Chapter 1

Wanda sat quietly on the lawn of the Avengers training facility. It was dark, and her only company was the moon. She was perfectly ok with that. In the days since her brother had died, this is where she spent most of her nights. After the nightmares woke her up, and she couldn't sleep anymore this is where she would come and sit. Just staring at the moon. Her favorite part about it was that no one bothered her. At least, not until tonight.

She felt his mind before she felt him. The android, the Vision making his way across the lawn. She turned her head to see him walking in her direction. It was then she noticed that he was quite tall, and well built, considering he was born only a few weeks ago. Still, he was built by humans, and humans would create what they thought was perfect, and he was the human definition of perfect.

"Miss. Maximoff," he said politely once he had reached her, "I could not help but noticed you sitting out here, alone. Are you alright?"

She considered lying to him; telling him that everything was fine, that she just didn't like sleep all that much. Then she began poking through his mind. She saw his thoughts, his fears, his struggles. He was struggling with his identity. She was struggling with lose. Would he understand? The two were similar. She declared that he would.

"No, nothing is alright," she said, bringing her knees to her chest. He stared at her for a moment before sitting down on the lawn next to her.

"Do you wish to talk about it, Miss. Maximoff?" he asked.

"Wanda, please," she said, slightly annoyed at his politeness. Then she realised how rude it was to think that of such a polite gentleman.

"Of course," he said. He looked at her in the darkness, the moon reflecting off her pale skin. She looked even more beautiful without her makeup on. He stopped for a moment. Should he be having these thoughts about a human woman? He wasn't in fact human, he was something different. And he couldn't reproduce, he lacked the genitalia. He at the moment felt safe to think these thoughts, for he didn't feel her in his mind. The second she was fact, he wiped his mind of all thoughts of her.

"I don't want to talk about it," she said.

"Of course," he said. She was closed off, struggling with the lose of her brother. He understood, or at least he thought he did. His mind was still developing, learning about humans. He was struggling with his identity, was he human or android? She was struggling with lose. They were both were struggling, he could help her, right?

She tried her best to stay out of his mind, but at times, while the two say in silence, she couldn't help but take a peek from time to time. All she ever saw was that he was struggling with his identity. She felt it strange that absolute zero thoughts of her went through his head, while millions of him went through hers. She wanted desperately to think of him in that way, but she thought it inappropriate. Could she feel that way about a team member? Let alone the least human member? She was glad he couldn't see into her head.

They both sat, avoiding each other's gaze, looking at the moon. Wanda felt the urge to break the silence, and so did Vision. Who would speak first, they didn't know. If either of them would speak at all, they didn't know.

"The first thing I read in your mind, were plans to destroy the world," Wanda had broken the silence, "so why are you here?"

Vision looked at her. He had asked her to share, and she had refused. Should he? Should he lie, and tell her he didn't know, that he didn't remember that moment, but he did, clearly. He felt her poking around in his mind the second he had a brain. He hid how much he loved the feeling of her in his mind. But he had to make a choice. He decided to be human, he decided to be the bigger person. He answered.

"I'm not Ultron," he said, "what you read were Ultron's thoughts in my body. I'm Jarvis' thoughts, his AI, not Ultron's. The body doesn't matter, just the AI inside,"

Wanda nodded, acknowledging that that made sense to her. The two sat in silence for a long while, just staring at the moon, longing for each other, but not telling the other about their longing for each other.

Hey guys, first Avengers fic ever, but a long time fan(haven't thought of a genius idea). I don't know how long this story will be, but the chapters will be on the shorter side. I'm hoping they'll come more often for that reason. This is 100% a Scarlet Vision story, so it will mostly be them fixing each other throughout the story, may not include many other avengers, but there will be a few, I promise.
