Hello everyone!
So I posted something like this a little while back, but the file somehow got corrupted and the page just looked like rows and rows of coding instead of what I wanted to say.
And here is what I wanted to say!
Obviously it's been close to two years since any of my stories were updated (In fact up until today my profile said I was 13 when in reality I'm turning 15 in a week).
Anyway, I'm going to put all of my stories on a permanent hiatus until further notice.
Now I actually do have a couple ideas for short little one shots so I might post those sometime before school starts (For me that's August 22nd).
If anybody would like to know how any of my stories ended (Probably no one lololol), then just PM me.
AND if y'all would like to follow me on social media, here are all of my available ones,
Twitter: taco_bellle (Three L's)
Vine: ballet is life
A HUGE thanks for everyone on this website who has made my experience here a completely memorable one and one that I will never forget.
I've made great friends through here and have had amazing opportunities offered to me and had my work featured in blogs, web series' and a low-profile magazines.
Thanks again for all the love and support shown to me!
For the final time,
Ily and DFTBA