Ruby and within a minute she had fallen asleep on Ruby.
When Aria next woke up, she was being woken up by Blake as they had pulled up to the house, and she was woken up to see that Ruby was no longer in the car next to her.
"Where's Ruby?" Aria asked sleepily.
"She just ran inside as soon as we pulled up. She was acting a little weird on the trip back." Blake commented.
"How so?" Aria asked, climbing out of the car.
"She kept looking at you then looking away and blushing a lot, I think she even attempted to lean in and kiss you but stopped. You should really speak to her about it though." Blake replied, and as she left to park the car up away from the house until it was needed again.
Aria watched as Blake drove away while she went up to the house, immediately being assaulted by Luka as she entered.
"Come here. I need to know what happened?" Luka said, dragging the tired Aria to the living room and onto the couch.
"What do you mean?" Aria asked, confused at being dragged.
"Ruby. She just came in, asked Miku for help and then dragged her off upstairs. Something's clearly happened but I don't know what. You've been with her all day, so what happened?" Luka explained.
"I'm not sure. We did the first take, which went well and I went over to Ruby and she was blushing and stuttering, but I was called away before I could get anything out of her. Then she was avoiding me the rest of the day, and well. I fell asleep on the car trip home so I couldn't ask her anything." Aria explained.
"Was there anything weird? Like how she was acting other than that? Something that gave anything away?" Luka asked.
"I don't know. She looked a little confused at some points but I don't know. Blake said she kept looking at me and blushing in the car, and she attempted to kiss me but pulled back." Aria stated.
"Really? But you two seem so affectionate now, especially now that she's a little more open now than when she first arrived." Luka commented.
"She has, a long way. Which is why it's confusing. But I'll just wait for her to come to me first, so what are you watching?" Aria replied, changing the topic.
Upon getting home, Ruby made sure Aria was alright and wouldn't fall over before she ran inside. Finding Miku and Luka sitting in the living room she made a quick decision.
"Miku can you help me?" Ruby asked quickly upon entering the room.
"Um sure, what's wrong?" Miku asked, but her hand was quickly taken and she was half dragged and half walked out of the room and up the stairs.
Ruby and Miku went into Ruby's room and the pair sat down on the bed, though apart from each other as Miku waited for Ruby to start speaking.
"I um, I don't really know how to say it. Or really just how to explain it." Ruby said softly.
"Why don't you just say what's running through your head?" Miku replied, trying to get Ruby to relax.
"Well, uh. During the shoot, I kept getting distracted through it. But I don't get why." Ruby said, rambling on a little as she tried to organise her thoughts.
"What distracted you?" Miku asked, attempting to get to the base of it.
"Um, it well it started when I saw Aria leave the dressing room. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I managed to talk and then I took some pictures, but I felt weird throughout. Then she started dong the video." Ruby answered, attempting to explain it all.
"What happened when she started shooting the video?" Miku asked, already having an idea as to what was confusing Ruby but wanted to make sure first.
"I don't know. I just couldn't stop watching her, almost miss my cue. And then she…um, well…" Ruby's cheeks grew red as she remembered back to what she saw, and tried to say it without stammering.
"She um, on some of the moves, I was watching the feed from the camera and will uh…she flashes her underwear and I just…" Ruby managed to stammer out before blushing and looking away from Miku.
"Ah I see." Miku said softly, reaching out to take Ruby's hand into her own as she attempted to get her attention.
"Have you ever been aroused before?" Miku asked bluntly.
"I have been, yes." Ruby answered. Not sure what that had to do with it.
"When was the last time you remember being aroused?" Miku asked.
"Um, I guess when I first started dating my last girlfriend." Ruby answered, remembering the last time.
"Right. What about sex?" Miku asked, trying to gauge Ruby's reaction.
"I guess around the same time." Ruby answered, though she struggled to meet Miku's eyes.
"But weren't you with her for a while? Surely you had sex more than that?" Miku asked in surprise.
"I uh…it's a little complicated." Ruby said awkwardly, Miku and Luka knew about the whole thing with Weiss to a point, they knew it was an abusive relationship but nothing more pertaining to the current investigation into her.
Over the time she had been there, it had gotten easier to talk with the others in the house. Getting along well with both Miku and Luka that she managed to open up with them, but there were some things she hadn't even told Aria yet.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot for a minute there, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it." Miku said quickly, apologising for her comment as she knew it was taken the wrong way.
"It's fine. It's just um, well you see…it was uh, let's just say the first time was nice but after that. It was worse…I never really felt anything after that, but uh…she didn't care." Ruby explained awkwardly, embarrassed and not even meeting Miku's eyes.
Miku looked sad but quickly put a face on as she made Ruby meet her eyes once more. "Listen Ruby, it's not your fault. Anything she did wasn't your fault, it's hers. Please don't ever blame yourself for that. And well, I think you're experiencing arousal again and well, it sounds like you were aroused by seeing Aria and well, I'll guess you want to have sex with her." Miku explained, moving to hug Ruby as she attempted to comfort Ruby.
"I…what do I do?" Ruby asked after a few minutes, not entirely sure what to do now that she had her answer.
"Talk to Aria. Explain to her what happened and what you feel. Communication in a relationship is key." Miku answered.
"Thank you." Ruby said in a small voice, "For it all." Ruby said, returning Miku's hug.
"Your welcome, you can always come to me or Luka for help." Miku said, smiling warmly at Ruby.
It was a few hours before Ruby left her room, Miku had gone and told the others that she needed some time alone, and Aria respected that.
At least until it was time when Aria chose to go to bed. Normally Ruby and her would go to bed together and sleep together, but Aria wasn't sure what to do that night. Part of her wanted to go into Ruby's room, while another part of her wanted to respect Ruby's wish and leave her alone.
It was Luka that made her mind up for her, "Go. It's better to see her then not see her, and trust me. You won't sleep at all tonight if you don't." Luka said, smiling softly at Aria before going into her shared room with Miku.
Taking Luka's advice, Aria gently knocked on Ruby's door before entering the room to find Ruby sitting on the bed, watching something on her laptop with headphones on.
Having not been noticed, Aria slowly walked up to the bed and sat down on it gently while she waited for Ruby to acknowledge her there.
Aria, having already prepared for bed simply sat there patiently waiting. But she didn't need to wait too long for Ruby to close her laptop and put it away with her headphones.
Aria watched as Ruby seemed to have an internal debate on what to do as she just sat there on the bed in front of Aria, staring at the bed.
After a few minutes Ruby slowly moved back until she was laying against Aria's front, said girl happily accepting Ruby and moving to hug her against her body.
"I'm sorry." Ruby said softly, her voice barely audible but Aria could hear her. Just.
"It's alright." Aria replied back, her voice soft as well although not as soft as Ruby's.
"You're not asking what was wrong?" Ruby asked in surprise.
"I'll wait until you're comfortable to tell me. Be that today, or five years from now. It's whenever you're ready, to tell me." Aria replied, reinforcing her words with tightening her arms around Ruby, and putting her head on her shoulder, putting a soft kiss on her cheek.
"I want to tell you…I just don't know how, I feel weird, Embarrassed." Ruby explained quietly.
"You can tell me anything, don't worry about it. I don't mind what it is." Aria reassured Ruby, gently reminding her.
The pair sat there in silence for a few minutes, until Ruby finally spoke. Saying bluntly, "I was aroused by your outfit today." Ruby stated.
Aria was stunned at the bluntness of the statement, and the fact that Ruby just came right out and said it. "Um…which outfit?" Aria asked, though she had a good guess.
"The one you wore for the video…I um…I liked it a lot. And uh, well during the video you um, sort of flashed your panties, a couple times." Ruby explained, blushing and dropping her head down towards her lap. Playing with her hands.
"Oh…I know I did, I saw the playback and saw myself flashing…I didn't realise you were thinking about that sort of thing." Aria said in reply.
"I wasn't…at least not until today. It's why I ran off; I was confused…scared. I asked Miku for help." Ruby explained.
"Did you not get aroused with Weiss?" Aria asked gently, curious but knowing Ruby had opened up a lot more and being more comfortable talking about things involving Weiss.
"Once…the first time I was with her. But it was so long ago, and well…it…she…I had to be ready…whenever she wanted." Ruby said, her voice shaking and small.
Aria tightened her grip on Ruby, attempting to make her feel safe but at the same time to remind her that she was there for her.
"I'm so sorry for that, if you ever feel uncomfortable with me or anything we do, please tell me and we'll stop." Aria said, trying to offer Ruby some sort of comfort.
"It's fine…I…you're not Weiss." Ruby said softly, shaking as she took a hold of Aria's arms, moving her hands on top of Aria's.
Aria wasn't sure what to say or do, so allowed Ruby to thread her fingers through her own and slowly move her hands along Ruby's body.
"You're not Weiss…You are Aria…IA." Ruby said, more strongly this time, moving Aria's arms up higher.
As Aria caught on to what Ruby was planning on doing she stopped and said. "Are you sure?" Aria asked.
"Are you?" Ruby asked, gently moving around so she was facing Aria, on her knees and between Aria's legs.
"I'm comfortable if you are, I don't want to rush things." Aria said softly.
"I trust you." Ruby said softly, and both women knew just how much those three words meant. Especially after everything.
"I love you." Aria replied, as Ruby's words meant the same, in her own way.
Ruby leaned in to kiss Aria, her tongue immediately asking permission to enter her mouth while she finally put Aria's hands to their destination, with Ruby slowly taking her hands away as she continued to deepen the kiss with Aria.
Six months later.
Everything was quiet for the two girls. They continued going out, dating. Though they made sure when in public to not be too obvious though some people had guessed, they had made no sort of official announcement.
The two continued to work on songs, mostly individually but a couple they worked on together. But everything was relatively peaceful, especially in regards to hearing anything from Pyrrha and the FBI. Though they kept the two shadows, Ren and Nora.
Ruby had gotten more and more confident to the point where she would speak regularly now and would rarely use sign language, though when she was extremely nervous or scared she would go back to it. But Aria had learnt from Blake how to understand and sign.
It wasn't until six months after their first month together that Pyrrha came back, asking Ruby to come back to the US, they had finally gotten enough evidence together to arrest Weiss, and her girlfriend and Ruby's sister, Yang. Who had joined Weiss as part of her criminal organisation.
They asked Ruby to be there when they got her so she could direct them around the house and point out where anything might be hidden.
So Ruby agreed, but had her own requests. Namely Blake and Aria going with her, which Pyrrha readily accepted, and organised flights for them to get to the US and back home in a few days.
Flying to the US was easy, getting picked up by a black, tinted windows SUV from the airport to a hotel where they would be staying.
The first day was spent relaxing and attempting to get rid of the nervousness. But Ruby couldn't help it from everything that was going to happen.
That night Ruby had barely slept, even with Aria attempting to help her to sleep but either way it failed to work.
So the next day when they were picked up and met up with an FBI strike team, with strict orders not to leave the car until they were given the all clear.
So with Ren and Nora as their minders once more, they watched from inside the car as the strike team pulled up outside Weiss' house.
The five of them all watched as a team moved up to the front of the house and hit the door in, quickly moving inside with their weapons up.
It didn't take long for a white haired woman they knew as Weiss, and a blonde haired woman they knew as Yang. They were both handcuffed and being led away into a car. But as they were being put inside, they saw a third woman being taken out in handcuffs.
As Aria was looking at the woman, taking in her features and oddly coloured hair. But before she, or anyone in the car could react. Ruby was opening the door and sprinting towards the woman and agents.
Blake was a second behind her, and Aria, Nora and Ren were slightly lagging but quickly caught up. Though all they saw was Ruby shouting at the agents who were arresting the colourful woman.
"Ma'am you need to get back." One of the agents said firmly, raising one hand up in Ruby's direction.
"I'll step back with her. Not without." Ruby replied firmly, her voice no longer soft and small but powerful and strong.
"I can't do that. You need to step back." The agent reaffirmed.
"What seems to be the problem here Agent?" Pyrrha asked, approaching the group. Having moved away from the media that seemed to be grouping around the area.
"Miss Rose wishes for us to release the prisoner, I was just explaining that we can't do that and she needs to step away." The agent informed Pyrrha immediately.
"Ruby, do you know who this is?" Pyrrha asked, curious if she knew the woman.
"Neopolitan Torchwick, maid for Weiss. My friend." Ruby replied back. Aria and Blake moving to her side.
"Agent, I'll take it from here." Pyrrha said, moving the agent away while she took Neopolitan. "Right, Ruby. I need more than just you saying she's a friend to release her. She's at least a suspect in our investigation if not part of the organisation itself." Pyrrha explained.
"She was never a part of the organisation, except for being hired by Weiss to be her maid. And she…um well." Ruby hesitated for a minute, not sure exactly what to say and turned to Aria for help.
Aria nodded her head slowly, holding Ruby's hand in encouragement and comfort as she turned back to face Pyrrha and look at Neo.
"After Weiss had…finished with me, she uh, well she would normally just walk out. Most times I was left tied up on the bed, and Neo would come in, untie me and…clean me up…she wasn't bad, she was good. She helped me, so much." Ruby explained, squeezing Aria's hand in response as she fought back the memories.
Pyrrha stood there for a few minutes, contemplating what to do before she released Neo's handcuffs and said, "I'm releasing you into Ruby's custody. I trust her enough to believe her." Pyrrha said, before turning back to Ruby. "If you wouldn't mind helping my team go round the house." Pyrrha asked.
"Of course." Ruby said, and taking Blake with her entered the house while Aria stayed to speak with Neo.
"So Neo, what do you think of Japan?" Aria asked in English.
Three months later, Tokyo Japan.
Hello and welcome to the Vocaloid concert. We're right outside the concert hall, and in a little under an hour we will be livestreaming the concert.
The concert title is simply called Love and is said to feature Miku, Luka, Aria and Red. Now the first two artists, Miku and Luka are obvious choices as they are together but the reveal of Aria and Red also taking part takes the rumours to a new level.
If you are unsure what these rumours are, the last few months, especially in the last three there have been rumours surfacing of Red and Aria dating. Having seen Aria out with a woman identified as Red have been seen together in restaurants, going out in public together.
And let's not forget everything that had happened three months ago in the US where Aria and Red were seen with the FBI at the house of Weiss Schnee, who was arrested with her girlfriend and Red was seen fighting to have someone released.
While no official statement has been made, there are again rumours that Red used to date Weiss Schnee who has since been imprisoned under numerous crime in the US.
But we believe to be getting answers tonight as it was released that this concert had been planned by Red. So hopefully we will get some answers tonight.
Ruby had vastly improved since Weiss' arrest. The trial was fast tracked and not even Weiss' bigshot lawyers could keep her from going to prison.
Ruby's sister had gotten off a little more lightly but not by much. And she seemed surprised when Ruby had testified about what Weiss had done to her, alongside Neo backing up Ruby it was impossible to disprove.
Once it was over, Ruby started to improve. She got her confidence back slowly, was even a little more affectionate and not as scared about meeting new people and interacting with them. Though she would sometimes fall into sign language, especially if she wanted to keep something quiet between herself and someone else.
So it was a bit of a surprise from everyone that she suggested doing a concert to announce who she was to people, but also to reveal their relationship to everyone. Which Aria had already agreed to before she brought it up with everyone, and she wanted to explain a little about her past to them to explain things.
But the parties involved all readily agreed to it and the four of them all planned out how the concert would go alongside the songs they would perform.
So dressing in their stage outfits, the four women all stood on the side of the stage as they watched the place fill up.
Once it was full and time to begin, the stage darkened and the guitar started in a familiar, heavy note that all the fans recognised.
Though instead of seeing Luka come out on stage to start the first line of the song but instead Red came out, in her black hunter style outfit and this time with a red cloak attached to the back.
"Time won't be waiting for the day. Although it's a wonderful night. Farewell leads to separate us. Although it's a wonderful— " Ruby sung the first part of the song, surprising the audience but was quickly picked up as they started cheering Ruby on as she carried on the song.
The concert was going well with Ruby singing a song or two before vanishing off stage to let the others start singing their set before she would come back on.
There was a general theme with Ruby as she would come on to sing a song either relating to love or about relationships, and they all seemed to go along with something.
As Luka sung her final song, moving to go off-stage, Ruby stepped up but without any music as the band was taking a break while Ruby took a microphone and moved forward into the centre of the stage, taking a seat on the edge as a light focused on her.
"So, this is rather weird. For both of us I think." Ruby said, smiling as she heard a few gasps in the crowd, having not heard her speak before.
"I know, I'm the one who sings but doesn't speak. A lot has changed over the last year. As I'm sure you've all heard, I'm not really going to comment on my past. I'd much rather look to the future. But I would like to be more upfront." Ruby started to say, having everyone's attention.
"My real name is Ruby Rose, and as you can tell this concert, I've been telling a story. At least when I've been singing. And this final song, will it sings the part I'm happiest about. I hope you enjoy it." Ruby said, quickly moving back stage to prepare with Aria for the next song.
"Kabosoi hi ga kokoro no hashi ni tomoru. Itsu no ma ni ka moehirogaru netsujou. Watashi no chou fukisoku ni tobimawari. Anata no te ni rinpun o tsuketa." Aria sung the first part, spinning as the piano played them in and the light shined on her first.
With Aria taking the lead into the chorus the light lit up on Ruby as the pair sung together. "Karami au yubi hodoite." They sung together.
"Moving from our lips to our tongues." Ruby sung the single line in English. Changing up the song a bit.
Before both of them reverted back to Japanese to for the next part together. "Yurusarenai koto naraba. Naosara moeagaru no." They once more sung together.
"Dakiyosete hoshii tashikamete hoshii. Machigai nado nai n da to omowasete. Kisu o shite nurikaete hoshii. Miwaku no toki ni yoishire oborete itai no." The pair sung together, moving closer to each other and dancing together rather close but not touching as they moved together until Ruby stepped away from Aria and walking away as the lights dimmed a little and Ruby started to sing the next part.
"It might be necessary for you to tie me up. If you love me, then show me some fidelity. I can't help but like "weird" things, so let's just go as far as we can go." Ruby danced around away from Aria as she sung the next bit in English before slowly moving back to Aria.
"Mayoikonda kokoro nara. Kantan ni tokete yuku. Yasashisa nante kanjiru. Hima nado nai kurai ni" The pair were moving closer to each other as they started the next verse together, easily blending into the next.
"Kurikaeshita no wa ano yume ja nakute. Magire mo nai genjitsu no watashitachi. Furete kara modorenai to shiru. Sore de ii no dare yori mo taisetsu na anata." As this verse finished the two moved away from each other again, dancing to the music as it played in a small interlude before it slowed down again and Aria started to sing again.
"Yoake ga kuru to fuan de. Naite shimau watashi ni. 'Daijoubu' to sasayaita. Anata mo naite ita no" As Aria finished the verse the two women went back with each other in the middle of the stage.
With the pair joining up with each other again, they began to sing together but this time with a twist. Singing in harmony together, they managed to do it while singing in two different languages.
"Dakiyosete hoshii tashikamete hoshii. Machigai nado nai n da to omowasete. Kisu o shite nurikaete hoshii. Miwaku no toki ni yoishire oboretai." Aria sung, moving her body close with Ruby's, almost grinding against her but just enough gap for no contact as she stared directly into Ruby's eyes.
At exactly the same time, Ruby was singing the same verse, "I want you to embrace me closely and gauge my limit. Please make me believe that this is not a sin. I want you to kiss me and repaint my body. I want to be intoxicated and drowned in your charm." The two singing in harmony even in separate languages as Ruby mirrored Aria's motions.
"Hikiyosete magunetto no you ni. Tatoe itsuka hanarete mo meguriau. Furete ite modorenakute ii." Staring directly intoRuby's eyes, Aria's motions slowing down as the song slowed down.
"Draw me closer, as if we are two magnets, that even if we separate, we will reunite again. Let's become one; it's okay not to able to turn back." As Ruby sung the same lines in English, her motions slowing down as well as the pair moved closer together.
Their bodies connected for the first time during the song as they put their arms around each other and leaned in to kiss each other as they sung the final line together in English.
"That's fine, for you're my one and only love." They sung together, as the music faded out and the pair connected lips with each other, not hearing the roaring crowd behind them or anything else. Just each other, and the way their lips moved together and their love for each other.
So I made a mistake this morning as I uploaded last week's chapter. That's my mistake as I didn't actually delete something when I should have done.
Anyway this is now the end and just a couple notes to make.
Aria is IA, just has two different names you can use.
Admittedly not a big fan of how this has all turned out but the song Magnet is what in a way kick-started this story so I'm quite happy with that scene and how it turned out, especially with the mixture of English and Japanese lyrics.
So I'm going to upload this as a new chapter for the moment so people get the notification about the update.
Not much more to say really other than starting either next week or the week after I will start posting Legends once more which is now finished so keep an eye out for that.
Lastly I just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed and supported this story, I know it's taken a while but thank you for sticking with me on this.
Until next time.
Songs used were the beginnings of Forbidden Happiness which is sung by Luka and Magnet which was first sung by Miku and Luka, not posting the full English lyrics but I'm sure you get the idea of the song.