Huehuehue as soon as I put the last chapter, I got to work on this one! Happy New year!

Steven's attention flew to the door and he was up on his feet.

"WAS THAT THE SHIP!?" Ruby yelled, she looked towards Sapphire for an answer. Unfortunately, yes, part of the ship had explode.

"The Gems" Steven ran out the door in panic. Of course! They weren't going for donuts! They were going to investigate the ship. WHY THE SHIP!?

"Careful, Mr. Universe!" Sapphire called out to the worried father. She was worried herself too. Not much for the gems inside the ship more so for her little Almandine! She should have seen this coming. Yet, she didn't.

"I HAVE TO SAVE THE GEMS!" Steven replied, running down the stairs of the beach house. His eyes flickered to the war ship that was on fire. ON FIRE. His first instinct was to run faster.

"GARNET! PEARL! AMETHYST!" Steven called, blindly running towards the ship. Get the gems. He thought. Get them out. Hurry.

He found the entrance the gems had made their way into and jumped in himself. He left a enraged Ruby and Worried/ shocked Sapphire on the patio. He wasn't too focused at that moment.

"Don't worry gems! Daddy Steven's coming to save you! whoo! It's hot in here." Steven talked to himself.

"You shouldn't be in here! First, I came here to smuggle a gemling and I'm greeted with this shameless display, A defective Pearl and an over cooked runt!" Jasper spat.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT THEM LIKE THAT" Garnet growled through clenched teeth. Jasper grinned evilly at this. She could use this to her advantage.

"Aww what's the matter?" Jasper huffed, "Don't tell me those two are your siblings"

"Doesn't matter what they are! You don't talk about them" Garnet summoned her gauntlets and waited for Jasper to say something stupid.

"You wanna fight? Let's go brat" Jasper summoned her helmet. She made a mad dash towards Garnet.

"Let's hurry and capture this Peridot" Pearl said, "If we finish up early. We could go and help Garnet with Cheeto puff back there"

"Haha Cheeto Puff" Amethyst commented.


"Ready." Amethyst confirmed, Whip already in hand.

Pearl and Amethyst stormed in to the room. A very annoyed Peridot turned around expecting to see Jasper, only to see Pearl and Amethyst.

"H-hey! Your not suppose to be here!"

"Change of plans, dork." Amethyst replied, her whip wrapped around Peridot and pulled her towards Amethyst. Pearl kept her spear targeted on Peridot as Amethyst tightened her grip on the whip.

"W-wait! What do you want with me? I'm just a technician!" Peridot yelled desperately.

"Be quiet! We're on a mi-sION!" Pearl was cut off by a huge explosion noise. She was knocked off her feet along with Amethyst and Peridot.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Peridot barked. Her face was squished on the floor.

"Amethyst!" Pearl called, "Mae sure she's wrapped up good. We still have time to help Garnet!" Amethyst nodded and scooped up Peridot.

"Vamos!" Amethyst rushed passed Pearl and hit something both hard and squishy.

"STEVEN!?" Pearl and Amethyst surprisingly asked. They didn't know whether to be glad or frightened.

"You lied to me" Steven said. A frown apparent on his face.

"Lied is such a strong word" Pearl tried to reason.

"Where's Garnet?" To answer his question another loud BOOOOOM! could be heard. Steven coughed as the smoke and ash filled the room.

"I want you two to take her," He pointed to Peridot. "Out of this ship! I'll get Garnet" Steven dashed off leaving the other two crystal gem members to obey his orders.

Steven ran to a nearby corridor where he found Garnet. He looked at Garnet. She gritted her teeth in pain and laid on the floor. Her elbows supported her as she glared at the behemoth of a gem that grinned viciously.

"GARNET!" Steven called out. Both Jasper's and Garnet's attention flew to Steven. Steven quickly dashed for Garnet

"I-I- We-we're sorry Steven" POOF!

Steven didn't hold Garnet any more. He held on to two gems. Red and Blue. He stood up and summoned his bubble. KABLOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Please Review! DUN DUN DUUUUUN! Until next time lol. Surprised? I wouldn't know! How about you tell me in a review! ;3 First update of 2016! What will happen now? Who knows! Anyways, please review! and you'll see the next chapter soon enough! Bye! :)