Legal notice: some of the characters found in this story and this universe does not belong to me, but are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Any original characters in this story are my intellectual property.



After the Fourth Shinobi World War, Konohagakure was destroyed, the ninja were grieving, but they moved on. They rebuild the village in little time, and then came the time of peace (or what you can call peace to ninjas).

Uchiha Sasuke was forgiven, but he still did not want to stay in the village, so he left to a trip with undetermined time, leaving the promise of coming back to his friends.

Haruno Sakura wanted to travel with him, but, once again, he did not let her, what made her think and decide to spend the time without him trying to forget him and put him on her friendzone.

Hyuuga Hinata spent a long time grieving for he cousin, and, realizing he died for her not because a bouke should always protect a souke, but because he loved her – as a sister, she guessed – and because he chose his own destiny and chose to keep her alive, and keep Naruto alive too. Because of that, she chose to do the same, to be free to choose her own destiny, so she decided to remain on the ninja path, gave up all her rights as the future leader of the clan and became a jounin, but, – by Hiashi's orders – she did not have to seal Bunk Juinjitsu on her forehead.

Uzumaki Naruto was the village savior, and now was popular. He received innumerous presents and invitations from his fans and students, what used to let him confused and embarrassed most of the time. When Naruto was not teaching at the academy, he focused on training to become a Hokage. Now his feelings towards Sakura were messed up after Sasuke's departure and Sakura's determination to forget him.

Naruto, Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Sakura and Nara Shikamaru were chatting at Ichiraku. It has been one year and four months after the Fourth Shinobi World War and they were reunited because they have been called to a reunion with the Hokage after lunch.

"The choice of Hokages is funny," Ino commented, "first an old drunk, now an old pervert" everybody laughed and she glanced at Naruto. "Then it's going to be the fat addicted in lámen."

All but the blond man laughed.

"I'm not fat!" he screamed.

"Yet" Ino said and Naruto rolled his eyes, prepared to begin a discussion about why he would not get fat.

"Let's go." The blond woman said before he could get started, and everybody got up from the chairs to have a walk to the Hokage building.

"So, Kakashi, why did you called us?" Naruto asked.

Hatake Kakashi sighed and closed the book he was reading, putting it over the desk. He pointed at Hinata and Sakura.

"You two have a mission together to locate certain item that was stolen from Tsunade," he said, "I don't know what it is, but everything you need to know is in the file" he gave the file to Hinata. "You are a strong jounin and a good ninja tracker," he said and then turned to Sakura, "and you are a doctor ninja with scary strength, I believe both of you will take care of it."

"Hai" they said at the same time.

"Great, you are dismissed"

They nodded in agreement and left.

Kakashi leaned his elbow in the table and folded his hands, staring at the three young ninja in front of him.

"Now, your mission is more dangerous," he said.

"Troublesome" Shikamaru sighed.

"You will have to exterminate a group of four enemy ninjas. I put the three of you together because Chouji is out of town and I think your combined abilities will be profitable," the Hokage said, "One of the enemy ninja is specialized in mind swaping, that's why you're needed, Ino. Now you, Shikamaru, is a great strategist and Naruto is… Strong. The three of you will handle it"


"Take the file and go," he said and Ino did it, "good luck!" he wished as they were leaving.

Hinata walked calmly to the village gates, a little earlier than the hour she and Sakura had settled. She had packed her stuff calmly the night before, even made snacks so they could eat while traveling. Some minutes after Hinata reached the gates, Sakura appeared and they began their mission.

At a determined moment, when they were near the place where the ninja and the object were seen, Hinata activated her byakugan and expanded her field of vision until eight kilometers. After some research, she recognized what looked like the box with Tsunade's item; it was on the backpack of a man who did not look like a ninja.

"Found it!" she said, "Five kilometers at east"

She and Sakura ran to that direction while hiding their chakra.

When they got closer to the man, they started the attacks; Hinata was still with her byakugan activated.

The man initially did not resisted, but later he started attacking. He drew a dagger and would to stab Sakura; but Hinata was quicker and attacked his arm, breaking it.

"Thank you," said Sakura. She was panting. Hinata shrugged and kicked the man's belly, making him lose consciousness.

Hinata was going to crouch and take the man's backpack, but the sight of beautiful black and straight hair waving in the distance distracted her. She focused on that direction and found herself staring at Uchiha Sasuke sitting on a hill; he seemed to be lonely and was wearing the worst brown shawl Hinata has ever seen. His hair was half stuck with a brown stripe on the forehead, but the wind still made it swing.

Hinata had to admit it was a nice view.

"Hinata-chan?" Sakura asked and Hinata deactivated the byakugan immediately and blushed. The pink-haired woman frowned. "Did you see anything suspicious?"

Hinata shook her head no and Sakura sighed.

"Ok," she said, "I picked up Tsunade's item, let's go back to the village."

The way back to Konoha was filled with a monologue from Sakura and an inattentive Hinata. She did not know why, but Sasuke was still on her mind. His expressionless face with slightly squared traits, his mysterious look where she thought she found sadness and loneliness, his thin lips, his delicate nose, his thin eyebrows, his smooth and rebellious hair.

She dreamt with him that night, and some more after that. Dream about him was weird and mysterious, but somehow comforting. After a few months she stopped dreaming about him and convinced herself that that day was merely a coincidence, she knew Sasuke barely knew her, so there was no sense this newly discovered admiration she had for him.

She could not be more wrong.


Well, the chapters will be narrated by Hinata and by Sasuke, the next will be narrated by Hina, the one after that will be narrated by Sasuke and so on, right in the style Christina Lauren (but with less sex, I think).

The fic will have other couples, but it will be completely focused on sasuhina... (Probably) there will be special chapters of the other couples (ShikaTema, NaruIno and KakaSaku), and will be only one or two chapters for each couple.

Here you will not have many fights, maybe some drama and such, but nothing too much. The focus is on romance and feelings and the reconstruction of the Uchiha clan - obviously author, is the title of the fic .-.

I'm not proficient at english, as you may notice, so if you find some grammar mistake, please let me know so I can fix it.

The continuation of the fic will depend on you, people, if you liked it comment and favorite so I have stimulation to continue to translate my fic.

Thank you so much for reading!

XOXO, Raykk.