
It was everywhere. All of the world the news portrayed the Avengers as the enemy. Videos of the Hulk destroying the city were every where. The saviors of New York were now dubbed terrorists.

Everyone on the jet remained to themselves for the most part. Tony was the pilot, remaining there in silence. Bruce sat in a corner, listening to his music to distract himself. Steve had his hands in his hand trying to figure out what their next move would be. Thor simply stared out the window.

In a private corner of the plane, Natasha and Clint sat quietly speaking to one another. The two had been called worse than terrorists before. It was only a matter of time before they would all be returned to their hero status.

"We have no other choice, Nat." Clint said.

The red head shook her head, red curls flying everywhere. "No. That's the one place that isn't tainted by all of this."

"Where else are we going to go?"

"Anywhere," she says. "Just not there."

Clint sighs. "They won't say anything."

"You don't know that."

"Come on, Nat. Have a little faith in me. If I didn't trust them I wouldn't be suggesting this. We all need to stick together and that's the safest place for us."

"It's special because they don't know about it. No one in this life except for Fury knows." she reminds him.

He ran a hand through his hair. It was getting a little too long for his taste. "We don't have a choice, Natasha." She flinched when he said her full name. "It will still be protected from everything else."

"When things go to shit, I'll remind you of this." she got up, going to the far side of the plane to get away from him.

Clint knew there were no other options. Natasha had made certain points, points that did worry him. They had no choice though. It was either take them to the safe house or be taken into custody.

"I know where we can go," Clint said, setting the course for the safe house.


The Barton farm looked like it belonged in a movie. The farm house was a welcoming sight to Clint after being away for so long. The team- with the exception of Natasha who was still on the jet gathering up a few last minute things- followed him into the house where a heavily pregnant woman stood in the kitchen.

She smiles at him. "Hello, Clint."

He kisses her on the cheek. "Laura, I would like you to meet the rest of the team."

He introduced all of them while they stood there confused. They racked their brains trying to remember if Clint had ever mention anything about a woman and a pregnant one at that.

A little brown haired girl ran into the room. She couldn't be older than three. Running she latches onto Clint's leg. "Daddy!"

Clint picks her up, lifting her high into the air. A blinding smile covers his face. "Hey, princess."

"I made picture!" She says, excited to show her father her drawing.

"Go get it for me. I can't wait to see it." As soon as he set her down on the ground she rushed out of the room.

Tony took this as his chance to speak up. He turns to Laura. "Why has Barton kept you hidden all this time?"

Laura shrugs. "He's never here. Always working."

"Maybe that'll change, Mrs. Barton." Steve said. "With SHIELD dismantled, he'll have more time at home with you and the kids."

She looks at all of them for a minute before she and Clint began to laugh. "You think that Clint and I are together? No, no, no, no. I am Mrs. Barton but not his Mrs. Barton."

"She's my brother's wife." Clint explains.

"Then who is the mother of your child?" Thor asks.

Just then the team heard a high pitched squeal of "Mommy". They all turned, waiting for the little girl to reappear with her mother. Each of them were curious to see who Clint was involved with and why exactly he had kept her hidden from them.

The little girl reappears with a picture in one hand. In the other hand was a short, curvy red head. She was completely focused on the little girl speaking nonsense to realize that the team was staring at her.

"Your dating Nat?" Steve asks Clint, surprised.

"Not exactly dating," Clint shrugs in reply.

"What would you call it then?" Tony pipes up. "Warming each other's beds? Fonduing?"

"Marriage." Natasha says, flashing a modest ring on her left hand.