There was a small knock on his office door, and Snape would have missed it if the room wasn't deathly quiet. "Enter." He barked, the door open slowly and he looked up to see the last person turning up at this hour of the evening. "I hope you know you have 20 minutes to curfew." He pointed out. He didn't want to see that small round face and large green eyes it was bad enough that the boy was in his class and he had to see those sad frighten orbs.

Harry stood there holding the door handle looking very where but at the man's eyes "I...I know sir but I I had to talk to you." He said, the black haired teen sounded nervous and Snape guessed he should be after what he had done to him few months ago. His mind jumped back to the night of the muggle raid Voldemort has ordered him to go on this raid and he couldn't' say no but the moment he saw what street it was he should have found the that low life who was watching the boy and told him to get Harry out of there but no Mundungus had fled the moment he saw the death eaters appears.

Snape broke out of his thoughts and looked back at the boy who was shaking with very fibre of his being "Very well go ahead and if it's a good enough reason I won't take 50 points off your lions just the 10." He said, Harry didn't want to be here if this is the last place on Earth. He walked in still limping from the attack something that made the potion master feel another shot of guilt to though his whole body he did worry that Madam Pomfrey didn't fix it, it does worried him but he tried not to show it. The door swung shut making Harry jump and he turned and looked at the door like it was his last hope of freedom.

Snape watched as he finely stood in front of Snape's desk and it made the boy turn pale and a sheet but he stood up right and finely looked up into Snape right in the eyes 'I'm pregnant." He told him, his voice raw from hours of crying as Snape froze as he looked at the 16 year old before he rose
"Lies!" He snapped at him as he grabbed Harry by his arm as he started to dragged the boy over to the office door as Harry winced at the tight grip around his arm
"I'm not Madam Pomfrey did the test to day!" Harry cried as Snape's hand rested on the door handle. He was breathing heavily his chest heaving as he pinned Harry to the door and looked at him and watched him as he looked at him in fear. Snape was going to chuck Harry out and yell at him for trying to make him guilty when clearly he isn't. He took his wand out he pointed it at the shaking teen who jerked at the moment he saw the potion masters wand and now looked like he was about to pass out as he waved it over Harry's stomach and sure enough a pale blue light hovered above the boy's stomach.

It was Snape turn to feel sick as he dragged the boy though his offices and into his private chambers at the back of his office. Harry trembled as Snape slammed the door shut and Snape pushed into a chair by the fire place that roared into life. Snape started pacing as Harry sat there stiff as a bored as Snape mumbled and cursed as he looked back at the 16 year old boy that he raped along with 5 other death eaters. He hated himself for that he can't get out that boy's screams "Who else knows!" He snapped at him. Harry as he jumped at his tone

"P...poppy and ummm you." He said. In the light of the fire he saw the scar on Harry's face his neck and Snape knows it's everywhere else to and he is partly to blame. ...fucking death eater raid... he thought. "Does she know who?" Harry nodded knowing what the man meant
"I told her not to tell Dumbledore."
"Is it mine is that why your here... did you think I would take care of you?"

It was low and he knew it the boy is in tears as he warped his arms around himself and cried as Snape dropped into a chair in front of him and placed a small black bottle on the table "That will terminate the pregnancy it will be quick and painless compare to what Poppy could offer you." He said blankly, Harry stared at the bottle with wide red eyes before he looked back up to the man

"I came to you for help." He said as he picked up the bottle

"I am helping you." Snape said as he stood back up "Would you rather Dumbledore find out and do it himself or have it killed by the Dark Lord." He said facing away from Harry.

The teen uncorked the bottle and poured into the small black plant that was by the chair Harry was sat in. Looking around to see the empty bottle onto the table there was a jab of regret that he just forced Harry to kill his probably only hope to have a child. The dark haired teen was quiet he wasn't saying a word now as he started at the bottle then he stood up "Thank you Professor, I shall be going." He hollowly as he walked towards the doors.

"Harry." He called out but the boy just walk away from him even more broken than before.

He didn't sleep that night and it showed when he appeared at the breakfast at the Great Hall he sat there pinching the bridge of his nose at the noise before he looked up to see Harry sat there looking at the empty plate his hands placed on his stomach where the child would have been grown. He groaned and took his cup of coffee and down it letting the burn of the bitter liquid hurt he hated himself he really did he could have chosen to have helped Harry and not hurt him. He could ear Hermione over everyone else "Harry you need to eat something we have to help Hagrid tonight." She said as she loaded his plate with food. Harry looked down at the plate before pushing towards Ron who gave him the thumbs up before tucking in to Harry's breakfast

"I will be there." Was all he said before the owls flew in.

Snape notices the snow white owl dropped a single letter Harry grabbed it and open it quickly it and read throw it as other owls dropped post off to him but he didn't even bothered opening them as he stood up and walked away from everyone who was talking to him. Then an owl dropped a letter at his plate. He picked it up and open it slowly hating every sound that the ripping of the paper was making and the sounds of the children talking as he pulled out he folded letter. 'I will never forgive you.'

It wasn't until later that night when he was called by Dumbledore to come to the hospital wing as two students have been attacked by werewolves. He stood looking down at two of the three golden trio both kids have cuts and scratches. Hermione was a wake as was crying into her head of House shoulder "What happen?" Snape asked

"Blood Werewolves attacked us!" Hagrid yelled as Madam Pomfrey was trying to heal the half giant but found it hard as most spell jump off the man.

"It seems when Hagrid was taking Harry, Ron and Hermione out to help him with his work a rouge pack of werewolves attacked them." Dumbledore said sadly, Snape looked around and only saw Ron and Hermione but no Harry

"Where is Potter?" He asked

"Th…They took him!" Hermione cried as he looked up at him "They just make sure we were out of the way and… and then they took HARRY!" She screamed as she broke down in tears. Snape froze his heart thumping hard in his chest as he listen to what they were telling them slightly different stories on what happen.

Hermione said that Harry didn't even fight as they took him away and Hagrid would swear blindly that Harry fought against them bravely but was out numbered. But Snape is incline to believe Hermione. "We have Remus and Sirius trying to pick up Harry's scent." Dumbledore said as he placed is hand on the potion master's shoulders before leading him away from others to speaking to him quietly "Severus I know what happen at the raid was hard on you but it seems it's been harder on Harry."

"No really raped by 6 men one of them is his teacher who would have thought it would be hard on him!" He hissed at the old man, the white haired wizard shook his head and pulled him towards the door way

"Listen if you didn't did what you did they would have killed you it was a test as you said yourself and we were helping Harry. But right now I need you to go to the dark Lord and find out if the rough pack gave him Harry."

"And what they didn't what if they took him to their pack leader what if their pack leader is Fenrir Greyback?" He snarled

"It's more likely they would take him to Voldemort." Snape wanted to kill him, he wanted to reach out and choke him but he nodded and turned to leave "Oh Severus." The old man called out, Snape turned to look at him "We think he took Harry because he is pregnant." Snape blinked at him, he could see the old man's eyes was sparkling look for a reaction

"No Harry isn't pregnant not anymore."

He pushed himself into the Dark Lords manor pass the Death Eaters that was whispering about him as he walked into the man's offices "Ah Severus happy days." The snake face man said as he stood there drinking fire whisky he had another glass filed with the amber liquid waiting for him

"Where is he?" He asked panting, he was coming undone he was going to brake a part this was his fault he need to find Harry and make this better

"You mean Harry Potter." Voldemort smirked as he sipped his drink

"Yes!" He yelled

"He's fine the wolves are taking good care of him and his child." The man said as he held out a cigar to Snape. Mocking him and the potion master was about ready to scream louder at him

"That baby is dead I forced him to take a potion." He said thought gritted teeth, Voldemort just grinned at him and watched the man down his drink

"Well if the wolves are wrong." The dark Lord said before tilting his head "I am going to let the boy live after all he's pregnant and now a werewolf no one will want a dark creature for a hero do they." He told him as he walked to his desk

"I want him."

"You had that chance. Once he knew you weren't going to help him he contacted his godfathers and got them to talk to Fenrir who sent a hunting pack to collect the boy."

"Harry planned this?" Snape couldn't believe that

"Of course he's quiet the snake.

"Please tell me?" He begged, "I didn't want him to take that potion but I couldn't imagine anything good coming from that. That old git would have made it painful for him and he doesn't need any more pain and then you were trying to kill him what choice did I have." Snape cried "I need to see him."

"No, Harry is with Fenrir's pack and he will stay with him for the time being until the house I am setting up for him is ready." Snape was on his knees tears running down his face he was broken as the Dark Lord reached out and touched his face making him look up "You love him don't you?" He whispered softly


'I will never forgive you.' Harry's voice whispered in his mind as he cried.