Hey guys! Here's the next chapter of Break the Rules. And Reader Review Responses:

Guest- Yes I am.

Guest- It is, but it's still Monokuma.

Onto the Chapter!

Chapter 6

"So, what has everyone said about us?" Monokuma asked, twirling one of Monomi's pigtails around his gloved finger.

"My teacher was worried that you would be a bad influence and told me to stay away from you." Monomi replied nervously and unmoving.

Monokuma froze then grabbed Monomi's pigtail and yanked her down.


"Do you believe that?" Monokuma asked in a deadly calm voice, his red eye glowing. "Do you believe that I'm bad?"

"N-No but..." Monokuma let go of Monomi's hair before she could finish.

"I don't care about anything else, just as long as I'm not considered bad."

"But why?"


"Why?" Monomi repeated. "Why would you care about that?"

Monokuma looked around, scanning every possible hiding or eavesdropping spot before finally answering.

"You're the first person that has said that. Even others like you have said I'm a bad influence."

"Well you-wait. What do you mean by others like me? Monomi asked suspiciously.

"The goody two shoes." Monokuma replied calmly. "The ones who do everything they can to make others happy because they hope that if they do, they'll get a happy life. You seem a little different from the rest, but that's what you are."

"Oh." Monomi stopped walking. "Well, I'm sorry for being a goody two shoes then."

"Don't be." Monokuma said. "It's why we met."

"Okay then." Monomi headed for her door. "Bye, see you tomorrow."

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed.

"Aw, that was a stupid way to end it." A someone said before the door flew open and a black and white haired boy walked in. "Hi Monokuma!" The girl waved.

Monokuma didn't answer.

"Aw, you upset because your crush doesn't like you? Or is it because nobody at school trusts you? Or maybe-"

"Be quiet Junko."

And that's it (For Real this time) Leave a review on your way out!