Reading and studying was something that Harry had always had problems with. This was due largely to his bad eyesight and complete lack of aid or encouragement from his family. Being punished for doing better than his cousin lead to genuinely slacking off rather than working hard in secret to spite them. Had the situation been that, he probably would have been a shoe-in for Hufflepuff.

That said, he wasn't afraid of hard work, he just never developed study habits. Hermione's methods were a bit much for someone who had never really done more than the minimum to scrape by before, and Ron tended to reinforce that lazy behavior and was a constant distraction when he did try to study much of anything other than defense. This was something he now had the motivation to change.

The trunk of well organized and freshly manufactured reading material the Goblins provided him seemed an insurmountable task at first. But really, he only needed to read one book at a time, in the order recommended by his account manager. When he deemed things important, he had an excellent memory. The first book in the trunk was also quite appropriate. "Magics of the Mind." It was a revised and updated book on the arts of Legilimency and Occlumency that included sections on guided meditation, building mental palaces, the old 'method of loci' technique described by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It also had information on the Pensieve, how use one, extract memories for use, and even a runic diagram of a basic one that could be etched in a small stone or non ferrous metal bowl.

Reading that book first prompted Harry to truly work on organizing and clearing his mind. Building a memory palace with mnemonics that only he could understand. Originally he wanted to use Hogwarts, but having decided that the castle was too well known to be an effective defense should a Legilimens penetrate his mental shields, he reworked it into a journey through central London, from Piccadilly Circus in Soho, through Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens ending at Kensington Palace museum. The thoroughly muggle area and the sheer complexity of the region should be confusing for any would be snoops. While doing this Harry discovered a talent for remembering physical things, locations, the topology of buildings and landscapes. In general he had far above average spatial and situational awareness. Partially to blame for his success as a flier, this was only enhanced by his years of life threatening experiences.

To help 'set' his mental palace Harry took to spending afternoons walking through the district occasionally stopping to observe the street performers and unusual shops as well as spending time meditating in the parks and gardens. He also took the Palace tour on more than one occasion. The experience of being out and about, without watchers, or worrying about attacks was novel. The peace and tranquility of his meditations in the parks and gardens contrasted nicely with the hustle and bustle of the lively district. So much so he was tempted to purchase a home in the area. The Kensington area was much better for his mental health than Islington.

One of the hardest things for an adult to learn is how to learn. Children find this much easier if someone takes the time to teach them. Sadly by the time a child is six or so it is too late for them to become voracious learners like Hermione if they already haven't as their brains are far less elastic and have specific ways they tend to retain information. Harry was attempting to re-write that early childhood learning method and become who he could have been had he had a loving parent or parents teaching him from an early age. And fortunately for him magic was making it possible. His own internal magic was cooperating with his desire and making it easier for him change.

After establishing a routine of behavior for the afternoons that had good weather, Harry began adding additional books to his mental map, one after another, taking time each day to meditate on what he had read and keep things organized while creating links between what he was learning and what he already knew. Politics and Rhetoric were one of the subjects he learned. Both were things he had avoided learning about and both had caused him no end of trouble due in no small part to his ignorance. He learned of statesmanship, and of the history, from the perspective of the goblins and foreign nations, of the British Ministry of Magic.

The sheer magnitude of conflicting and redundant laws that had been on the books, including several he could have cited to neatly deal with many of his issues had he but known, was mind boggling. Sadly even experienced solicitors and barristers rarely had the opportunity to go over the entire published laws of the land with a fine toothed comb, nor did they have a set of computers with databases to pull everything together. The team of 'Muggleborn' expatriates returning included many with experience in the Computer industry. As magicals live quite a bit longer than muggles naturally there were some who had been working in the information industry in other countries for decades and were still in their prime. After all, knowledge is power.

The order In which the laws needed to be repealed in order to not cause the whole thing to come tumbling down was clearly laid out. Along with the current crop of laws passed in the last session. The Ministry had essentially stopped regulating much of anything and focused on the statute of secrecy. Truth potions and enchantments were to be used in all criminal trials and crimes were in short supply. Harming someone, setting someone up to be harmed, breaking the statute. Not much else was a crime. Selling faulty or contaminated potions ingredients for example was a crime under that definition as was selling cauldrons that couldn't withstand the standard heat used in basic potion making. There was no need for lengthy laws and regulations on cauldron bottom thickness when basic safety testing could be done.

Of course there were a series of laws that ensured that the Magicals living in the Magical world still were subject to the laws of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Several of those laws were explicitly excepted, by treaty, but most of them applied. Trial law in particular was changed to be more in line with modern practices, but the defendant could not refuse to testify if physically able. With the use of truth serums, and ensuring certain questions were always asked, guilt or innocence could be accurately determined. Despite the influx of expatriates, the system was not modeled after that of MACUSA but rather the modern British system Barristers and all. Though the 'Precedents' of previous cases tried by past administrations was mostly thrown out in favor of Muggle Precedents.

It took weeks to slog through the technically dry material, but it was presented in a fashion that was far less boring than Harry had expected. The new books designed to teach the history of British Magical Law, and books on current Magical Law were quite unlike anything he had read before. Had he been more familiar with the muggle world he might have recognized the writing style and general format as very similar to that of the IDG Books "for Dummies" series... Considering the number of computer specialists involved with the project, that should be unsurprising.

Muggle subjects were also to be found in the library trunk; including geology, physics, chemistry, world history, and biology. Various forms of mathematics were also included along with quite a lot of literature that contained rather interesting ideas. Some of it was required reading for secondary school, some was merely speculative fiction that the goblins thought he might find instructive.

One of the classics included in the collection was the Swiss Family Robinson. That one elicited quite a bit of research. The illustrated books on various animals and plants around the world in the Kensington Central Library were quite handy for using to cross reference the various creatures and plants mentioned on the unlikely island. But it gave Harry the idea of visiting the south seas, or perhaps that Island Padfoot had spent time on wherever it was. Perhaps he could build his own Falcon's Nest or Grotto house if he could find some uninhabited Island somewhere to settle.

Then of course he thought of his departed family and friends. The only way to share a place like that with them would be to travel to a world where they yet lived and build there. Though he could travel between worlds along the strings of fate, he couldn't bring others with him safely unless they themselves were already dead in the new world. Despite his depressing turn of thought he realized he had missed reading things like this when he was younger, there were many adventure novels geared toward young and old that he by rights should have encountered but never had and it awakened in him a desire to track down and read quite a few of them. He had never read for fun before.

In addition to self study and meditation Harry also began speaking with a half blood from New Zealand that was a trained and licensed therapist as well as a mind healer. She helped him improve his mind space, reinforce his mental walls, and work through issues he didn't even realize he had. Being raised to be a "pig for slaughter" was not conducive to good mental health. The betrayal and realization that much of his life was far beyond his control, the years of physical and mental abuse, and the deliberate emotional stunting he was subjected to left him on the verge of becoming a monster himself.

The only thing stopping him really besides knowing his family was watching from beyond were the simple words spoken by a manipulative old man with a penchant for speaking half truths. "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Dumbledore had told him just after the Chamber of Secrets incident was concluded. He would choose to be someone his parents could be proud of.

Harry spent a year in this new and improved version of Great Britain. He also took time to travel the world seeing sights he had only read about or caught glimpses of on the telly. He finally spent a day relaxing on the beach and got to enjoy the ocean. Though the ocean in the south of France was much more to his liking than the British shores, the weather was better anyway.

By the end of that time he was capable of passing NEWT in all of his main subjects, and OWL in Runes and Arithmancy, though his application of Runes was perhaps near NEWT level as he had built a Pensieve for himself. He didn't bother much with Divination, though he did learn a bit about scrying and divining, dousing and psychometry. Technically using any magical ability to gain information, even "Mage Sight" the ability to perceive magical flows are forms of divination. Those all were subjects that should have been covered in first year divination according to international standards. Several of the methods simply fail to work around, or through, certain wards and so had fallen out of favor years ago. Other techniques such as Mage Sight were relegated to job specific training rather than being taught in school Though it comes in handy when choosing the best ingredients for potions.

Once again a year had passed and a much more relaxed Harry entered his account managers office.

"Back again Mr. Potter," commented Bloodclaw in unconscious echo of his former headmaster. "And prompt as always" he continued with an expression that was almost not entirely unlike a smile.

"I wasn't planning on making a tradition of it, but it seemed like too good of an opportunity to miss," replied Harry with a closed lipped smile of his own.

"Did you make any sojourns to other worlds we were not informed of during the last year?" asked Bloodclaw for formalities sake.

"No, though I suspect that had I chosen to return in the instant I left, your tracking stone wouldn't even blink so that is likely what I will do going forward. Returning on the day, I leave should I continue hopping back and forth regularly. I may spend a decade or more in another world depending on how I find things."

"We of Gringotts have prepared a... missive if you will that you may deliver to our bank in whatever time you find yourself, based on the information you provided on your initial journey, we have assumed that you will not travel to times before October thirty first of nineteen eighty-one." He handed over a large leather folio containing several smaller dated envelopes with the seal of the bank and each addressed to a title rather than a name.

"Each of these letters can be given to the goblin listed by title within. Each is written under the assumption that the information in each dated packet would be given the date you enter the world. That is if you should arrive in '95 for example, give the envelope dated for '95 to the goblin who's title is listed on the envelope. You may freely copy them should you appear in the same year more than once, but you will be unable to read them as they are not addressed to you. The contents should assist Gringotts in making the correct decisions regarding the Blood War and contains information that could potentially lead to great profits for all." This time Bloodclaw was definitely smiling, but at the same time it was far too much like a threat display for comfort. Looking down to avoid his gaze Harry noticed a paperback book included in the Folio Legends of the Ferengi... "Feel free to read the book included before you go. We found it quite an amusing read and suspect that our dimensional analogues will as well."

The image on the cover could have been of goblins with some sort of deformity, but Harry had seen similar creatures before on a Science Fiction show on BBC2... Not something he had seen on Privet drive, as it was too 'freakish' for the Dursley's to have watched it, and he hadn't gotten into the habit of watching telly himself due to his study regime. But he was sure he had seen snippets of the show when walking in the shopping districts.

Based on the not-so-subtle hints given by his accounts manager, Harry also decided to pick up some reference material before returning to the world where he left Harry with a grieving Sirius, or any other world. Blissett Bookbinders of London were able to create bound volumes of the periodicals he collected, a combination of local news, world news, and financial news, collected by year from library archives. That would be of use to any time traveler worth their salt. Sadly it would have taken up as much space as the Encyclopedia Britannica to have the equivalent of Grey's Sports Almanac printed. You just can't cram fifty years of sports statistics in a book that small. Weekly results in The Sunday Times newspaper should be sufficient.

Harry also acquired back issues of the Daily Prophet and Quibbler as well as the New York Ghost and America's own version of the Quibbler: The Wizard's Voice, which had become more popular in the last year. Having local and international coverage of events for the next couple decades could be quite useful to those in the other timeline.

He had been thinking during the last year over what he had been told. He couldn't enter a world until he inherited at least one deathly hallow. However, there were worlds where the Hallows didn't exist, where the three brothers died at the river, or the Cloak was returned to death willingly years past, or even worlds where the magical world was extinct. In each of those cases, he could enter the world centuries in the past, or almost any time he chose. But he wanted something more. He wanted home, love, a family. Things he had lost before he was even two years of age in his own timeline. But what if he were to find a world where that wasn't the case?

Ensuring he had everything he needed and was once again shrouded in his cloak Harry stepped to that place between worlds. There aren't any good words to describe being able to perceive higher dimensions to see, even symbolically, worlds spread out before you like strings tangled into a cats cradle. He didn't try to articulate it even in his own mind, he merely let the sight flow through him like a wave and remained a stone on the beach unmoved by the immensity of the ocean before him. Suddenly the quote from Frank Herbert's Dune sprang to mind "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain" He was nervous but stilled his nerves and reaching through the metaphysical web or realities found the one he sought and tugged.

Saturday, August 31st 1991, Godric's Hollow

Harry found himself standing in what he recognized from his explorations after the war as his bedroom in the Potter Cottage. There asleep on the bed was an eleven year old Harry Potter. He was well fed, had color to his cheeks, and no scar on his brow marred his completion. The stylish gold framed glasses on the bedside table were a far cry from the bulky frames he had worn as a child, and clutched in one hand the sleeping boy had what he immediately recognized as an invisibility cloak.

James had given the Potter Cloak to Harry earlier in the evening in preparation for his first year at Hogwarts. As it had been given to him on his first year. The family had long ceased the practice of only passing the relic on upon the death of the previous owner.

Looking about with the skill learned from trained curse-breakers, Harry was able to see the wards surrounding the home, and their complete non-reaction to his presence. Touching Harry lightly on the hand he willed them to the white room he once fashioned in the place between being alive and being dead. It was no longer configured like Kings Cross Station, but it was comprised entirely of white ill defined features that faded into the background unless you focused on them.

Young Harry immediately woke upon his eyelids being hit by the much brighter ambient light Finding himself on a much firmer surface than his mattress may have hastened this effect. His quick reaction to waking in an unusual situation was to spring to his feat and immediately put space between himself and his apparent abductor. Once he was a distance at which his captor was clearly visible to his unassisted eyes he goggled.

The Master of Death, Harry was wearing a distinctly Muggle Suit, though it was tailored quite well and spoke of someone with money having been made at Henry Poole & Co, over the suit he had black teachers open front robe or gown. The kind of thing that a male professor would wear while lecturing at Hogwarts or at some of the older British Universities. His head was bare and his hair and glasses made him strongly resemble James Potter, but his jewel like green eyes were quite distinctive.

"You look like me!" exclaimed the younger man.

"I should," replied Harry with a slight smile, "In every way but one I am you."

"What do you mean?" asked the confused abductee.

"My name is Harry James Potter, and I was born on July 31st in the year nineteen eighty." replied the older man "It's just been a few years longer for me than it has for you."

"But mum said that time travel is Dangerous, and that you should never be seen by your younger self!" retorted young Harry with a tinge of fear in his voice.

"And if I was from a future that was possible to be reached from this point in time that would be true." replied Harry soothingly. Young Harry must have been quicker on the uptake or simply better educated then he had been because that statement caused his eyes to nearly pop out of his head they became so wide.

"So you're from a parallel world?" the young man asked incredulously.

"Well spotted!" congratulated the older Harry "I am from a world that went a bit different from this one back in nineteen eighty one. Tom Riddle, the man that everyone called 'You Know Who' attacked our home in Godric's Hollow leaving me an Orphan. I understand here he attacked the Longbottoms instead?"

"You mean Voldemort?" asked young Harry confused.

"Yes exactly, his name when he attended school was Tom. After his muggle father. He didn't like having such a common name and tried to change it once he left school."

At this point the younger Harry was getting particularly nervous at the turn the conversation was taking. This fear quickly turns to anger as he looks around and remembers his predicament He had almost forgotten that he had been kidnapped by this crazy person who may or may not be a dimension hopping time traveler. "What's the big idea bringing me here anyway, If you wanted to talk couldn't you just, I don't know, knocked me up like a normal person?"

"Here is a place between worlds, no matter how much time we spend here, no time will pass in your world unless you believe it will. You can return to the moment you left, but if you choose to return later, or believe you must as time passes, then you cannot use this place to return to the time you missed." Explained the older traveler.

"That's all well and good," replied Harry with a snort, "but why did you bring me here?"

"You have something I have always wanted, love, home and family. I was not raised by who I should have been after my parents deaths, I was given to Aunt Petunia and she and her family tried to stamp the magic out of me." explained Harry to his younger twin. "I was hoping you would be willing to merge with me, gaining for yourself my years of experience so that I may gain yours. I would dearly love to have a second chance at my Hogwarts years and do things right. Prevent my friends from dying in the second blood war."

"You want to Possess me!" shouted the younger Harry indignantly.

"Not at all," retorted the elder quickly. "We share the same soul, when the same people from parallel worlds die, their souls eventually merge into a greater whole. I managed to finish the tale of The Three Brothers and acquired the wand and stone, along with the family cloak this allows me to merge with my analogues as if we were both dead, becoming greater than the sum of our parts. As this is your world, we would be in your body rather than mine. Should we shift to the world I came from or a world I have been to before we would be in my body instead."

This was far more than young Harry was capable of processing at the moment. But he did latch on to one aspect of his analogues narrative. "You have the resurrection stone?" he asked.

"I do, is there someone you wish to speak to? Unlike calling them to the mortal world, calling them here causes them no pain."

"You said your parents died, can I talk to them"

"As you like" said Harry softly as he turned the ring over in his hand thrice. "James, Lilly, there is someone who wishes to meet you."

Suddenly with no hint of movement or any visible sign of teleportation James and Lilly Potter circa nineteen eighty-one were standing there. "Would you look at that, my two sons!" said James proudly. Lilly looked for a moment as if she was going to cry before hugging her younger son to her breast.

"My little boy, I'm so happy for you! Am I a good Mum?" asked Lilly. "Do you have any sisters? What's your favorite food?" Her excited questioning was stopped by a cleared throat. Glancing at James she blushed and released her son's head from her bosom.

Young Harry gaped at his much-younger-than-he-could-remember-seeing-them parents as he caught his breath. "I thought you were ghosts!" he exclaimed, clearly not expecting to be touched.

"Well, son," began James hesitantly before being interrupted by Lilly.

"In this particular plane there is no matter or energy, everything exists as thought and metaphor. It is literally outside the physicality of creation. So our souls are just as real as your bodies because we think they are. We could become ghost like, float around and phase through things, but there isn't a world to interact with really. Not unless we pool our thoughts to create one. While we retain a connection to our original worlds and can view them at will, we can't manifest in those worlds easily without assistance. And we cannot view worlds where we still live such as yours. When your Lilly passes she and I will become one and I will have all of her memories of your time together added to what I have gained from my current dimensional alternate pool."

She said the whole thing without stopping to breathe... which in a way illustrated her point.

"So you don't want to merge with my mom now?" asked young Harry.

"I would love to," she said "but I doubt she would get much out of it, after all, up until the night I died, our memories would be the same. My memories from other alternates wouldn't be accessible to her, only the memories of this Harry's Lilly. And much of that knowledge I can only share here, there are more limits when we are summoned to the mortal realms."

"So what would I get out of merging with Him?" said the little scamp gesturing toward the elder Harry.

"If you merged now, you would become a singular entity. Comprised of all of your memories and all of his combined. As he wants the happy childhood you have apparently had, his childhood memories will be muted compared to yours. Only deliberately looking for them will bring them to the fore, and they shouldn't affect your personality." She shrugged as if to dismiss them as unimportant "The real perk for you is my Harry has already won a war and completed all seven years of Hogwarts as well as finished his GCSEs. His knowledge, both academic and of a potential future can save the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people." She smiles sadly.

"What's the down side" he asked looking at his older counterpart.

"Five years with Snape as a potions instructor?" was the droll answer.

"Snape, isn't he in Azkaban for going after the Longbottoms with Voldemort?"

"Who teaches potions at Hogwarts then?" asked the elder traveler with interest. The only concrete thing he knew about this world was the survival of his parents.

"Andromeda Tonks" was the reply.

There was more bickering back and forth but it was good-natured and reminiscent of siblings deliberately teasing one another rather than disagreeing and eventually the Younger Harry decided that with the Prophecy hanging over Nevill, he needed to be as strong as he could to help him or even break the Prophecy himself.

"Before we merge I need to do one more thing," said the Elder Potter. Without dismissing his parents he called for Hermione.

"Hey there Harry my love" the beautiful brunette with chocolate brown eyes said with a smile and gave him a quick embrace and peck on the cheek. Then turning to the younger Harry she offered her hand "So you've decided you have a saving people thing as well?" she warmly asked.

Young Harry stood at attention and bowed over Hermione's offered hand kissing her knuckles with a flourish that would have been more suited to Sirius. "My Lady, had I but known there was a damsel such as yourself in need of rescue, it wouldn't have taken this oaf half so long to convince me."

"Why sir, your gallantry is much appreciated, but know that I am no mere maiden, but a warrior maid tried and true." She replied with a laugh in her voice.

"Hermione," began the dimensional traveler, "my younger self has agreed to merge as you deduced, what would be the best method to approach your alternate to offer her the same deal?"

"You didn't already have a plan!" Exclaimed young Harry in dismay! "How on earth did you mange to win a war without planning ahead?" he continued. "Not planning the details in advance when world hopping seems like a huge oversight don't you think, especially when you have access to a way to freeze time before proceeding!"

"I had a plan, but I wasn't sure of the exact age of our counterparts before arriving here, I'm just asking for a suggestion from the only person who I know that would know." retorted the elder exasperated by his younger selves somewhat accurate assessment.

Lacking a better way to approach her younger self other than explaining it in person, Hermione suggested the same method used to retrieve Harry be used. And noted that she was almost certainly wearing a full set of pajamas that weren't too embarrassing. At that young Harry realized that he was wearing his own fall weather pajamas and sighed that he hadn't been prancing about in his skivvies.

There was a flicker and suddenly the older harry was once again standing over a sleeping figure, this time a young girl with incredibly bushy hair the same color as Hermione's. He quickly retreated to the side and Hermione took his place.

Apparently the younger girl was a heavier sleeper than young Harry as she had to be cajoled awake by her older self. "Hermione, It's time to wake up, you don't want to miss the train to Hogwarts." she practically crooned.

Her young counterpart almost leapt to her feat in confusion insisting "I'm Up! I'm Up!" before realizing something was very wrong with this picture. Rather than backing off as Harry had done, she immediately attempted to punch her unfamiliar waker in the nose. Fortunately that was exactly what her twin was expecting and neatly dodged. Now more fully awake and heart pounding the young Hermione finally got a good look at the figure she had attempted to strike. "You... You?"

"Me, Me" countered Hermione. "Or more precisely, you, in about seven years."

"You're beautiful," gasped Hermione, "and your hair! Your teeth, how did you do it? Is there a beauty potion, is it a spell, how long did it take you to learn it, what kind of spells were the easiest to learn, does Hogwarts library really have the largest collection of magical books in great Britain? Did we get into Gryffindor?" as her breathless tirade of questions trailed off she began to notice the others in the not-space. "Who are they, and why am I here?" she asked firmly realizing that something was up.

The gravity of the situation may have been exaggerated slightly by our extreme efforts to not smile or laugh at her antics. "You're here because a good friend of mine misses me terribly and wants the chance to spend time with me in your world." began Hermione, holding her finger up to stop the interruption. "In my world, and theirs" she gestured toward the group of three adults off to one side "I died during what would have been my last year at Hogwarts." she forestalled another interruption. "My friend Harry gained the ability to cross between worlds and enter new worlds at almost any point in time given certain conditions. He can also merge the souls of people who are from mirror worlds like us granting us the combined memory and experience of both of us. He wants someone who remembers his world with him here and I was his closest friend." She gestured to Hermione's other side where stood a young boy with brilliant green eyes. "Young Harry has agreed to let him merge with himself and I wanted you to have the chance to meet with him before the merger and offer you the chance to have all of my memories and experiences added to your own."

"Would I still be me?" asked the younger girl her attention torn between young Harry and her older self.

"Yes, and no." she said conjuring a well and a glass table with an eyedropper to illustrate her point. "We are two souls, like two drops of water drawn from the same well, when we mix we will be like a larger drop of water, but we will be a blending of both of us, we will not be you or me, but we. Our minds will contain everything I have learned, but be in your young and hormonal head." Tipping the table to allow the drops to run into the well she continues. "This is only possible because it is what happens naturally when souls pass on."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Hermione with a frown, not sure she was liking where this was going.

"Though the only part of me that will merge with you if you allow it is from Harry's world, I am currently made up of hundreds of us. Each time one of us dies in any world we become part of our greater whole. Our soul droplets go out into the world, gather's their experiences, and return to the well so to speak. In a very real way I am the well, and I am offering you a droplet from a world very similar to this one but in many ways very different."

At this the younger Hermione blanched at the idea of the being before her having subjective thousands of years of experience potentially, and being merely a drop in it's ocean when she dies. Remembering that the elder Harry was the one instigating this she wheeled on him. "What exactly is your plan here?!"

"I plan to keep my friends and family alive through what was in my world a terrible war." he answered simply. "If possible I want to prevent it happening at all. I couldn't have succeeded in wining last time without my Hermione's help and I didn't want to befriend you under false pretense. I never wanted you to feel like I had betrayed you. So I had to tell you from the start. I hoped that you would agree to share memories with my Hermione so you would remember me and understand how much you mean to me."

"Say you succeed, in helping this world, stopping the war, saving the day, what next?" Do you plan on spending your life here? What about your old world?"

"I am immortal. Unlike everyone else, I cannot stay dead. I can go freely from world to world in body or by merging with my dimensional alternates, I can only bring other living souls with me if they have no alternate or merge with them"

"Actually Harry, we could manifest as ghosts with your help, but that sort of half life is rather unpleasant and difficult to get out of." interjected the elder Hermione.

"So If I want to travel with you to other worlds, I'll have to keep convincing my alternates to merge with me or go to worlds where I don't exist?" asked the young woman.

At this the younger Harry stepped closer and took her hand pulling her attention toward him. "You want to travel worlds with me?" he asked with a voice filled with wonder.

The faint blush on her cheeks was answer enough.