Author's Note at end!


There was a knock at Clara's door. It was him. It was the Doctor.

"Right, check the room." Clara muttered,"Blankets, check. Pizza, check. Movies, check. No work, check. Doctor, check?"

She opened the door to see a tall man grinning madly at her, whilst fixing his bowtie. Only the Doctor.

He held out some red roses for her and a bottle of Merlot.

"You're too kind!" Clara said as the Doctor entered her flat.

"You can't exactly speak!" The Doctor said in awe of his surroundings.

He didn't think it was possible someone could take so much effort just for him. But Clara was so impossible. His impossible girl. She had basically saved his life, and she didn't even know.

She strutted up to him and balanced on her tip toes.

"Well, what exactly am I doing now then?" She asked, sassily.

The Doctor just laughed and jumped onto the blanket/sofa, and rolling onto the floor because of it.

It was then that he noticed the pizza.

He bounced up and grinned madly yet again, pointing to the pizza, and then Clara, and then himself whilst gasping in shock.

Clara simply nodded. He opened the box and took out a slice of pepperoni pizza. Greasy, crispy, loaded with cheese, just the way he liked his pizza. He took a great big bite, savouring the grease dripping off. He smiled and closed his eyes in pleasure.

"So... Movies?" She said unsurely, holding out 'The Notebook'. He stared magically at her, as if she was a witch.

How did she know his favourite movie? How?

"What's going on?" He said, suddenly feeling sick in the stomach.

"What do you mean, Doctor?" She stuttered, backing away from the Doctor.

"Are you a trick, a trap? What are you and how do you know everything I like?" He said, standing at her, cornering her.

"What are you on about? I don't know! Jack told me what you liked, okay? What do you mean?" She cried, trying to duck away from the Doctor.

"In the asylum, you were a guard there. I saw you. I thought I had recognised you there. You had permanent scars from what my brother did, you basically died! And she was you!" He said, shouting almost, frightening Clara.

"What asylum?" She shouted, tempted to slap his face, "I have never been to an asylum in my life, never mind work there!" She said, properly scared.

"Tell me!" He shouted angrily, grabbing Clara's face and glaring in her eyes.

She slapped his face, making him drop her.

"I have never been to your stupid asylum, met your brother and I will never, ever, let you come near me again. I don't know what you're talking about!" She shouted angrily, glaring at the Doctor, who was reeling from the slap.

"Oh, you really don't, do you? You're just Clara." He said, smiling, initiating a hug.

Which she didn't want to do.

"Yeah, I am. I am Clara Oswin Oswald, and you are not coming near me."

She grabbed him by the stupid bow-tie around his neck, and dragged him to the door.

"No, no, Clara. Please, stop!" He said quickly, trying to push against Clara.

But although she was short, she was strong when she wanted to be.

"No. No, I will not stop. You will get out of this door, leave the building, and never speak to me again, understood?" She said quickly, angrily but like a teacher.

She pushed him out of the door and slammed it in his face. She took the pizza, the stupid pizza, and threw it in the bin. She had no appetite.

She heard the Doctor punching the door furiously. There was no way he was coming back inside her room to destroy her life.

What had she been thinking? Of course the Doctor didn't love her, so stupid she had been to think that. She blocked her ears and put her face in the cushions on her sofa. She didn't want to hear him, his lies about how he didn't know what he saying.

She grabbed her phone, scrolled through her contacts. She clicked on one, and stared at it for a few seconds.

Deleted 'The Doctor' from your phone.

Author's Note: Sorry if I have ripped your hearts out, but I think this story needed a Moffat ending, don't you? I don't think this story could have had a nice ending, it would be too cliché, so don't expect a sequel or another ending where everything ends happily. This has been whouff1e, and thank you for reading.