Author's note: Hello! It may have been a while since Whouffle was a thing, but I had to bring them back, so sorry if I cause you all any heartache! Um, bad thing: my exams start this week so it may be a while until Chapter Two... Sorry! But anyway, I hope you like this, and please tell me any ideas you have for the story. Bye!
Doctor, Who?
"Class, settle down!"
Miss Clara Oswald, English teacher at Coal Hill School, was not having a good day.
First, her boyfriend dumped her, over text, the coward. Now, none of her classes would listen to her.
"Class, if you all don't shut up right this minute, I will get all of you put you put in detention!" She shouted, feeling her cheeks getting red.
Thankfully, the bell rang, and all the children ran out, still screaming.
Clara sat back in her chair, put her feet up on the table and relaxed. She contemplated taking a quick sip of gin, but thought against it. She couldn't be drunk whilst teaching.
She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Breathe in, and out. It was relaxing, and it was exactly what she needed.
She thought about Danny, the ex in question. He used to teach here, after he got a better job, he taught Maths and was an ex-soldier. But lately, they didn't see each other. She guessed it was the right thing to do, but over text? That seemed cruel, unlike the Danny she knew. She took it out of her mind. Danny was gone now, she needed to find someone new.
A knock on the door alerted her to her senses. She quickly placed her feet on the floor, ruffled her dress and put her paperwork in front of her.
"Come in!" She shouted.
A young man, about her age, stumbled in. He wore a purple tweed jacket, with a shirt and a pair of trousers, and had a bow tie on to finish off his bizzare look. His hair flopped in front of his face, and he looked as though he was about to fall over.
She instantly smiled at him, and got up.
"I haven't met you before, have I?" She said, whilst he shook his head, "My name is Clara Oswald, and I teach English here. So, who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor," he grinned sheepishly.
"Doctor, who?" She asked.
"Oh no, just the Doctor. Nickname, all the kids call me it, but I'm really John Smith. I teach Physics, so that's probably where I get the nickname."
He was staring at the floor and shuffling his feet, unsure of what to do.
"You seem a bit far away from Physics, are you a little bit lost?" Clara smirked, walking up to him.
"Er... No, I know exactly where I'm going," The Doctor exclaimed, waving a sheet of paper in his hand in her face, "Since this is E21, and I am teaching in this room!"
Clara grabbed the paper from him and lightly hit him around the face with it. He seemed really distraught, giving her a pair of sad puppy eyes.
"This is F21." She said.
His face dropped even more, as he had gotten the wrong room.
"Come on, I'll take you to the E block, I know this place like the back of my hand."
And so she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the classroom. She didn't care about her paperwork, she could get it later, and she was drawn in by this strange man known as the Doctor.
"So," she smirked, "Tweed jacket and bow-tie? Bad combo."
"W-what?" He stammered, straightening the bow-tie in question, "Bow-ties are cool!"
Clara laughed. He was like a little boy in a toy store, so much enthusiasm and naïvety, and it made her wonder what kind of a teacher he was.
"Yeah... Almost as cool as that chin."
The Doctor gasped in horror and grabbed his chin.
"Careful dear, you'll poke someone's eye out!" Clara flirted, winking subtly, and stepping into the cold air outside.
"I thought we were going to the E block?" The Doctor asked, confusion echoing over his face.
"We were. But, I thought I would take a detour." She flung the gate open that kept them inside Coal Hill, and let it slam shut.
Clara had a special coffee shop, one she loved dearly, and it was fairly close to Coal Hill, so she wanted to share it, even if it was with a man she had just met.
"Café Coffee." The Doctor said, unsure what to think.
"Yes, stupid name, amazing drinks," she pushed the door open, "Please, Doctor, just trust me."
"I've known you for ten minutes, you've made fun of me, dragged me out of school premises, positively flirted with me and now you're asking me to trust you?" He exclaimed, making Clara giggle like a school girl.
"That's why you like me." She said, staring at him.
"Who says I like you?"
She got up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, which rapidly turned red along with the rest of his face.
Clara just laughed.
"I think that just did!"
"But you kissed me!" The Doctor says, stating the obvious.
"And you blushed!"
Finally this gets the Doctor to shut up.
"Now, on the matter of coffee..." Clara starts.