(A/N: this is a teaser for my Tyzula dark!fic: "Blood & Roses")
(Scene: Fire Nation Palace)
Azula ran throughout the palace looking for her kidnapped girlfriend, Ty Lee. She had gone down one corridor and was now running towards the Throne Room after hearing her girlfriend's screams from that direction.
She ran towards the door and kicked it in, and there was Ty Lee chained to the wall with a cloth muffling her screams. Azula ran over, removed the cloth from her mouth and untied her. "Thank you, baby." she said, kissing the princess passionately.
"Are you ok? Where's Ozai?" Azula asked. Ty Lee shook her head, unsure.
"I don't know, 'Zula.." she whimpered.
Azula held her girlfriend close and stroked her hair. "Come on, let's get you out of here.." she said. She wrapped an arm around Ty Lee and made their way towards the door. Suddenly, a wall of flame blocked the exit! Ty Lee quivered in fright. Azula turned around.
Ozai stepped out from behind the shadows. "You're not going anywhere, Azula! It's time you understood the meaning of true terror!" he bellowed.
Azula spit in Ozai's face. Ozai backhanded her, hard. Azula roundhouse kicked him into a stone bust of Fire Lord Azulon.
Ozai's rage increased a billion fold. He threw lightning at Azula, which she dodged with ease. Azula punched him hard, sending him flying into a wall.
"This is for Ty Lee, you fucking bastard!" Azula roared. She unleashed a barrage of punches and fire blasts. Ozai couldn't block or counter-attack.
Ty Lee joined the fight alongside her lover. She threw punches at Ozai's pressure points. He blocked them. She & Azula punched him in the face, causing him to fall on the ground. Ozai got back up again, and grabbed Ty Lee from behind. He produced a knife and put it against her throat.
Azula looked towards her girlfriend in desperation. Ty Lee struggled against the angry ex-Fire Lord. He slapped her hard across the face. The Princess was enraged. "WHATEVER YOU DO TO HER, I'LL UNLEASH ON YOU TENFOLD! LET HER GO, NOW!" Azula roared. Ozai refused, prompting the princess to take action. She kicked the knife out of his hands, and threw him into a wall. He fell unconscious. She ran over to her girlfriend.
"Are you all right, Ty?" she asked. The little acrobat nodded.
"Take me home, baby." Ty Lee said. The girls started towards the door when Ozai regained consciousness. With a yell, he charged at them. Azula punched him in the face, sending him flying into the throne. "Why won't you die?!" she asked.
Ty Lee chi blocked Ozai so he couldn't attack her with bending . Azula blasted him with fire blasts.
The girls ghetto stomped him in the balls repeatedly. Azula took Ozai's knife and slit her father's throat. His blood showered the two girls in red. Azula took one last look at her father's body and set it alight. Then the two girls limped out of the palace towards an uncertain future.